No, no, this is not scaremongering at all
Will Texas become too hot for humans?
Texas is in the grip of a relentless heatwave – but how much hotter could summers get in years to come?
It’s 9.15 pm in San Antonio on 17 June. At this time, young children would usually be asleep and their parents enjoying a balmy summer’s evening. But not this year, when temperatures have reached triple figures in parts of Texas, and extreme humidity has made it feel hotter still, even after sunset. (snip)
Texas has warmed between one-half and one degree Fahrenheit in the past century. “In the coming decades … summers are likely to become increasingly hot and dry, creating problems for agriculture and possibly human health,” warns the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It predicts that 70 years from now, the state will have three or four times as many days per year above 100F (38C) as it has today.
The National Integrated Heat Health Information System’s Climate Explorer tool also offers a worrying glimpse into Texas’s future. It predicts that Austin and Travis County’s average daily maximum temperature in June could rise to 99.7F (37.6C) between 2060 and 2090 if no steps are taken to mitigate the potentially crippling effects of climate change. Austin’s Office of Sustainability’s estimate is even higher with a summer average high temperature of 103.8F (39.9C) at the end of the century for the city.
First, what happens if this does not happen? Who pays the price with their careers for this fearmongering? Second, that 1F to 1.5F is entirely normal for a Holocene warm period. This is all about stoking fear to entice people to give up their freedom and money to government.
State Department didn’t track carbon footprint of climate summit flights
The State Department didn’t keep tabs on the carbon pollution associated with flying hundreds of federal officials to the last two global climate summits, the Government Accountability Office said in a report made public Thursday.
Failing to do so ran afoul of a 2021 executive order by President Joe Biden that directed agencies to track the greenhouse gas emissions their operations produce, including official air travel, GAO said.
The report was requested by Senate Environment and Public Works Committee ranking member Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who have all criticized the administration’s climate policies.
“Americans are tired of bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. who don’t practice what they preach when it comes to protecting the environment,” Capito said in an email to POLITICO’s E&E News.

Mr Teach asks: First, what happens if this does not happen?
40 to 70 years from now you could dig up their graves and burn the corpses, or track down their kids and jail or fine them.
Then Teach declares: Second, that 1F to 1.5F is entirely normal for a Holocene warm period.
While acknowledging Mr Teach’s expertise in issues climate, I still lean toward the experts.
The right-wing “theory” that all climate experts are commie shills, part of the global conspiracy to take your freedoms and money seems unlikely.
Experts might argue that trace gases in the atmosphere might cause concern, though it is a foolish concept. But once an expert, so called, argues that weather can be effected by taxes and global communist government, then he is a Democrat shill.
Climate is clearly affected by CO2 concentrations. Climate is little affected by taxes and communist government, that claim being a sure sign of a MAGAt shill.
Dear Elwood:
So what caused the Medieval Warm period?
I told you once, so now you’re the expert. You should tell us.
Google “Cause of Medieval Climate Anomaly”, and you’ll find several discussions.
Have a fruitful weekend.
Dear Elwood:
Okay, so there is no real reason.
Which means this is all based on lies and panic driven by people wanting money and play like they are scientists.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Ignorance is as ignorance does.
Just because you say there is no reason doesn’t make it not so (triple negative?). I even told you what to Google!!
I’ve indulged your ignorant belligerence out of pity. Don’t take it personally if I ignore your ignorance.
Ignorance is as ignorance does.
Buh bye!
Dear Elwood:
Here’s the deal. “Climate scientists now understand that the Medieval Warm Period was caused by an increase in solar radiation and a decrease in volcanic activity, which both promote warming. Other evidence suggests ocean circulation patterns shifted to bring warmer seawater into the North Atlantic.
As we’ll see in the next section, those kinds of natural changes have not been detected in the past few decades.”
And even your bible, Scientific American, admits… “But scientists are the first to admit that they have a lot to learn…”
Uh,you do understand what “have not been detected” means.
