Doom: Cimate Crisis (scam) Can Now Cause Blindness

I’ve been watching this stuff since the late 80’s, when I was a believer in anthropogenic global warming. This is a new one. The climate cult will always find a way (via Watts Up With That?)

Now scientists say climate change is making us BLIND

Climate change may be speeding up the rate of blindness, a study suggests.

Canadian researchers compared rates of vision problems among 1.7million people across all 50 states in the US.

They found those who lived in warmer regions were up to nearly 50 percent more likely to suffer serious vision impairment compared to those in cooler places.

Exposure to stronger ultraviolet light damages the cornea, lens and retina and also risks irritation and infection.

The experts said the findings were ‘very worrying’ in the context of global warming, which has seen global average temperatures rise by two fahrenheit (1.1 Celsius) since the late 1800s.

Study co-author Esme Fuller-Thomson, a gerontologist at the University of Toronto, said: ‘With climate change, we are expecting a rise in global temperatures. It will be important to monitor if the prevalence of vision impairment among older adults increases in the future.’

It sounds more like people are getting more sunlight, more UV, and need to do more to protect their eyes with proper UV filtering sunglasses and by wearing hats.

Compared to people living in states with an average temperature below 50F like New York and Maine, those in states with temperatures above 60F — Florida, Texas and Georgia — faced the highest risk.

Those who lived in areas with an average annual temperature of 55 to 59.99F — such as Virginia, Kentucky and California — were 24 percent more likely to have vision problems.

The Sun just hits harder down here. 60F feels very different in NC than in NJ. In NJ, you open up the windows and get some nice air flow. In NC, you may be turning on your AC because the Sun will warm your domicile up. During the lockdown period in 2020, the days were typically in the low 50’s, yet, my heat rarely turned on (I keep it at 69), because the Sun was warming my home up. 70F seems perfect, but, go outside in the South with the Sun shining and you will start burning up. I’ve gotten sunburns when it is in the 40’s. It’ll be in the mid to upper 50s and we’ll be outside in short sleeves catching Sun.

Facts matter little, because this is a cult. As Charles Rotter at WUWT writes “With each passing day, it seems climate change is gifted with a new superpower. And if this trend continues, I wouldn’t be surprised if we soon find out that climate change is also responsible for lost car keys and mismatched socks.”

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6 Responses to “Doom: Cimate Crisis (scam) Can Now Cause Blindness”

  1. wildman says:

    when does the government program to give the illegal aliens and welfare folks expensive sunglasses spin up?

  2. Professor Hale says:

    I’ll take things that are caused by bright sunlight for 500, Alex.

  3. UnkleC says:

    Tried living in northern Minnesota for a few years. I bought new sunglasses and moved back south. They can keep their cold weather.

  4. […] Doom: Cimate Crisis (scam) Can Now Cause Blindness […]

  5. alanstorm says:

    The “climate change” scammers have blinded quite a few…

  6. Wylie1 says:

    Wanna see CLIMATE CHANGE disappear? Have the government fund lucrative grants to fund research claiming climate change is not real. In the early stage of global warming the federal government only funded grants claiming global warming was real. Those who disagreed never got another dime. Don’t follow the science. The science is too easily manipulated. Follow the money. That’s where you’ll find the science.

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