This is what you get after 30+ years of spreading awareness, and it’s not like Miami isn’t a Democrat voting city already which is chock full of Warmists already. I guess they need to brainwash more into allowing government to take more of their money and freedom
Knight puts $8 million into push to make Miami ‘the most climate literate city in the nation’
In South Florida, surveys routinely show that residents care deeply about having clean water and air, and unpolluted water to swim and fish in. But when it comes to perhaps the biggest environmental threat yet — climate change — it’s not the kitchen table conversation that environmentalists believe it should be.
An $8 million cash infusion by the Knight Foundation intends to change that, by funding two of the bigger environmental nonprofit in the state. The donation — $5 million to Miami Waterkeeper and $3 million to the Everglades Foundation over six years — is meant to increase awareness of the risks of climate change in Miami.
“What we hope to get out of this is a Miami that is much more engaged and much more active in discussing and defining the kinds of climate solutions that will build a resilient future,” said Raul Moas, a senior director at the Knight Foundation.
Moas called the grants a “significant and large donation” for Knight, in line with the $60 million it’s given to technology and entrepreneurial causes over the last 11 years. Along with an investment in the Aspen Climate Ideas festival in Miami Beach, it’s one of the foundation’s recent, big steps into the topic of climate change.
“We deeply believe in being catalytic investors,” Moas said. “We hope our donation is a signal to others that this is a very serious thing.”
Imagine what they could do with that money in dealing with actual, real environmental issues. Instead, it will be wasted on climate cult propaganda.

Can’t the King of Florida, Ron DeeSantis, put a stop to this?
The 3 billion dollar Knight Foundation was founded by the well known capitalists the Knight brothers. The key focus of the grants given are for education.
If they are spending their money educating about a problem instead of fixing a problem, there is no problem.
The problem with becoming fabulously wealthy is eventually you die and all your resources go to someone else to spend in ways you could not imagine. The Knight foundation was famously created to support Journalism and grants for college scholarships. They have come a long way since then. Most private foundations have become nothing more than slush funds for political causes and easy paychecks for the children of connected people. Obama was right: They didn’t build that.
There’s a difference between problems which are manifest now — “clean water and air, and unpolluted water to swim and fish in” — and problems that the
global warmingclimate activists tell us we will face thirty or fifty or eighty years in the future. People can see an immediate benefit in spending on present problems, but for things which may or may not make any difference decades in the future? Maybe not so much.I see, so now we’re paying people to care about our made up crisis so they’ll vote later to give up more liberty, money and power to .gov, the people that can’t run the Post Office without hemorrhaging money, so they will make the weather gooder. Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket. Well at least that $8m will buy a lot of kitchen tables.
We’re doomed.
When someone has nothing of value to add sarcasm always works. For 70 years the democommie/nazi party has been “fixing” the climate. How have they done so far? The very idea that these people or even governments can change the earths climate is ludicrous. Yet to steal money and power, after all these years showing no results or improvements and having not one prediction actualize they still persist. Leftism is really a mental disease.
They’re dead and their foundation has been turned into a leftist propaganda mill. The left destroys all it touches.
We humans have added enough CO2 to the atmosphere to raise the concentration from 280 ppp to 420 ppm and we’re adding more!!! It is proven that CO2 is increasing and that the increase is from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas). Scientists (boo!!!) calculate our Earth would be a frozen snowball without any green house gases (about -20 celsius). Other important greenhouse gases are H20 (water vapor), N2O, methane and ozone. It’s well known that water vapor varies with air temperature and when the vapor concentration gets high enough – it rains or snows.
“So what?”, you ask. The accepted theory is that greenhouse gases such as CO2 cause the atmosphere to retain more of the heat normally leaving Earth resulting in the Earth warming.
Are theses the same scientists (boo!!!) who told us if we took Covid vaccine we could neither contract nor spread Covid? Probly not.
I realize calling your religion of climate change a hoax is like you saying to me there is no God. I believe in angels and demons and you believe in sorcery. We will both have to live with it.
Dear Elwood:
CO2 content increase is a LAGGING indicator, so it is not the CAUSE.
The Medieval Warm period, around 1000 AD, happened without any IC
So what caused it??
History shows us that warming periods were great for man.
So why worry?
It can be difficult to understand but the glacial-interglacial transitions and the current warm period have different causes.
The transition warming from a glacial period is not caused by CO2 but is strengthened by CO2. The triggers are cyclic changes in the relationship of the Earth to the Sun – called Milankovitch cycles.
Note that the current CO2 level is the highest in least a million years; before the present time, CO2 varied between 180 ppm and 280 ppm. Even when the Earth was warming coming into the Holocene, CO2 was under 300 ppm.
The MWP is thought to have resulted from a “hotter Sun” and reduced volcanoes.
It’s rather glib to call warming periods great for man, since modern humans haven’t been around that long!
As I said, don’t worry, be happy! You and I will be dead and our descendants will have to clean up our messes!