Shockingly, sanctuary city mayor doesn’t like having all those illegal aliens in NYC
Eric Adams hammered Florida and Texas over migrants. But he sent asylum-seekers to both.
After lashing out at leading Republicans for busing asylum-seekers to Democrat-led cities, New York Mayor Eric Adams turned around and did something similar — sending dozens of migrants to red states like Florida and Texas.
And Adams didn’t stop at the nation’s borders.
Between April 2022 and April 2023, New York City spent around $50,000 to resettle 114 migrant households in cities around the U.S. and the globe, according to information obtained exclusively by POLITICO through a public information request. Some were sent to countries in South America — and one all the way to China.
The most common destinations were Florida, which received 28 families, and Texas, which received 14.
That represents a fraction of the nearly 79,000 migrants who entered the city since last spring, and is thousands fewer than Gov. Greg Abbott has sent out of Texas. But the fact that New York City paid for trips to Republican strongholds could further inflame national tensions on a subject that is sure to influence both Congressional races and President Joe Biden’s reelection bid.
At the same time, Adams is in a tight spot: The migrant crisis is costing the city billions. And as pressure on its shelter system reaches a critical level, the mayor is trying every possible release valve from busing asylum-seekers to other destinations to housing them in former jails.
He and the rest of the illegal alien supporting Democrats in NYC asked for this with their support of unfettered, mass illegal immigration. It’s all fun and games till you’re forced to play the game, right?

But, but, but, I thought that Mayor Adams claimed that Governors Abbott and DeSantis were engaging in human trafficking by shipping the illegals up to New York. If he believes that, wouldn’t he be engaging in human trafficking by sending them back?
Proving once again that democrats are lying hypocrites.

Bwaha! Lolgf
LIVE: Trump speaks at Faith and Freedom Coalition: Road to Majority Conference 6/24/23
Send them to Johnny’s house-he’s waiting for them!
Or Rimjob’s.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Shipping the migrants out of the US? That should delight nuCons.
Shipping migrants out of the US should delight anybody who values their vote their tax dollars and citizenship. My citizenship isn’t sitting there waiting for somebody to steal it away. And every person that comes in here illegally waters down my freedoms.
Why are people like you so interested in having millions of illegals come into the United states? Is that for the United states? Having a whole bunch of impoverished people coming in from other countries without papers without any knowledge of who these people are?
There must be some nefarious reason that you want people without papers without education without proper health screening come to the United states because it certainly can’t be for our benefit.
How about instead of your usual sarcastic bullshit you give us one line or one paragraph as to why you think illegals should be allowed into America.
As of March 2021 just under 5% of the prime age population was actively searching for work but was unable to find a job they’re called the unemployed. The remaining 19% of prime age population doesn’t that doesn’t have a job isn’t a looking for one.
according to the October jobs report more than 92 million Americans, that’s 37% of the civilian population age 16 and over, are neither employed nor unemployed but fall in the category of “not in the labor force”. That means they aren’t working now but haven’t looked for work recently enough to be counted as unemployed.
So we don’t have a lack of people to fill any jobs we may have. So why are we bringing in more people when all the jobs are open and yet there are all these people unemployed?
Remember we’re not bringing in the doctors and scientists and engineers and things like that we’re not even bringing in skilled labor like carpenters and Masons and such. We’re bringing people that normally till the lowest end of the ladder. We have people to fill those jobs simply cut off their unemployment and all their other benefits and they either work or they starve. After all who the hell do these people think they are that everybody else is supposed to work to support them while they fuk around on TicTok?
CarolAnn: Having a whole bunch of impoverished people coming in from other countries
I suspect it’s my residual Christian compassion from my early life (I was about 14 or so when I became agnostic to supernatural religions). Did I learn wrong in Baptist Sunday School and Vacation Bible School? I still believe the United States is the greatest, richest and kindest nation on Earth. It’s the innate kindness of humanity (altruism!) that sets us apart from other animals.
CarolAnn: more than 92 million Americans, that’s 37% of the civilian population age 16 and over, are neither employed nor unemployed but fall in the category of “not in the labor force”
People have their reasons for not being employed. Taking your word that your facts are facts, 57 million Americans are over 65 years old (some, like me, still work, but part time – my bride of 51 years just retired!). There are 61 million disabled adults in America (some still work). According to Pew, about 20% of parents (mother or father) are “stay at home”. No doubt, some adults who can work choose not to.
Those people that emigrate from hellholes such as Venezuela and Guatemala are seeking a better life and ARE willing to work. The Americas have ALWAYS been lands of immigrants (or invasion) – Polish, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Irish, Indian, Chinese, Greek, French, Central African, Finnish etc.
Our GOVERNMENT has failed us by not maintaining a clear and functional immigration system. One side would block all, one side would welcome all, but our Congress has failed the great, moderate middle.