Face it, you want to believe because, as a Socialist/Communist/Marxist, you believe central planning is required for everything. Thus the perceived threat must be manmade and can only be corrected by man. That all of the predications have failed means nothing to you.
Ignorance is as ignorance does, but thank you for researching.
Scientific American is not my Bible, and is not even a particularly valuable scientific source. But, Scientific American is a magazine that condenses basic science into readable “stories”. Of course scientists have a lot to learn. Science is a process of discovery not a book of facts. New discoveries and data can supplant old! It should delight you that scientists could yet discover a non-greenhouse gas basis for global warming!!
“As we’ll see in the next section, those kinds of natural changes have not been detected in the past few decades.”
This means “those kind natural changes” that caused the Medieval Climate Anomaly are NOT causing the current Period of Global Warming. In other words, today, the Sun is not warmer and volcanic activity is not reduced.
The predications (predictions?) have not failed. Added CO2 is causing the Earth to warm, just as predicted starting over a century ago.
Face it, you want to Deny global warming because as a Reactionary/Fascist/Christianist, you believe in miracles and fantasies and hate scientific findings that challenge your beliefs. You believe there are supernatural forces that control the universe.
And guess what? 1F to 1.5F is completely normal for a Holocene warm period, according to the experts, as it was even warmer than that earlier. Good one, though-“Too hot for humans!”. Humans don’t seem to care as record numbers move to the warm states of Texas, Florida and the Carolinas. I have a sneaking suspicion that warmer weather and lower taxes will continue to draw folks not scared of the continuous fear porn put out by the alarmists…
Since 1900 it’s warmed 1.5C which is 2.7F.
Has it been warmer than that earlier during the Holocene?
Yes, and it was as warm or warmer during the MWP. But of course that was before the IPCC attempted to erase it…
LOL. Those dang scientists doing science!! They’re in cahoots with the ChiComs, Soros, the Pope, governments, religions, universities and corporations!
It’s summer in Texas, if it wasn’t hot that would be a concern. If the BBC doesn’t like it, maybe they should move back to London. In case you aren’t aware, the four seasons in Texas are: Summer, After Summer, Not Summer, and Before Summer. It is warm to hot here most of the year, simply depends on your perspective.
The glow-bull warming crowd works on long range computer models and we’ve seen just how accurate they can be. The data collection is also somewhat questionable and relatively accurate data does not go that far back. However there is money to be made with the scare-mongering and some people are getting rich.
The best thing about the heat in Texas is that when one returns to a parked car there’s no worry about someone hiding in the back seat waiting to kill you.

#Bwaha! Lolgfy
Gosh, I’m old enough to remember these same “experts” predicted the children in England would never see snow again.

How’d that turn out?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
“….the models reproduce….”
Da models boss! Da models boss!!!!
It’s always the models.
I didn’t mention models. When Deniers run out of arguments they revert to lying and petulance.
So you’re not only ignorant, you’re a liar.
Ignorance is as ignorance does.
Dishonesty is as dishonesty does.
Buh bye!!
Just remembered..
Back in the day during the hot days of summer the Commercial Appeal would show a picture of an egg being fried on the sidewalk in Memphis.
They was going to do it this year….
But can’t afford the cost of the egg.
At Walmart, eggs cost about 10 cents each, now.
That said, last summer on the hottest day of the year, we tried to fry an egg on the sidewalk but failed. The uncooked eggs were gone the next AM, likely the raccoons did the cleanup.
If you have a dark colored auto, try frying that 10 cent egg on the hood on a hot, sunny, windless day. Better yet, use a cast iron skillet with butter, medium high heat, cover and cook for 4-5 minutes for perfect fried egg, sunny side up!
Dear Elwood:
Well, it worked then, but not now?
Doesn’t that prove that the climate is cooling?
Dear Elwood:
<i)that condenses basic science into readable “stories”.
