The weird part is how no information has been released on the shooters, and no one in the media seems to be demanding it
Biden says gun violence ‘tearing communities apart’ after latest mass shootings
President Joe Biden on Tuesday said gun violence was tearing apart U.S. communities after mass shootings in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Fort Worth claimed the lives of at least 10 people ahead of the Fourth of July holiday.
Much more action is needed to “address the epidemic of gun violence that is tearing our communities apart,” Biden said in a statement released by the White House. He called on Republican lawmakers in the U.S. Congress to negotiate with his fellow Democrats on gun reforms.
“It is within our power to once again ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to require safe storage of guns, to end gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and to enact universal background checks,” Biden said in the written remarks.
The Philly one was on Monday. The police reportedly have a suspect in custody, yet, they have not released any information. Some have dug in and say this is the shooter
Take it with a grain of salt until the Philly PD officially releases the arrest report. In Baltimore
(AP) No arrests had been made by early Monday. Richard Worley, Baltimore’s acting police commissioner, said it wasn’t clear if the shooting was targeted or random, but he said police believe there were multiple shooters.
“We don’t know exactly how many, but we do know more than one person was shooting,” Worley said.
So, most likely gang violence and revenge in what is, actually, a heavily black section of Baltimore, which is in a city and state with lots and lots of gun control.
The shooting Fort Worth happened at what was called “Comofest“, a big party in the Como section of the city. Yes, let’s go racial: this is a black area of the city and was mostly black folks there. This was not about “white supremacy”, as many have stated. “There is a war going on in the Black community and our young people don’t care,” said community activist Rev. Kyev Tatum. Democrat soft on crime policies, and others, have enabled this. Yet, Biden trots out the same old same old
It’s within our power to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage, end gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and enact universal background checks. I call on Congressional Republicans to come to the table on meaningful, commonsense reforms.
The Republicans should offer legislation which takes away assault weapons and high capacity mags from the Secret Service and all who protect POTUS, the VP, those who work at the White House, and federal agencies. What’s good for We The People should be good for those who protect the President, right?


Bwaha! Lolgf
What we need is common sense black trannie control.
From yesterday-“Democrats confused by parades where everyone keeps their clothes on and doesn’t swing sex toys around.”
They have gun control. Result, people without guns are being killed. Just think, the shooters don’t know the laws, or care.
If gun ownership/possession should not be restricted, why are they not allowed at Trump rallies?
Gun grabbers are insane. This from a guy who has only fired one once in his 70 years on the planet. They all suffer from the “only tool” syndrome. When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. All they can think of doing is pass more laws that only effect the law-abiding gun owner and manufacturer. There’s no rationale for going after the makers, unless there is an actual defect in design or manufacturing. So if you bash someone’s brains out with a Louisville Slugger, can the survivors sue them? Madness…