For reasons not entirely clear, Americans are not reproducing fast enough to support our future economy. Our fertility rate is less than half of what it was in 1960.
Elwood: Your former Christian education has not served you well. First of all you once again confuse Christian compassion with government policy. We do not live in a theocracy therefore our personal compassion has nothing to do with proper government policy. Our government’s job is to protect American citizens American property and the borders of the United States of America not to give away the house to every poor person on earth. If you learned anything in your Baptist Church it should have taught you that if you don’t own it it’s not yours to give away. The government takes from us by force it produces nothing itself. Therefore every dime they give away they have taken from us. That’s not altruism that’s outright theft. Our government also gives $50 billion a year away in foreign aid and that doesn’t cover any money we send to help countries who suffer tragedies like tsunamis earthquakes horrible hurricanes and the like. Hell, we just sent around $120 billion to Ukraine I’m sure at least 10 or 20 billion that didn’t end up in numbered accounts went to help the Ukrainian people.
Elwood: you apparently think that because I mentioned all the Americans who aren’t working I am unaware of people are retired people who are incapable of work and things like that I am not. I would just using the gross number of Americans who are of working age that are not working guess the show a huge amount out of which I’m sure we can get eight or nine million workers. People immigrating from hellholes such as Venezuela and Guatemala to seek a better life are quite welcome go through the legal means immigrant. They don’t have a right to walk across our border do whatever the hell they wanna do. I hold very little stock in people who think it’s alright to break our laws to get in here because me that indicates but they have no intention of being good citizens. We already have enough lousy citizens of our own we don’t need to import them.
Our government has failed us by not maintaining strict immigration policies. And there is no sign that I know of that doesn’t want any immigration. I know you’re pointing a finger at us and saying my side doesn’t want any immigration and that’s just not true. I will say at this point with approximately 25 or 30 million illegals in this country we probably don’t need any immigration and if we turned immigration down to 0 for the next five or ten years it wouldn’t hurt us in the least. But I know that’s unrealistic because there are people who need to get into America. But I’ve seen people one TV and at rallies that want our borders completely erased and allow anybody in that’s stupid the people who preach that should actually be thrown the hell out because they don’t deserve to be here. If they hold that little respect for our land then they shouldn’t be here.
It occurred to me that Americans are not reproducing that much anymore because they have lost faith in our government our system and our fellow citizens we used to be a country that based on trust now we can’t trust anybody. Aside from the fact that the worthlessness of humans has been shown by our openness on abortion and by our allowing people to live in poverty on the streets when all these politicians running the cities I’ve been doing the same thing year after year and never improving anybody and they keep getting reelected. If you’re gonna vote for that shit live with that shit. The reason people aren’t reproducing is probably the same reason you’re not joining the military and they’re not doing public service and I don’t mean sitting in the halls of Congress and fiddling their thumbs for 200 grand a year I’m talking real public service. All we have to do is look at the executive branch of our government which is anakin control with wise obfuscations and accusations about everybody in the world but themselves they’re perfect they’ve never done anything. .
Many conservatives want to deport 20 million “illegals”.
And our personal compassion certainly does and should influence policy. Not all compassion stems from religion.
If the Bible approved of abortions would you still oppose it?
If the Bible approved of homosexual sex would you still oppose it?
I have never met a liberal with true compassion. Biden and the other communist have imported millions of wet backs for what purpose? It has zero to do with compassion or anything other that altering the balance of power in the US. All this is being done without the approval or even knowledge of the average American citizen. As to exporting these folks. We just make it so life is very bad and they will export themselves back to whatever shithole country from which they crawled.
So even the far left mayor of NYC has had enough of some of his “migrants”?
Actually, not surprising at all…
Many leftists wanna execute 20 million conservatives what does that prove? I think it was Bill Ayers who called for the execution of 25 million of us (when our pop. was 250 mil) so 10%.
Influencing is one thing controlling and directing is another. Yes, all compassion stems from religion, even yours.
Hahaha. Do you really think we will even consider false choices and logical fallacies? You’re a hoot. LOL
Why does a pagan nazi like yourself keep talking about theology?
I’ve heard no one say they want to kill millions of conservatives. That sounds like right-wing projection.
The American right is authoritarian.
Why does a christofascist like yourself keep talking about gays and transgendered? Would you re-outlaw homosexuality if you could?
Do you really want to compare Dem vs Repug sexual abusers, LOL? George Santos, Donald Trump, Matt Gaetz, Roy Moore, Jim Jordan, Randy Kaufman, Joel Koskan, Dennis Hastert…
[…] way enforce them, creating the so-called ‘sanctuary cities,’ which, amusingly enough, haven’t been happy in the least when Governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida went ahead and shipped those […]