Don’t you love when you say something simply to start some stuff and people walk into it? Especially when they really start losing their minds? And it’s even better when you’re trying to make a point, and a rich guy who the news will cover
Elon Musk declares ‘cisgender’ a slur on Twitter. What about ‘fragile man with big ego’?
In the latest episode of “Wealthy White Dudes Get Their Tender Feelings Hurt By An Adjective” self-proclaimed free-speech absolutist Elon Musk has decided the word “cisgender” is a slur.
The owner of one of the largest social media megaphones on the planet issued the following edict via tweet this week: “The words ‘cis’ or ‘cisgender’ are considered slurs on this platform.”
This came as news to most people, as the word “cisgender,” according to Merriam-Webster, simply means: “of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.”
That’s doesn’t sound particularly slur-ish, but apparently if you’re rich and childish enough, you get to call the shots, so who am I to argue?
That you’re arguing is pretty much Elon’s intention, to get you all sorts of butthurt. He’s a masterful troll.
Well, actually, I’ll tell you who I am. I’m a straight, white, cisgender man (I don’t consider any of those words slurs) who thinks Twitter advertisers and Tesla stock owners might want to check in on the increasingly weird man-boy helming both companies, the one crying “Free Speech!” while threatening to suspend people who use a neutral, broadly accepted and necessary word.
Cisgender is a made up word used as a slur all the time by wacko people who think there are more than two genders. And Musk exposed how intolerant you people are, because the same people he drove nutbar with his tweet will constantly attempt to get people banned on Twitter and social media for daring to not use the proper pronouns and such, and even punished in real life.
Musk’s latest attempt to stomp his feet and whine is a perfect example of someone who has never been marginalized creating a phony sense of marginalization so he can feel free to continue marginalizing others.
You’ve responded exactly as Musk intended, going all SJW and losing you mind. And the opinion piece continues to whine and whine and whine.

Activists make up words all the time to exclude outsiders from the conversation and control the narrative. Good for Musk for pushing back.
Cis- and trans- are designations in stereochemisty.
/ \ /
c==c c==c
trans cis
What has stereochemistry to do with human gender nomenclature?
As I said. Activists making up words that they control. They could have just as easily used more common words like “normal” and “queer”, like we all have been doing for a hundred years, but activists need to control the language so they can be perpetually offended when other people don’t conform to the latest definitions. They learned this from the Negro-Colored-African American language dance.
In Latin, “cis” means “on this side,” while “trans” means “on the other side.”
In chemistry cis refers to two substituents on the “same” side of the molecule, trans refers two substituents on “opposite” sides.
In gene expression cis effects are caused by genetic variants located on the same DNA molecule as the target gene, trans effects are due to genetic variants that affect diffusible elements.
Cis gender refers to matching physical characteristics and self-identified sex. Trans gender refers to a mismatch between physical characteristisd and self-identified sex.
In “Woke” language, “cis” means “the sex you were born with”, i.e. normal.
If you feel the need to highlight the fact…YOU’RE the one with issues.
Teach loses mind over USA today losing its mind
Mr Pott meet Mister Kettle
Label me anything you like but I am not cis anything. I am a normal man, a human male. The way I know all that other stuff is abnormal? No one has to spend time, effort, and money or create propaganda or flags or become a caricature or paint the street attempting to normalize anything that is already normal. So, have fun all you abnormals, just leave me out of it, thanks.
[…] Pirates Cove: Then, USA Today threw a Cis Fit! […]
‘Cis’ and ‘cisgender’ are used to promote a false equivalence between ‘cis’ and ‘trans’ or ‘cisgender’ and transgender.’ But ‘cisgender’ and ‘transgender’ are not equivalent; one is normal, and the other abnormal, one is reality and the other delusion.
Who besides the whackos gives a flying fornication?
If people start talking like that around me, I just give them the you are a retard look and walk away.
That free speech stuff really sucks for the libs, doesn’t it?
Frankly, anyone who uses the word “gender” to refer to anything other than grammar is off the beam. I’ve always figured someone who used “gender” when they meant “sex” was trying to give their argument more weight by sounding scientific, or were too up tight to actually say “sex”.
BB’s official application to see if you’d get approved for gender surgery:
1)Do you exist? Yes, no, maybe
2) Do you have money?
Congratulations, you’re approved !
It’s entertaining seeing nuCons whining about other’s use of words! This has been the power of conservatives for two decades!
