Boy howdy, the USA Today was ready to start spreading the subject out toot sweet
Supreme Court just reversed affirmative action. What that means for workplace diversity.
For years, Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, has crusaded for stakeholder capitalism, the idea that business leaders should value the well-being of people and the planet along with the interests of shareholders.
These “woke” beliefs – Salesforce offered to relocate employees concerned about being able to get an abortion in Texas, stopped selling software to retailers that stock military-style rifles and Benioff spoke out against Georgia and North Carolina for passing laws that would allow LGBTQ+ discrimination – have gotten this activist CEO in hot water with conservatives who say he’s sacrificing profits for politics.
But Benioff hasn’t backed off. Last fall, Salesforce sided with Harvard University and the University of North Carolina in a pair of cases before the Supreme Court challenging the practice of considering race in admissions to build diversity on college campuses.
In a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the high court on Thursday struck down affirmative action in college admissions.
The decision is limited to higher education and won’t directly affect employers like Salesforce, which are governed by a different statute. But the ripple effects from the ruling could come quickly, starting with a decline in college graduates from underrepresented backgrounds, meaning the loss of “a pipeline of highly qualified future workers and business leaders,” companies from Google to General Electric warned the Supreme Court.
That seems rather…..racist. Liberals really do think that minorities, mostly meaning blacks and Latinos, because they couldn’t care less about Asians, since that’s what brought on the suit and decision, cannot succeed without discriminatory policies that put them in line for college. Here’s a question: if they are highly qualified future workers and business leaders, then why would they need to be given special consideration for education? Why can they not earn it? And, if liberals would stop thinking that blacks and Latinos, and, especially blacks, aren’t capable, they would be forced to compete.
In reality, schools will graduate the same number of people, and, if people can compete they will. It will be based on capabilities, forcing the kids to work hard and learn. If people cannot compete, they shouldn’t be considered qualified. And, now maybe Democrats will stop telling blacks that they cannot succeed without Government.
It’s nice to see the Supreme Court say it was wrong to treat people differently because of their skin color or ethnicity. They effectually said racism is wrong. Good for them and us. People will be treated according to their individual merits.Now, if only Benioff, a white male, would put his beliefs into practice and step down, giving his position to a minority. Because, you know liberals love affirmative action as long as it doesn’t mess with their own positions, be it college or the workplace.

Supreme Court: Affirmative action is unconstitutional
Leftists: We will do it anyway.
Another classic- “Democrats devastated as Supreme Court bans racism. Left-wing experts say this will greatly hinder their God-given right to fight racism by being racist.”
College and universities should be allowed to choose matriculators on basis of what is best for the business of the university – donations, prestige, reputation and endowments. The prestige and donations can be greatly impacted by athletic success so granting access to the school based on athletic prowess is a legitimate criterion, too.
Donald Trump Sr., Donald Trump Jr., and Mrs. Jared Kushner all graduated from the prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Eric Trump graduated from Georgetown. Donald Trump Sr., was granted an interview with Wharton based on the intercession of a friend of Fred Trump, Jr. Mr. Jared Kushner attended Harvard University. It was reported that Kushner’s father, Charles Kushner, donated $2.5 million to Harvard before he served prison time for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering. Charles Kushner received a full pardon from then-president Donald J. Trump.
The Wharton School is considered one of the most prestigious, if not THE most prestigious, business schools and the fact that the Trumps became billionaires reaffirms that rank!!
Anyway, if black kids from substandard school districts, without the necessary resources to visit several prestigious schools lose a spot to a young Kushner, sucks to be them!
Rimjob provides another textbook example of the illness classified as Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Bwaha! Lolgf
DeepThroat, not as dumb as he acts, misses the point.
Conservatives oppose affirmative action for black folks, but champion it for rich white folks. It’s likely that Eric “Dumbo” Trump took a berth from a more deserving poor black kid, ’cause daddy.
