Pew Research and Warmists are super excited about some of the results of this poll
Majorities of Americans Prioritize Renewable Energy, Back Steps to Address Climate Change
A new Pew Research Center survey finds large shares of Americans support the United States taking steps to address global climate change and back an energy landscape that prioritizes renewable sources like wind and solar. At the same time, the findings illustrate ongoing public reluctance to make sweeping changes to American life to cut carbon emissions. Most Americans oppose ending the production of gas-powered vehicles by 2035 and there’s limited support for steps like eliminating gas lines from new buildings.
This report comes about a year after the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act introduced policies and incentives meant to dramatically reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels, a signature part of the Biden administration’s efforts on climate change. The survey takes stock of how Americans feel about related questions on climate, energy and environmental policy, including proposed changes to how Americans power their homes and cars and what to do about the impacts communities face from extreme weather.
The Pew Research Center survey of 10,329 U.S. adults conducted May 30 to June 4, 2023, finds:
74% of Americans say they support the country’s participation in international efforts to reduce the effects of climate change.
67% of U.S. adults prioritize the development of alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and hydrogen power over increasing the production of fossil fuel energy sources.
By sizable margins, Americans support a number of specific policy proposals aimed at reducing the effects of climate change through targeting greenhouse gas emissions and carbon in the atmosphere:
Look, I’ve written numerous times that I’m just fine with alternatives, as long as they are dependable and affordable, and would very much support 5th and 6th generation nuclear. If they want to replace coal and gas (again, I’m not a fan of coal and gas, and it has everything to do with real environmental concerns, not CO2), the replacements have to make financial senses. But, way down
Only 31% of Americans currently support phasing out the use of fossil fuel energy sources altogether. Another 32% say the U.S. should eventually stop using fossil fuels, but don’t believe the country is ready now. And 35% think the U.S. should never stop using fossil fuels to meet its energy needs.
Less than half of the public (40%) favors phasing out the production of gas-powered cars and trucks. Support for this policy is 7 percentage points lower than it was two years ago. And underscoring the strong feelings big changes to American life can engender, 45% say they would feel upset if gas-powered cars were phased out; fewer than half as many (21%) would feel excited.
I’m fine with phasing out fossil fuels eventually. The interesting part is fewer people want to phase out gas powered cars and trucks, because 2 years ago it was more about being in theory, now they’re seeing it in practice, and they do not want this for themselves. Heck, even among Democrats 51% are against a full phase out of fossil fuels
Overall, 45% of Americans say the Biden administration’s policies on climate change are taking the country in the right direction, while slightly more (50%) say they have the country headed in the wrong direction. This overall rating reflects a sharp partisan divide: 76% of Democrats see President Joe Biden’s climate policies as heading in the right direction; by contrast, 82% of Republicans say they’re taking the country in the wrong direction.
I’d like to know who the 24% of Republicans who approve of Biden are. They’re morons, of course.
What’s truly missing are questions on what people will do themselves, what they’re willing to do. There is one on purchasing an EV, where, when it comes to “not at all likely” it has gone up 5 points from 2021, from 23% to 28%. And fewer who are “somewhat likely.” Most are not interesting in installing solar panels, heatpumps, or replacing a gas water heater or stove.
The very first question asked is “Do you favor or oppose EXPANDING each of the following sources of energy in our country?” There really should be a question “Do you favor or oppose EXPANDING each of the following sources of energy near where you live?” Also, “how much are you willing to spend of your own money to expand alternatives?”

The criminals in power don’t give a red rats ass what we he people think, believe or want. 90% of us could be against the forced transition away from gas/diesel and they’ll still shove it down our throats.
Be interesting to see how that plays out county by county, state by state.
If they try to pull this off, my prediction is that nobody will be able to take an EV into those areas that were against it, without getting their EV shot full of holes. Or finding a charging station that isn’t shot full of holes. So much for cross-country road trips.
79% were against Obamacare. A congress that had already been voted out of power stuffed in in Americans’ faces anyway.
52% of Californians were against gay marriage… CALIFORNIANS. One judge forced it down their throats anyway.
The Left only like Democracy when they have enough votes, otherwise, you get what they want you to have anyway.
Americans are also voting with their $. 2022, latest date with ‘good’ numbers, apx 13.75mil light vehicles sold. EV’s accounted for apx. 810,000 sales with over half being Teslas. Ford was in place and Chevy made show with just under a 100k between them. These numbers came mostly from Kelly Blue Books Q4 Electric Vehicle Report. I am watching Rivian coming out with essentially a tie with VW for 5th slot at around 20k sales. Rivian sells mostly pickups and delivery vans, so it shows a viable commercial application of EV’s.
Look at these numbers and go research them yourself. EV’s are a niche market and probably will be for some time. The infrastructure simply isn’t in place for the elitist changeover by 2035. Not just energy generation and charging facilities, but independent repair shops and parts suppliers as well.
Somebody tell these idiots that oil is far more than just a fuel. Hundreds of vital products are made from oil, necessary products to maintain our way of life and civilization. As an example, the plastics used by the medical industry has saved literally tens of thousands of lives. Look it up boneheads, it’s a fact.
“At the same time, the findings illustrate ongoing public reluctance to make sweeping changes to American life to cut carbon emissions.”
Everybody wants to go to heaven…..but nobody wants to die.