Oh, you though the climate cults fearmongering over it being the hottest on record (going back to 1979 in the satellite era while also using computer models) was peak cult? Here you go
We’re experiencing Earth’s hottest weather in 120,000 years, and it’s just getting started
It’s quite the claim: This week, Earth broke an unofficial record for its hottest day in 120,000 years. Actually, the Earth broke that record three times — on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer.
El Niño (a natural cycle) is just getting started. As it gets stronger, and adds more heat to Earth’s system, this summer will continue to set new all-time global records for hot days. And along with that, many other records will be shattered as well.
But no matter how hot it gets, the summer of 2023 will soon be considered a “cool” summer in a couple of decades amid the steady drumbeat of human-caused climate heating.
Let’s unpack this: they jumped from 1979 for the data, to 120K years ago. Are they providing any data or direct observations? No. They aren’t even trying. But, yes, it is most likely warmer than it was during a goodly chunk of that time, since the last glacial age started about 115K to 120K years ago, and started ending between around 20K to 25k years ago, and has been considered to have mostly ended around 8K to 11K years ago. So, the majority of that 120K years was during a freaking ice age.
Most extrapolated data tends to look like this
First, researchers know using observations that temperatures over the past decade have been warmer than any ever seen since record-keeping began in the 1800s. Since then, Earth has warmed by 1.2 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit).
Well, yeah, of course, when this record keeping began the Earth was coming out of the Little Ice Age. This is straight up gaslighting. eff Berardelli, the chief meteorologist and climate specialist at Nexstar’s WFLA, is refusing to provide all the relevant information. But, he does offer this
Notice those quick spikes? How about the massive spike prior to the last glacial age? One that shows it was hotter than today? Meh, it matters little to climate cult members, they have a Narrative, and they’ll be damned if they live in Science Land.
In fact, the Earth can expect to gain another degree of warming by mid-century, putting it on par with the temperatures of the last interglacial. And by the end of the century, if carbon emissions aren’t curbed, we may very well experience the hottest temperatures in over 1 million years.
So, what caused that spike? There were no fossil fueled vehicles or anything else. And, if the temperature fails to go up another 1 degree, he doesn’t say F or C, will he be held accountable for his cultish fearmongering?

The only thing to see in this graph is fear and terror!!
During 600k, 400k and 200k time periods you can see the identical spike in heat caused by alien civilizations firing up their SUVs and bbq’ing in the backyard. Once the planet gets too hot they got in their flying saucers and took off for their winter retreat on Pluto.
They came back 11k years ago when it started warming up here again and thats why we are seeing so many flying saucers today.
This is not about AGW, its about aliens, disguised as Illegals all making the trek from all over the world into the USA to get on their ships and get out of dodge. Joe Biden is an Alien by the way, anyone don’t believe that just look at his press secretary. I’m telling ya she aint from this world!!
That is what the Warmists are afeared of. Aliens. Good thing they got rednecks with pitchforks to keep them safe as we grow crops so they can make crop circles in the corn fields cause they too dumb to use radios.
Joe Biden reminds me of Leslie Neilsen in Scary Movie 4 as the president chasing aliens around some farm with pitchforks. Only in this case the Fumbling, bumbline Biden and Nielsen are really aliens pressing the panic button for a world full of like minded aliens to come into the USA and take the hell off and leave this loons to cross dress and think that a man can have a baby and its perfectly normal to drink Bud Light.
It ain’t the commies. Its Aliens!!
The consistent Mr Teach: (going back to 1979 in the satellite era while also using computer models) was peak cult?
The Denier Cult’s favorite “temperature” dataset is, of course, Roy Spencer’s University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) system, using computer-modeled, calculated “temperatures”. Why is it their favorite? It’s hardly a coincidence that the UAH dataset shows less warming than the other satellite dataset (RSS) and the thermometer-based datasets.
Ah, Rimjob being an almost sort of adjunct professor again.
The Earth’s Temperature
Bwaha! Lolgf
For all the adjunct kinda sorta almost professors out there who still use terms such as “Denier Cult”.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The adjutant perfesser, DeepThoat,
a member of the Denier Cult, references the always wrong Tony Wuwt.
Would the adjunct kinda sorta professor, who continues to overuse the meaningless term “denier cult”, like to point out what exactly was so wrong in the posted WUWT article?
We’ll withhold our laughter while awaiting another of your childish responses. Thanks, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Back atcha, Adjutant DeepThroat. What point do you believe the article makes in supporting your “argument”?
Just linking to a site isn’t an argument. An Adjutant Perfesser should know better, emaciated.
So the adjunct kinda sorta wannabe almost professor Rimjob cannot support the claim he introduced.
Note that it’s improper and fruitless to answer a question with another question.
Deflect more and cry harder or just admit you’ve no cogent argument, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Atmospheric CO2 continues to rise, the Earth continues to warm, with no reason to expect it to stop.
Rain is not cleansing the atmosphere of CO2 as predicted by the Denier Cult.
“Save the Drama for Your Llama” is not much of an argument, Almost Adjutant.
“The People” are beginning to notice the extreme weather events, the massive wildfires and the floods.
Uh, “Tony” from WUWT didn’t write that article. But thanks for the detailed evidence that he’s “always wrong”…
From the article being discussed.
“According to the research, more than a fifth of the world’s potentially catastrophic tipping points — such as the melting of the Arctic permafrost, the collapse of the Greenland ice sheet, and the sudden transformation of the Amazon rainforest into savanna — could occur as soon as 2038.”
What research? Should it not be incumbent upon this author to point us in the direction of the research he has studied in depth? Has he read dozens of studies, papers, and books on the subject in order to publish potential and most likely probable disinformation in a way that could shape worldwide policy for centuries?
In dissecting the above quote, I find one plausible scenario that is quite possible and probable by the year 2100. Turning the Amazon Rain forest which stretches across the world into a Savannah. Well fear not folks. If this happens then the amount of oxygen produced will drop by 2-3 percent and the rest of global warming will be moot.
The other two?
Well, Greenland is much studied and several reports published in the 80s and 90s now officially removed from prying eyes, show that when the earth was 11-14 degrees C hotter than today for thousands of years only about 40-50 percent of the Greenland ice sheet melted over this thousands of years time frame. I doubt that it is going to collapse with 2 degrees of warming in 100-plus years.
Permafrost? The Arctic has been receding since the collapse of the last ice age some 11000 years ago. It continues until something flips the switch and it stops. Say the stoppage of the Atlantic conveyor belt that brings heat from the South Pacific up to the Northern reaches of the planet to keep places like Ireland, Iceland, Scotland, and the UK along with much of Northern Europe habitable.
D O events have shown these episodes to occur several times in our geologic history, They almost always stop in less than 100 years.
Spenser has said that almost all of the warming In the last 35 years has been caused by man