Tellit to Justice Clarence Thomas,

Bwaha! Lolgfy
I saw this in person. My boss, a white male, who constantly pushed hiring and promoting of less- qualified minorities, was eventually forced to retire- to make way for a minority person who bombed out.
Once again everything in America, nay the universe comes back to Trump. Now it’s not just him that dowd smears but his father too. And found it necessary to drag in Charles Kushner (not even a Trump) and his criminality as if that somehow by sliming him it would make dowds little mind feel better. Slimy people these leftists. At least none of us owned slaves.
We get it, you think that because a Trump did something you don’t like everyone should be able to screw America. It makes sense to a nazi I guess.
Now you probably think I disagree with you but I don’t. I think universities and every other business and person should be able to discriminate for any reason they want. Black colleges do, why not White ones?
People like you who look down on us blacks from your high horse of white supremacy make me sick. And white crackers like you who back stab their fellow whites to virtue signal make me spit.
Like DeepThroat, Mr Whitey misses the point. The Trump Klan exemplifies rich, white privilege. There IS affirmative action for rich white people, but it’s now banned by government fiat for the poor, especially black, people. Unless, of course, one is a black athlete who can make millions for the university!!
White nuCons like to imagine that anti-black discrimination, and the sequela of anti-black discrimination is long over! Now he calls for separate but equal facilities! Recognizing that humans are inherently racist, he suggests that blacks have their own schools, restaurants, hotels, planes, trains, buses, stores etc.
Oh, Rimjob please.

#Bwaha! Lolgf
Next Rimjob will be telling L’Roy White what it’s like to be a black man in America.

Oh wait, he already has.
Thanks, dumbass.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
“MR. WHITEY”? You fuckin racist cracker.
What the Trump clan exemplifies is that all people are different and no matter how hard leftist nazi and commies try and make them equal it will not happen. In case you haven’t noticed (which I think you haven’t) every country in the world and every system in the world the rich at the top get stuff the other people don’t get. Whether you like it or not You’re okay with the rich and privileged getting shit as long as they are the leftist privileged. Don’t you think the kids and grandkids of all the rich niggas in America are gonna start out miles ahead of your kids and grandkids? You bet they will cause that’s how it works.
The only people who I’ve scene or read about who suggest that blacks have their own schools restaurants, hotels, graduations, dormitories, trains, buses, stores etc. are leftists academics, Democrats, rich white suburban women, and of course the usual group of black race hustlers in politics and government.
An aside on “TDS”. NuCons always lump any criticism of their heroes as some new mental disease, e.g., BDS and TDS. It’s what nuCons do.
Why is Trump still important? He is the moral, spiritual and emotional leader of the nuCon/MAGAt Kult. Importantly, he is furlongs ahead of his competitors in the Repug primary horserace. Donald J. Trump is the odds-on favorite to be the Republicun candidate!!
Damn that Donald Trump.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Oh double damn that Donald Trump.
What kind of America do we live in?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Thanks Nancy.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Poor libs-it’s going to be much harder for them to discriminate against Asians..
“Awkward: Supreme Court rules against affirmative action with affirmative action hire sitting right there as a member..”
The SCOTUS ruling on Affirmative Action did NOT address “legacy” admissions, that is, admissions based on daddy having attended the Ivy Halls! In some hoity-toity schools this is 10% of new students! Hold it, I am wrong… read on!
Yikes! That’s more than black kids on Affirmative Action!
So, a rich kid gets in on daddy’s free pass but a poor kid with a better credentials does not! That’s not fair, is it?
We say this with no disrespeck, but Mr Teach types naively or stupidly: Here’s a question: if they (blacks, hispanics, poor) are highly qualified future workers and business leaders, then why would they need to be given special consideration for education?
Because they need to get into a good college. Americans and American culture and society have discriminated against blacks for CENTURIES.
Legacy admissions-how do you know those particular individuals weren’t qualified to begin with? You don’t. And the racial breakdown of legacy admissions is…..what?
