Wildly, there is not one mention of Biden policies making things worse, nor any mention of the Democrat/Biden legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, which doesn’t
Is the US getting too expensive to live in? Many Americans worry about economy, inflation
As Americans look ahead to another Independence Day and a likely contentious 2024 presidential election, many are feeling fiscal pain as the prices of food, shelter, healthcare and transportation climb higher than their paychecks. About 52% of Americans participating in a USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll said the United States is too expensive to live in. And about seven in 10 Americans said stifling inflation and the economy are the nation’s top problems today, according to a new Pew Center survey. A majority across age, gender and race told Pew inflation is “a very big problem.”
“Their spending power has been minimized,” said Gene Ludwig, former head Comptroller of the Currency, a U.S. Treasury Department bureau.
What’s America’s economic state? Frustrating and uncertain. The typical American household spends about $768 more on monthly purchasing goods and services these days compared to 2020 because of high inflation, Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics, said.
Meanwhile, as the United States skirts a recession, Zandi said some Americans seeking relief are also dipping into their savings for survival. Around 25 million Americans are behind on their credit card, auto loan or personal loan payments, according to a recent Moody’s/Equifax data analysis. Also, the delinquency rate for bank credit cards was 3.27% in May, nearly two points higher than in 2021, Zandi said.
Darned that Donald Trump and all his policies that do not focus on inflation
Zandi’s theories echo a Brookings study this month by former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernake and former International Money Fund chief economist Olivier Blanchard titled, “What Caused the U.S. Pandemic-Era Inflation?”
They wrote the Fed and many forecasters didn’t expect “mismatches” of a strong job market while the interest rate spiked. “Together, these shocks to prices given wages would prove to be the critical triggers of the rise in inflation,” the economists said. Bernake and Blanchard said lowering the current inflation rate of 4% to the Fed’s preferred 2% target requires a better balance.
Again, the root cause is China’s COVID19, which obviously messed up the supply chain badly, especially as mostly left wing governments here and around the world locked things down, picking and choosing what to lock down, and often picking poorly. Shutting down the auto industry, from the direct manufacturers to all those who supply the parts to those who ship them, was a Bad Idea. Shutting down food growers and suppliers. Those who supply wood and everything else to build housing. And more. You lived this, you know it.
The extreme spending, which sorta made sense through 2020, made zero sense in 2021. That was a bipartisan. Biden’s policies have mostly been the exact opposite of what should be done. The Credentialed Media really doesn’t want to talk about that
Most Californians love living in California, but many are also considering moving to another state.
A new statewide poll found 70% of respondents expressed high levels of happiness with living in California and applaud the state for its diversity. But 4 in 10 Californians are considering moving out of state, with the majority saying it’s too expensive to live in the state.
California has had three consecutive years of population declines, according to U.S. Census data.
Only 29% of Californians reported feeling satisfied with the economy, which is down from 41% at the beginning of 2020. Nearly half also noted that they get by, but struggle to save money or pay for unexpected expenses. Over a quarter of respondents reported struggling to make ends meet.
Well, I hope there are no Democrats in that 4 in 10. They voted for this, so, they should love it, right?

Odd that so many poor people from around the world are still trying to come here. They must not have heard.
Also from Mr Teach’s citation:
Americans are working and spending. Inflation is slowing. Supply chains are adjusting. The unemployment has dropped quickly from the record April 2020 14.7% to today’s 4.7%!! In fact it took Mr Biden only 2 months to drop the rate to 3.6%!! (We know, we know… the 2020 record high was the fault of Democrap mayors and governors and not the president, since everyone “knows” only Republicuns make the economy better!)
Specifically, which Biden policies are harming the economy? Conservative Republican Jerome “Jay” Powell (appointed by Trump) is the current Federal Reserve Chairman and is responsible for raising the interest rates to slow inflation.
It’s encouraging to see nuCons focusing on the economy for a change. Lately it’s been Bud Light, drag shows, forced births, Hunter, “fags and trannies”.
Dear Elwood:
“Specifically, which Biden policies are harming the economy?”
Need more?
Specifically, please.
Dear Elwood:
Don’t play stupid…. I gave you 4…
I see that you have no response as to how they are NOT harming.
You’re right. Rimjob plays stupid if ha can’t copy&paste some kind of retort.
Bwaha! Lolgf
DeepThroat doesn’t have to play stupid, he just does a copy & paste from some other stupid moron.
Neither James nor DeepThroat nor Hullbooby could list anything specific.
The quote came with attribution. Something Rimjob doesn’t quite do. Chubby dishonestly pretends he’s making up original brilliant arguments.

BTW, Brandon incorrectly claims he’s created more jobs than any President in history.
What say you, dipshit?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Whatsamatter, chubby?

You ran away.
DeepThroat’s citation is Hullbooby? LOL.
Take a hike, Fluffy.
Oh, I see. You couldn’t answer a simple question about another Brandon lie so you run away and hide like the chubby little bitch you are.

Bwaha! Lolgf
You clearly have no specific policies to discuss. You might as well say “the economy”.
I’m just waiting for this senile bastard to start building back better. Another bullshit lie.
If pedo were a dog they’d put him down.
Hang Donald Trump!!