This would be the nation building lots of coal fired power plants, releasing vast amounts of actual pollution, dumping low quality solar panels and wind turbines around the world, using their money to influence 3rd world nations around the world, and violating human rights constantly, right? And this is what she and the Brandon regime are concerned about?
Janet Yellen asks China to co-operate on climate change action
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has called on China to work with Washington to fight the “existential threat” of climate change.
Speaking on Saturday, she said the two countries – the largest greenhouse gas emitters – had a joint responsibility to lead the way on climate action.
She called on China to support the US-led Green Climate Fund.
Ms Yellen is on a four-day trip to Beijing in an attempt to boost relations between the two countries.
First, why did she take a long fossil fueled flight which I’ve been assured is Bad for ‘climate change’? Second, why is the Treasury Secretary involved in ‘climate change’? This is not in her job description. Stay in your lane.
But in a sign that co-operation could soon resume, Ms Yellen called on China to work together with the US to fight climate change and mitigate the effects on poorer countries.
During the roundtable meeting in Beijing with finance experts, she called on China to support US-led institutions like the Green Climate Fund, which was set up to help developing nations adapt to climate change and lessen its effects.
Climate cultists, especially the Elites, couldn’t care less about China’s record on things like their slavery camps and more. China doesn’t care about ‘climate change’. It’s probably another weapon in their arsenal to exert their dominance. This administration needs to address the threats China poses militarily and economically. But, they won’t. China will tell Yellen and the Brandon admin what they want to hear, and then just go about their business. Soon they’ll be dumping crummy EVs in the US.

First, why did she take a long fossil fueled flight?
Because that’s how bribery gets done. The big guy doesn’t do that shit over the phone.
The Chinese have a long and honorable culture of bribery and corruption. They will fit right in parroting whatever the climate change words are this month while continuing to pollute the Air, Sea and Land in record amounts. “Climate change” is a rich white people’s problem.
I’ll take Chinese Food for a 1000
Answer: It can be both Sweet or Sour
Yellen: What is Chairman Xi’s Ass
China doesn’t need to worry about “climate change”; they’re already communist.
China is all for us destroying our country with the idiot taxes and other methods to harm us.
I saw a NOVA documentary on ice ages. They did indicate the carbon participated in climate change. Only problem is that they only indicated volcanos and natural production of carbon. Not humans. Then carbon is cleansed from the atmosphere by rain. Who would have thunk it.
Carbon dioxide is not cleansed from the atmosphere by rain.
So humans did not cause the ice ages? Who’d a thunk it.
Why wouldn’t Secretary Yellen prompt China to cooperate on global warming?
Since 2008, NuCons (but not oldCons) have bitched and whined about China not taking part in climate change efforts.
Rimjob: Carbon dioxide is not cleansed from the atmosphere by rain.

We’ll just leave it to others to prove just how ridiculous you are, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
(P.S. david7134 has asked you asked you quite nicely several times to not respond to his comments.)
Just because CO2 is soluble in water (this is why the oceans’ pH is dropping) doesn’t mean rain “cleanses” air of CO2, dumbass.
And note, with higher humidity around the globe, and more rain, atmospheric CO2 continues to rise! Or maybe the CO2 scientists are fudging their notebooks.
And as I’ve explained politely to Mr david, I will respond to falsehoods, regardless of who types them.
Mr Teach could enforce his own rules and discourage insults and doxxing but he doesn’t.
I’m pretty certain I never claimed to have been an “AdjutantProf”.
Oh, so we have another “I know what I typed but here is what I really meant” Rimjob response. Bwaha!
And then he starts whining again about how others are so mean to him.
“Adjunct”. My bad.
See how easy it is to admit and correct a mistake.
Please remain a fucking clown! Believe it or not your stupidity is quite entertaining to most of us.

Bwaha! Lolgf
DeepThroat didn’t read the article ‘they’ kind of cited. The article does NOT support that raining “cleanses” CO2 from the atmosphere.
Now that ‘they’ acknowledged one mistake, maybe ‘they’ will acknowledge that rain does not “cleanse” the air of CO2.
Think about it. Let’s imagine that rainstorm removes every molecule of atmospheric CO2 in the immediate area of the rainstorm. What volume of the total atmosphere is being “cleansed” per day? Note that it’s a FACT that atmospheric CO2 increased every year – so clearly the “cleansing” is not very cleansing.
We suspect even DeepThroat in his studies of atmospheric CO2 noticed the sawtooth pattern (a cycle each year) in CO2 levels. It’s thought this occurs because of the explosion of plant growth in the northern hemisphere spring each year, removing a detectible amount of CO2!!
Anyone can read that post without having the adjunct kinda sorta almost Professor Rimjob’s erroneous interpretation.

#Bwaha! Lolgf
Dumbass DeepThroat,
Of course CO2 gas is soluble in water. Here’s an experiment you can do.
Open a fresh bottle of ultrapure water, and quickly check the pH. It will be pH 7 +/- 0.1 (neutral). Pour into a beaker and let it set for a few days and then remeasure the pH. It will be about pH 6 (which is about the pH of rainwater!) Where did the free H+ (hydrogen ions or protons) come from?? From the “miniscule” amount of CO2 in the room air (~ 420 ppm). When CO2 dissolves in water it interacts with H2O according to the equation:
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 HCO3- + H+
As you know, pH is the negative logarithim of the molar concentration of H+ in solution. So pH 7 is a H+ concentration of 0.0000001 mol/liter. pH 6 has 10 times that H+ or 0.000001 mol/liter! 1 mole of CO2 weighs 44 g so 0.000001 mol/liter H+ is equivalent to CO2 about 0.000044 g/liter. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is 420 ppm or 0.42 mg/mL or 0.42 g/L.
0.000044 g/L in rainfall/ 0.42 g/L in atmosphere = 0.01%, so likely an imperceptible “cleansing” of CO2 from the atmosphere.
As always, check my reasoning and calcs. I could be wrong. Could you?
What happens to CO2 as the water evaporates? Note from the equation that CO2 and H2CO3 are in an equilibrium, so as the water evaporates CO2 gas is reformed.
Take your lame ass lab experiment that you had to look up to copy and paste that doesn’t disprove anything and shove it up your ample chubby ass.

Your original assertion was incorrect. Takes a real man to admit his mistakes.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
You really should try that Google thing.,control%20Earth's%20temperature%20throughout%20history.
As I have said before, don’t respond to me. You have nothing of value and constantly lie and personally attack the commenter. In addition, you broke Federal law.
By all means, turn me in for breaking Federal Law, you lying asshole.
You and DeepThroat have uncovered all my personal information. Turn me in, or stop defaming me, you lying asshole.
“All those mean people be defaming innocent old me.”
–Adjunct Kinda Sorta Wannabe Almost Professor Rimjob–
Probably should get that lawyer nephew of yours to sue them.
Pity poor old chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Yeah, I’m sure they’ll sign up – as soon as they run out of space for new coal-fired power plants. Y’know, one of the electricity sources that actually WORKS.
Any restrictions on them would not start for something like 20 years. By that time our economy is gone, military gone, way of life in the Stone Age. All they must do is to say, we lied.
Then they’ll just reneg. They have no intention of spending any of their own money on such foolishness, now or 20 years from now.