Well. we know it’s not Joe’s. He’s more of an ice cream and all sorts of meds guy, plus, he was at Camp David this weekend.
Cocaine found in West Wing of White House while President Biden was away: What we know
The White House was temporarily closed on Sunday evening after Secret Service agents discovered a white powder substance suspected to be cocaine inside a work area in the West Wing.
The Secret Service said in a statement the White House was temporarily closed to allow members of law enforcement to investigate the substance and that the District of Columbia fire department assisted in evaluating the substance.
The fire department “quickly determined the item to be non-hazardous” after an initial evaluation, a spokesperson for the Secret Service said.
A fire department and emergency medical services field test Sunday evening identified a “yellow bar, meaning cocaine, hydrochloride” after a dispatch at 8:49 p.m., according to a publicly available recording of the encrypted call. (snip)
Members of the public who tour the White House usually are only allowed to visit the East Wing and Residence. Tour members are typically not permitted to visit the West Wing, which is where the president, vice president, and other senior administration officials have their offices.
OK, it’s Wednesday: are there answers yet? Who’s was it? Certainly, there are visitors logs and surveillance cameras. The Secret Service knows where it was found, and certainly knows who in the hell was in those areas. If not, some people need to be fired. It should be pretty darned easy to track in this day and age. Other than Biden and a few others, no one really just wanders around the White House willy nilly.
If we haven’t been briefed on who’s it was by Friday, you’ll know that the fix is in, being either Hunter Biden’s or someone who’s high ranking in the Biden admin. How long was it there? Or, will they find a fall guy who’s name we’ll never learn? Or will they figure out a way to Blame Trump? You know the Credentialed Media would be intimating that it was his or a family member’s, right, if he was in office?
But, the AP notes
Secret Service agents were doing routine rounds on Sunday when they found the white powder in an area accessible to tour groups, not in any particular West Wing office, the officials said. The officials were not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
So, which is it: accessible to the public or not? There are varying reports. Some say yes, accessible, some say no.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Hunter’s been here.
Some of the initial reports [such as hazmat radio comments] indicated the the ‘powder’ was located in the residence area. Now it was in an area accessible by tours. Sounds like some cover-up or ‘fact shifting’ in the making.
While I am predisposed to assume the the prez’s crackhead son is at the bottom of this, I am convinced that the truth will be adjusted to protect the guilty.