See, the Rainbow Alphabet cult doesn’t want to force their beliefs on everyone, so I’ve been reliably told
Michigan’s House of Representatives has passed a hate speech bill, known as HB 4474, which criminalizes causing someone to feel threatened by words, including the misusing of their pronouns, with the possibility of a hefty fine or even jail time.
The bill introduces hate crime penalties for causing someone to ‘feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened,’ with ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity or expression’ included as protected classes.
Offenders could face up to five years in prison for such a felony offense or a $10,000 fine.
It is part of a continues effort by Democrats in the state to advance a pro-LGBTQ+ agenda in their first months in power.
The proposed legislation aims to replace the existing Ethnic Intimidation Act and extends protection against intimidation.
No, they do not want to force it on people
Critics argue that the bill poses a threat to First Amendment rights and lacks clarity in defining ‘harassment’, leaving it open to subjective interpretation.
The bill reads as follows: ‘Intimidate’ means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.’
If passed, penalties would be based on how the supposed victim and court ‘feel’ about a particular matter.
I’m not sure how this possibly survives judicial review, but, how left leaning is the Minnesota Supreme Court? How long will it take to wind its way to the Supreme Court? How many citizens will leave Michigan, taking their businesses and money with them?
Meanwhile, Republican Representative Angela Rigas shared her concerns about the bill targeting conservatives who speak against radical gender ideology.
‘The state of Michigan is now explicitly allowing the gender delusion issue to be used as a ‘protected class.’ This opens up numerous issues when it comes to the courts and the continued weaponization of the system against conservatives,’ Rigas said.
‘We saw similar concerns when they wanted to pass blocks on ‘conversion’ therapy. It seems Dems want to be in the business of telling people how to think. We are determined to keep choice and opinion a free choice despite those efforts.’
Really, it’s not just pronouns, any criticism of the gender confused could get you in criminal trouble. But, don’t call the Democrats Fascists or something.

The left simply do not believe in freedom of speech!
This bill is nothing but compelled speech, requiring someone to state something he may not believe is true, under the penalty of a felony conviction, something that carries a fine, possible jail time, and the loss of his constitutional right to keep and bear arms. I don’t see how it could ever pass constitutional muster, but that could still mean that someone has already lost money in fines, and time behind bars, before the case ever made it up to the Supreme Court.
The Court just held, in 303 Creative v Elenis, that homosexuals could not compel a normal business owner to create a website to celebrate a same-sex ‘marriage.’ The Michigan law would not be exactly that, especially when it came to a stupid ‘hostile work environment’ claim, but with a sensible court — something on which we cannot count if Democrats hold the White House — it seems as though this is something that would get thrown out.
This is just another bit of evidence: why would anybody hire anyone whom they either knew to be or suspected of being homosexual or transgender? Unless you are running a Starbucks shop, you know that the vast majority of your employees are going to be sexually normal, and any abnormal employees you add to your workforce become walking, talking hostile work environment lawsuits. Even if you swallow the cockamamie notion that girls can be boys and boys can be girls, most people don’t, and that’s eventually going to lead to insults, jokes, and referring to the employees by their actual sex, not imagined ‘gender.’
At that point, you wind up having to fire the normal employees, in the hopes that you can avoid the hostile work environment lawsuit, and decrease productivity among your remaining workers who are now worried that anything truthful they say could get them canned.
It’s simply wiser, from a business perspective, to not have employees who are homosexual or transgender.
It’s simply wiser, from a business perspective, to not hire any “abnormal” employees, that is, ANY non-white, non-hetero, non-Christian, non-native born or handicapped humans who might be assaulted by “normal” people.
“Normies”, i.e., white, heterosexual, Christian, native born, not handicapped, have a hard time minding their manners around abnormal humans (“abbies”) and often ridicule, threaten and even attack them! White, heterosexual, Christian, native born, abled humans are not unlike feral animals that harass and even kill members of their own species they sense are different. In fact, this behavior probably has an evolutionary advantage. So human an animal!!
A law against threats and intimidation seems unnecessary but militant “normies” often just can’t control themselves around “abbies”, and their threats and intimidation often lead to violence.
This current law is an extension of the 1988 Michigan law that protected minorities from threats and intimidation.
We understand that militant “normies” hate to read but here is the marked up bill from the MI House.
Here are the criminal actions required:
Here are the groups of abnormal humans the new Bill covers:
Any of the following conditions may upgrade the punishment to up to 5 years and $10,000 fine.
Curiously, although all the right-wing noise machine outlets mention “pronouns”, the Bill does not (please correct me, as I could be wrong).
So, accidentally calling someone a Mister when she is a Miss is not a crime. Even intentionally calling someone Miss when they are a Mister, while churlish and ill-mannered, is not a crime.
We don’t expect the hateful Mr Teach or Mr Dana to admit they could be wrong.
We’ll assume the right-wing commontaters agree that the right-wing noise machine misfired on the “Michigan Don’t Mess with My Pronouns” laws.
But the lesson we’ve all learned is that right-wingers don’t care if the tale is true or not.
Just out-Disney to do a touching story of a transgender whale- “Maybe Dick”
What could go wrong?
Not to worry. The inimitable Mr Teach was mistaken in writing his headline: Michigan Looking To Make It A Felony To Misgender Someone.
As pointed out, that is untrue. The Michigan House added (d) Sexual orientation.
and (e) Gender identity or expression to the list of individuals to be protected from assault and intimidation. Why do you suspect that Mr Teach (and FOX etc) need to lie?
By all means you can still publicly mock and ridicule someone you suspect of being a man in women’s clothing. But if you threaten or intimidate them you could be in trouble. It’s a shame we need laws to keep bullies from assaulting women, Blacks, Muslims, immigrants, Sikhs, Jews, LGBTQs, children, seniors etc (as described in the proposed bill), but here we are.
Conservatives derive some satisfaction, if not joy, in calling people names like niggers, coons, bitches, cunts, fags, trannies, ragheads, pussies, illegals, thugs, etc.
I suspect this behavior stems from conservative’s basic insecurity, nursing this need to feel superior to someone. After all, any conservative “man” considers himself naturally superior to a gay man.