Thanks to Newton Gittingrich and Frank Luntz! Frank says use: short words, short sentences, known words but new meanings!, repeat-repeat-repeat!, repeat again!, sound and texture (Axis of Evil!), invoke visuals…
“Patriot” glossary:
RINO – any Republican official who does not support far-right ideology, i.e., anyone less reactionary than the median Freedom Cockus member
Patriot – conservative GOPher, white, Christian
Family values – conservative policy
Murder – abortion
Pro-life – anti-abortion, forced-birth
Job creators – the wealthy who need tax cuts
Takers – poor, mostly non-white Americans
Thugs – black males
Death tax – estate tax
Communist – not a conservative GOPher
Woke – non-conservative policy prescriptions
Gun grabber – anyone who questions giving kids guns; anyone opposing Americans being able to possess and bear any weapon they can carry
Abnormal/sick – not heterosexual
Mutilation – any surgery not approved by “Patriots”, but not including circumcision or “gender-confirming” surgeries in infants to clarify their sex, or boob enhancement surgery
Pedo/pedos – democrat and/or liberal
Weaponized – describes any government action or policy opposed by “Patriots”
Activist judge – any judge(s) ruling against “Patriot” desires
“Scary”-looking gun – AR-15 style rifles: semi-auto, .223, large MAGAzine, pistol grip, lightweight, short, designed to kill lots of humans
Illegal – any Hispanic-looking person in the U.S.
“Real” America – 1950s- 1960s TV families, white, Christian, heterosexual “Patriots”
Middle class/ working class – white, conservative, straight, Christians with household income at or 3x the national median; mostly in red states
“Grooming” – any educational activity not approved by conservative, white, Christians; e.g., the existence of a gay or lesbian teacher, any mention of gay or lesbians etc
CRT – critical race theory: any mention by a teacher or textbook of American slavery, anti-black discrimination, systemic racism, ANY discussion that might make a white child consider racism
Insurrection – what BLM rioters did
Nazi – any non-Patriot who supports laws, policies and regulations
Projection – what “Patriots” say non-Patriots do when they accurately describe the “Patriot”-movement’s authoritarian objectives
Figures you are entertained instead of being gobsmacked by the hypocrisy.
The Left throws conniption fits over pronouns. Elon trolls them, and they fall for it.
Here let me make your list correct! LOL
RINO – any Republican official who does not support the constitution, rule of law and who sides with those who hate America like democrats, fascists and communists.
Patriot – a person who loves his country and wants to make it better.
Family values – conservative policy and the foundation of what made America great
Murder – The taking of another human life at any age other than in war or self defense.
Pro-life – anti-abortion. Would prefer babies be born rather than mutilated and murdered by leftists usually fascists and commies.
Job creators – small, medium an large businesses. The small business create most of the jobs and the owners are almost all middle class workers. All hated by the criminal fascists and commies
Takers – people coddled by leftists to think they are “owed” by others called “producers”.
Thugs – any person or persons who uses violence to prey upon his fellow citizens. Criminals, usually democommies.
Death tax – estate tax
Communist – not a conservative GOPher. Also not a partiotic American nor Christian. Interchangeable with fascist.
Woke – irrational and frequently insane policy prescriptions
Gun grabber – anyone who wants to take the constitutional right to keep and bear arms from the people. See : tyrant, despot, leftist.
Abnormal/sick – not heterosexual usually has many other psychological problems. Almost always a leftist.
Mutilation – any unnecessary surgery specifically used to artificially convert a person to look like the opposite sex. Could also be cutting off limbs and such because the patient is insane.
Pedo/pedos – adults that prey on children and minors for sexual reasons. Usulayy leftists, nazis and demofascists.
Weaponized – describes any government action or policy twisted to oppress certain citizens usually because of their race, religion or creed. Used by nazis and communists to squash opposition.
Activist judge – any judge(s) ruling against the meaning of the US Constitution
“Scary”-looking gun – AR-15 style rifles: semi-auto, .223, large MAGAzine, pistol grip, lightweight, short, designed to kill lots of humans like most guns are but specificall feared by pussys because they look scary.
Illegal – any person who enters the US without papers.
“Real” America – Citizens who appreciate American values and contributions and work toward making America better for all citizens not “preferred” races or genders.
Middle class/ working class – any American not wealthy nor poor regardless of race or religion.
“Grooming” – when used specifically in sexual education of minors any false education by adults inappropriate to children. Used mostly to lure kids into deviant sexual behavior.
CRT – critical race theory: the idea that blacks are still oppressed and are owed reparations. A way for leftists to drive new racial wedges.
Insurrection – what BLM rioters did
Nazi – people who believe its legitimate to have business and govmnt unite to crush citizens
Projection – what the leftist Nazis and commies do when they’re trying to blame somebody else for their own shortcomings.
You guys can’t even make up a list that isn’t full of lies. LOL