The problem is that the entire concept of Manmade Global Warming fails to pass the basic guidelines of what is a Scientific Theory
And yet, the Earth continues to warm as the CO2 increases.
If CO2 continues to increase at the same rate for 30 years but the mean global temp doesn’t (and there were no other valid explanations) wouldn’t that “falsify” the theory?
What criteria do you feel aren’t met?
But there are other valid explanations, as you’ve been shown.
Dear Elwood:
The problem is this. The argument is not over climate change, but the cause.
CO2 is a lagging indicator, so the question becomes, what caused the increase?
The Medieval Warming Period was first claimed to be just local weather. It is now claimed:
“Climate scientists now understand that the Medieval Warm Period was caused by an increase in solar radiation and a decrease in volcanic activity, which both promote warming.” – University of Texas.
OTOH, ” Most of the particles spewed from volcanoes cool the planet by shading incoming solar radiation……..Volcanoes also release large amounts of greenhouse gases such as water vapor and carbon dioxide. The amounts put into the atmosphere from a large eruption doesn’t change the global amounts of these gases very much. However, there have been times during Earth history when intense volcanism has significantly increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and caused global warming.” – UCAR
The Left wants us to believe that the ICE will destroy the world. Now, you would think the Left would be increasing tree and shrub quantities, instead they want you to pay some one for flying, driving, et al. Why the middle man??
Ignorance is no excuse.
We recently covered CO2 as a lagging indicator. Yes and no. Recall the Milankovitch Theory which causes the changes in the Earth’s inclination and orbit which results in the shift from a glacial to an interglacial. The warming causes CO2 to increase which serves as a positive feedback loop, causing more warming. Remember?
The current warm period doesn’t involve Milankovitch cycles, but DOES involve increased CO2 causing warming.
There you go again showing your dumb ass, chubby.
Feedbacks are assumed – not derived or observed.
In other words, they’re made up.
You’re not very smart, are you?
And you call others ignorant.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.
If ignorance is bliss, why isn’t DeepThroat happy?
You know not what you type about.
Feedback loops exist, you ignorant dumbass.
So now CO2 is the main driver of the Earth’s climate.

Right, genius?
Please tell us more.
This should be fun.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Climate Change:
Moving the money from your hand to the government’s pocket.
While the weather stays the same.
Always remember, correlation does not mean causation.
My older daughter returned in late March from being deployed for ten months to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Summer temperatures there frequently reach over 120º F, the 130s are not all that rare, and people still live there, though only the Lord knows why. While everyone has air conditioning now, people were living there before AC was developed.
Humans are the most adaptable creatures on earth. We live in arctic wastelands, steaming rain forests, and bone-dry deserts, from sea level to thin-air mountains. Whatever happens to the climate, we will survive and adapt to it, because that’s what human beings do.
Humans WILL adapt to global warming! Any shouts that global warming will end humanity are nonsense.
For at least the past 1 million years human precursors and humanity has survived multiple glaciations (ice ages) and interglacial periods, but it must be noted that Homo sapiens (modern humans) are only some 300,000 years old, so have experienced and survived three northern hemisphere glacial periods. Also, today the huge majority of humans live between the equator and 45 degrees North. As the climates continue to change people will emigrate from the least hospitable areas.
Humanity survived the Toba Super-eruption (Indonesia) some 75,000 years ago where the total human population was reduced to between 1000 to 10000 pairs, mostly in the African continent.
There are some 20 or so dormant super caldera on Earth at this time, including in Yellowstone, Toba, Chile, New Zealand and Italy. Earth sees such an eruption about every 100,000 years or so. Whenever the next eruption happens, humanity will survive.
If Putin, Xi or Kim decide to start thermonuclear war, humanity will survive. Cockroaches too.
But none of this implies there will be no effects of global warming, ice ages, super caldera eruptions, or thermonuclear war on humanity.