“Because the need to get into a good college.” Sorry, but need should have nothing to do with it. Because I “need” something means I should get it over someone more qualified? No. “Americans have discriminated against blacks for centuries”. The discrimination aspect of US society has been gone for a long time. We’ve had black Presidents, Supreme Court members, House and Senate members for a long time. But here-Asians have been, and are until a few days ago being discriminated against in college admissions.
Libs just can’t understand a simple concept. If it’s wrong, it’s wrong all the way around
So, whether daddy went to Ivy U or donated $2.5 million is now a “qualification”?
Only a Denier would claim that discrimination is gone. But then you also claim that global warming is over. Should the Supreme Court invalidate all laws and policies related to fighting employment discrimination since it no longer exists? How about with loans and housing?
Cons just can’t understand a simple concept. Discrimination has lasting effects. Connies blame liberals and Democrats for the poverty and lack of accumulated wealth of black families. Of course they do. It allows them to Deny discrimination. The typical connie will claim that black Americans have MORE advantages than whites!!
Anyway, the next generation SCOTUS will reverse the tragedy of the current 6 reactionary activist justices. President Biden could appoint 4 more justices and the Senate would confirm them. A liberal 7-6 majority!!
Here’s the latest I’ve seen on Harvard’s admission rates.
Gee, guess who on the whole has the best qualifications?
Accepting your data as not being false, what does this mean? Does it mean 56% of black applicants are accepted?
Would you please list the qualifications? What makes a set “best”?
Here’s what Harvard says:
One could argue that most applicants are “qualified” but Harvard must limit the number accepted. What makes you believe that Asian American applicants are better qualified? Asian American refers to Chinese-, Japanese-, Indian-, Indonesian-, Korean- etc -American.
Would you prefer a totally quantitative process, e.g., SAT scores alone? That would make it easier for the schools! Most students (that can afford it) take SAT test preparation courses and take the exam multiple times.
Here’s Harvard’s data for their admission class of 2026:
Applicants: 61,221… Admitted: 1,984
African American 15.2%
Asian American 27.9%
Hispanic or Latino 12.6%
Native American 2.9%
Native Hawaiian 0.8%
White 41% to 53% (most Hispanics identify as Caucasian)
The US has hundreds of elite Universities including most State Universities + Stanford, Duke, Brown, Yale, Vanderbilt, USC, Cornell, MIT, U of Chicago, Northwestern, Washington U, Carnegie-Mellon, NYU, Purdue, Rennselaer, Boston U, Notre Dame, Rice, Emory, CalTech, Dartmouth, Georgetown and on and on.
Public and private 4 year schools enroll some 2 million a year. Two year schools another million or so.
Only an idiot would make a statement like that. We all know it’s not gone since lots of places including government and businesses discriminate against white people and Asians. As long as there’s one anti American communist alive they will maintain the discrimination against blacks by calling stupid and they can’t get into school on their own. Besides for the anti American anti white leftists discrimination can never end otherwise they’ll lose money. It’s like reparations won’t be reparations it’ll be a down payment on payments to come.
As far as people like Dowd are concerned racism and discrimination are fine as long as the people he wants are the ones being discriminated against. Just like democracy is fine but stuffing the Supreme Court to achieve his political goals then the hell with democracy. You gotta love the American hating communists and Nazis in our midst having just about every institution and business in the country is not enough if they miss one they freak out look at them going crazy over the Supreme Court. At last we actually have a court that is going by the constitution and they can’t take it. Now he wants to stuff the court.
I’m always amused at how Dowd blusters on about racism and discrimimation when he is the most racist person here. He seems to think we blacks can’t exist without his virtue signaling. He’s wrong. If he really cared about black people he’d be pushing for charter schools and for the money to follow the student so that we can actually put our students in good schools. That would do more for the advancement of black people than all the discrimination and racism against the whites the Democrat could ever come up with. But they won’t do that because in reality it’s not about helping black people it’s about padding the asses of the the voting block of unions. It’s so funny how with Democrats they’re always virtue signaling but it always comes down to money and power.