“Scientists say”
Experts speculate climate change is increasing kidney stone cases among young children: report
Experts are speculating that climate change and other factors are driving the increase in kidney stone cases among children and teens.
Experts told NBC News that just three decades ago, kidney stones were largely a disease that affected middle-aged White men, but they now increasingly affect children and teens, especially in the summer.
The number of annual kidney stone cases increased by 16% from 1997 to 2012, according to a Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, with 15- to 19-year-olds seeing the greatest increase in cases. Kidney stone incidents were 52% higher among females within this age bracket while males become more susceptible to the disease at age 25, according to NBC News. (snip)
Doctors have not determined exactly what is driving this increase among youths but speculated that climate change, a diet of ultraprocessed foods and the increased use of antibiotics among children are causing dehydration, according to NBC News.
“Speculating”. In other words, it’s all the crap foods, increased antibiotics, and, really, all those horrible energy drinks which can cause dehydration, but, they have to throw in ‘climate change’ in order to get that sweet, sweet, government funding.
“While it is unlikely that climate change has been a significant contributor to the increase in kidney stones among children and adults over the last 20 years, it is likely that climate change will increase the number of people affected by stones in the future,” Tasian said.
Oh, so, it’s not actually happening due to climate doom, but, it could in the future. Got ya. This is all fearmongering clickbait and cult propaganda.

Is there anything bad that
global warmingclimate change cannot do?There is nothing a lunatic leftist can dream up that can’t be blamed on either global warming or Trump.
Sports Drinks were discovered as the culprit for why military people had increased kidney stones back in 2010.
Or….it might be the shitty diet and constant soda drinking that’s causing the problem.
Stones are composed of high levels of specific minerals. Sports drinks are high in those minerals and having troops in hot Desert climates staying hydrated with those sports drinks accumulated more of those minerals. Common fizzy drinks do not have those minerals. That is not to say there aren’t other health hazards from those shitty diets, but not stones.
Most kidney stones are calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate crystals with associated proteins.