It’s always some sort of whining from the climate cultists. Bunch of miserable wankers
Wildfires are bad for air quality. Fireworks can make the smoke worse.
As smoke from Canadian wildfires lingers across much of the United States, Americans will soon experience another smoke show: Fourth of July fireworks.
It may come as a surprise, but the federal holiday stands out as the most polluted day of the year in many locations across the nation, according to air quality data. Fireworks — the staple of Independence Day celebrations — light up the sky but also launch harmful pollutants. In some cases, the pollution levels from the pyrotechnics are similar to severe wildfire smoke.
Americans love fireworks, and consumer purchases of them have grown to more than $2 billion yearly, according to the American Pyrotechnics Association. But these explosives have been implicated with causing water pollution and sparking wildfires, and some environmentalists say that, given the times, some restraint is needed.
Oh, piss off
Bill Magavern, the policy director for the California nonprofit Coalition for Clean Air, acknowledges that “almost everybody enjoys a good fireworks display,” but the environmental impacts are becoming harder to ignore.
“At a time when climate change is exacerbating air pollution and wildfires, we need to find cleaner substitutes for fireworks, especially in areas with poor air quality,” Magavern said.
Bunch of miserable people, always trying to force Everyone Else to be a part of their cult.
“I think people need to be aware that there’s a cost associated with firework burning, not just money, but also the health-related costs and the cost to the environment,” University of California environmental health scientist Jun Wu said.
It’s one day. One. But, then, a goodly chunk of the Warmists have America to start with, and do not want people celebrating it.

Bill Magavern, the policy director for the California nonprofit Coalition for Clean Air, acknowledges that “almost everybody enjoys a good fireworks display,” but the environmental impacts are becoming harder to ignore.
Horse. F&%$$%&ing. Shit.
If you’re worried about the impact of something THIS small that happens 2 or three times a year, you are officially an idiot.
Kinda like the children worrying themselves about fireplaces.
The WaPo is bad for the environment. All that newsprint and ink wasted daily. Then added in all the fossil fuels used to distribute it. I think they should shut down to avoid being such hypocrites.
That’ll solve itself soon enough: print newspapers are almost dead now.
This reads like an article in the U of MD “Diamondback” back @1971. It bemoaned the smoke and fragments scattered by the fireworks display as if they were the harbinger of the Apocalypse. The total generated nation-wide probably does not amount to five minutes from a Chinese coal-fired power plant.
You know something else that’s bad for the Environment? War in the Ukraine. And yet thee is near universal support for it among the Left. It’s almost as if clean air and water are of secondary importance compared to something else that is much more important. I wonder what that might be.