They’re going to attempt to make the stoves vastly more expensive and difficult to aquire
10 states plan to sue EPA over standards for residential wood-burning stoves
Attorneys general from 10 states plan to sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, saying its failure to review and ensure emissions standards for residential wood-burning stoves has allowed the continued sale of appliances that could worsen pollution.
That means programs that encourage people to trade in older stoves and other wood-burning appliances, such as forced-air furnaces, haven’t necessarily improved air quality, the states say.
“If newer wood heaters do not meet cleaner standards, then programs to change out old wood heaters may provide little health benefits at significant public cost,” the states wrote Thursday in a 60-day notice of intent to sue.
The states involved are Alaska, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont and Washington, as well as the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency.
These aren’t essentially cooking stoves, though, they are included in this, they are mostly referring to wood fed heaters. Which can be used for stoves, but, are meant to heat buildings. It’s rather surprising that Alaska is doing this, because quite a few buildings, including homes, use wood stoves to provide heat, even those that have electricity/natural gas for power, due to the high costs. It’s hard to lay lines when the ground is frozen and/or they are remote cabins. Even some that aren’t that remote. Many in lower 48 states use them as a cheaper alternative, say in Minnesota and Vermont for the winters.
The nutburgers will first say they do not want to ban stuff, then they will try and ban it, or at least make it so expensive that people can’t afford it. Oh, hey, speaking of NJ
To reduce traffic and pollution and boost funding for the city’s subways, buses, and commuter rail, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is championing a policy known as congestion pricing.
The policy would impose a toll between $9 and $23 on drivers who enter Manhattan south of 60th Street and use the revenue to fund the MTA. It aims to reduce the 700,000 trucks, cars, and taxis that drive into the Manhattan zone by at least 10%, while simultaneously generating about $1 billion in proceeds per year to fund mass transit.
While many New Yorkers, transportation experts, and city planners celebrated this week, critics — including Democrats across the river in New Jersey — say they’ll do everything in their power to stop the plan. The situation has laid bare tensions between the commuters who regularly drive in the city, and those who are more concerned about the environmental impact of traffic and the possibility of reinvesting in transit infrastructure.
“New York’s anti-environment, anti-commuter, and anti-business Congestion Tax is a cash grab to bail out the terribly mismanaged MTA,” Democratic Rep. Gottheimer said in a statement to Insider.
New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez said in a statement to Insider that he would “not stop fighting until we defeat this plan and ensure New York is not allowed to balance its budget on the backs of hard-working New Jersey families.”
See, saving the Earth from boiling is all good and fun until people are actually impacted by the policies, and this policy will cause a bunch of issues for citizens, towns, and the state of NJ. It’s a real shame when Warmists are forced to move from theory to practice, eh?

We installed a wood stove in our home in Jim Thorpe.
I don’t know if the people who own the place now use it, or use it much, but it sure was nice when we lived there. If the sparktricity failed, we still had heat.
Sadly, we didn’t have the chimney for a wood stove in our home in the Bluegrass State, but were able to install a gas fireplace instead.
The longest we were ever out of electricity in Jim Thorpe was 30 hours, and that was before we got the wood stove. Those 30 hours, 11:30 AM on Christmas Day of 2022 until about 6:00 PM on December 26th, were not particularly fun, but it got down only to 50º F inside before the power was restored.
Here, out in the country, we were once without power for 4½ days, our first winter here, which was before we got the gas fireplace. That was miserable, and it got down to 38º inside before the power was restored. My darling bride — of 44 years, one month, and 14 days — had already said that she wanted a gas range in the remodel we were about to start, and we realized that a gas water heater and fireplace were the right things for us to add as well. If the sparktricity fails here, we can still cook, shower, and be warm.
But, of course, the warmunists and environmentalist whackos don’t like that, don’t like it at all, and as Our Betters, they know what we need far, far, far better than we do.
LOL! They should meet my nephew, who has built his own cabin, completely off the grid, and built his own wood stove for heat as well. I’ll bet that it comes nowhere close to meeting the ‘standards’ the left want to set.
Before we bought the wood stove, we shopped around, and a wood stove dealer told us that, at the time, the government, then under the younger President Bush, was considering new standards for wood stoves. We bought our before any of those standards could be imposed, and actually got a great deal. We picked out a floor model at the Lowe’s in Lehighton; because that was the only one they had, and it was out of the box and a floor model, Lowe’s gave us a 10% discount. Then we called our younger daughter, then in the United States Army Reserves, to come down and bring her military ID, and we got her 10% military discount as well.
We already had the wood stove ready chimney and hearth, that the previous owner had had installed but never used, so it was simply a matter of removing the cap and installing the flue. I backed my truck right up to the porch, dropped the tailgate, and my Army Strong older daughter and I carried it into the house and set it on the hearth.
Our esteemed host wrote:
The program is meant to ‘encourage’ people to trade in their older wood stoves for newer ones, but who among the isolated, off-grid rural homesteaders in Alaska is going to bother to do that unless their older stove cracks?
The one I had in Jim Thorpe, if we still lived there? It worked just fine, and why go through the hassle, and doubtlessly expense, of changing it out as long as it worked? The government didn’t know that we had a wood stove, because those things aren’t registered — and I wouldn’t have registered it if there had been registration — so, what would they do, send inspectors around to check people’s property to see if they had a wood pile? If they saw a wood pile, try to get a warrant to search the house and inspect the stove?
really tiresome having the neurotics, busybodies and complainers in the urban areas tell the rest of the state what they can do, how they can live and what to buy.
Then of course we have retarded demonazi pigs like La Tonya Johnson (whoda thunk with a name like that?).
This black bitch literally said “Fuck the suburbs” on the sate senate floor. Cuz you know, people in the burbs are non-persons to the left.
I used to follow a youtuber who heated his tiny house with wood… and cooked on the wood stove too. He was always going on about how his new stove required super dry wood to burn properly. I forget the exact percentage, but 20% moisture content sounds familiar.
Wood was the only efficient, renewable resource. But now oil has been found to continually reproduce, not as static as once thought. I see no problem with fossil fuels.