And they joined 1,00 more Warmists, who all surely walked, biked, took the train or bus, or an EV, right?
Citizens Climate Lobby members meet with Montana’s Congressional delegation
Five Montanans who were recently on Capitol Hill lobbying for national legislation to help solve climate change have returned home.
They joined 1,000 other volunteers from Citizen Climate Lobby groups across the nation.
The group met with Montana’s Congressional delegation to discuss what can be done on a national level to solve climate change and create clean energy. The trip’s purpose was to be in person with the delegation and show how much this matters to the Citizen Climate Lobby members.
“I was so inspired, after being in the congressional offices and being on Capitol Hill that the first thing I did after returning to the hotel room that day after our big day of lobbying is I called my two grown daughters and I told them, there is hope. We are going to solve climate change we need to just keep pushing and get things going a little faster,” said Robin Paone, Citizens Climate Lobby Chapter Co-leader.
While national legislation takes time to enact, Paone thinks we could see some change within the next year.
They were so inspired to attempt to force their beliefs which they refuse to practice in their own lives, eh? I’ve been asked in the past why little stories like this matter. Shouldn’t the focus be on the science? Well, if the science was so sound one would think that the Believers would attempt to reign in their own carbon footprint excesses, would they not? And shouldn’t media outlets like KPAX be asking the kids how they traveled to D.C., and, if a fossil fueled flight, why, considering they have a lawsuit pending in the Montana courts demanding the state Do Something about ‘climate change’.

Our esteemed host asked:
Let’s face facts: the warmunists are just like everyone else, wanting to live their lives without any major sacrifices. They want other people to have to make sacrifices, but not themselves.
The laws, policies and changes in behavior apply to all, not just other people.
The reason our esteemed host re-repeats the little stories of 5 people flying somewhere is precisely because he has NO argument OTHER than, “I’ll take it seriously when warmists start acting like it’s serious!”. It’s a fallacious “argument”, merely smearing the other side, but it makes perfect sense if you don’t think about it!!
Anyway, you’ve won! Nothing of substance will be accomplished – future humans will have to adjust and mitigate “the shit” as best they can at the time. Our political and economic systems do not prepare for the future very well, based as it is on “next quarter” results, or occasionally the next year or four. The changes you fight will be replaced by other, often worse changes. Build seawalls, move inland, move north, move to fresh water supplies, develop new drugs, fight wildfires, typhoons, tornados, floods, droughts… humanity will survive.
The Chinese commies are transitioning to renewables, not so much because of global warming but because it’s the clear future of energy production.
Party like it’s 1999!!
Kinda like your um… “arguments”, hey Rimjob?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Rimjob: The Chinese commies are transitioning to renewables, not so much because of global warming but because it’s the clear future of energy production.
Really, chubby? Do you ever check anything before posting your tripe?
And it’s not to save the environment either but because it’s considered the most reliable source of energy.
And they actually let you teach college courses?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
Leave it to a Socialist to think the Chinese Communists are right.
Socialist my sweet white ass. That guy’s a commie through and through. And he’s an America hating commie on top.
He teaches college courses? Actually with all the commies and fascists graduating from American colleges I can see him fitting right in there.