It’s always something doomy with these people, and the problem with constantly pitching prognostications of doom is that one always has to ramp up the doom. Where does it end?
Climate change isn’t just impacting our environment. It’s also impacting our brains
Climate change isn’t just impacting physical health, but new research shows it’s also having an impact on our mental well-being.
Extreme heat can increase prevalence of suicide, and exacerbate some psychiatric conditions. There is also a correlation between air quality and some neurodevelopmental disorders in children, according to the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society.
But the mental health challenges presented by climate change aren’t just limited to individuals. Severe weather can also impact how people treat others.
“When we look at the rate of violence in particular, we know that for every 1.8 degrees Celsius change, there’s a 6% increase in violence and violent crimes across the board,” said Dr. Joshua Wortzel, chair of the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Committee on Climate Change and Mental Health.
“Our understanding of the biology is still in its infancy. But we think that it may have to do with what heat does to different chemicals in the brain like serotonin,” Wortzel said recently on Connecticut Public’s “Where We Live.”
So, they do not actually know a damned thing, they’re just making it up on the fly, and using the notion of anthropogenic climate change to get themselves noticed and get some nice, cool, government grant money.
Managing climate change anxiety starts with empathy and affirmation. “I think that we need to validate what children are experiencing,” Wortzel said. “In an age-appropriate manner, giving them education about what climate change really is, we need to help children know that they’re not alone.”
Or, we can stop validating their brainwashing that they’re doomed from a small increase in global temperatures, that this is entirely normal during a Holocene warm period.
Another potential way to manage climate anxiety is by getting involved with climate and environmental activism. Volunteer at an event such as a beach clean up or even find a way to contribute to citizen science. Focusing on solutions to climate change can be helpful for children and young adults struggling with climate anxiety.
Hanging with lots of unhinged climate cultists will only make it worse.

It’s very clear that
global warming climate change is affecting people’s brains! When you look at the stupidity of the activists, you can’t help but wonder what drugs they are using.Definitely not a cult…..
I’ve claimed for decades that the problem with the Middle East is their climate. Who wouldn’t be nuts when it’s 110F+ every g-d day?
Mr Teach’s common refrain: they do not actually know a damned thing, they’re just making it up on the fly, and using the notion of anthropogenic climate change to get themselves noticed and get some nice, cool, government grant money
Not knowing everything is not the same as knowing nothing. And of course, according to the Denier Cult it’s all funded by the Dem/Hunter/Soros/Biden/Commie Science-Industrial Complex (SIC).
That’s not to say there is not a battle of (nit?)wits ongoing on – scientific illiterate bloggers vs scientifically illiterate “science” writers. It’s doubtful that either Mr Teach or Ms Tess Terrible (really?) read, much less understood the underlying scientific articles (e.g., Air pollution and neurodevelopmental skills in preschool- and school-aged children: A systematic review. Castagna et al, 2022). These authors reviewed the effects of air pollution, not global warming, on childhood neurodevelopment. We also know that exposure to lead paint and environmental tetraethyl lead has negative effects on children’s brain development.
Now, kids are being told of the present and future impacts of global warming and are “pessimistic” about the future. Yawn.
Americans of a certain age likely recall the Cold War red scare. In our grade school in the MO Ozarks gray 5 gal cans of gubmint water and other rations were stored in the basement in the event the Soviets rained nukes on us. We practiced duck and cover drills to avoid the worst of nuclear fallout!
Anyway, global warming is real, with real effects, and we’ll have to deal with it. Living is filled with anxiety. Always has, always will.
If a generation of baby boomers lived through the “anxiety” of duck and cover drills, fallout shelters, Survival Crackers and nuclear doomsday, today’s kids can survive the “debate” over global warming.
The primary differences today are blogs, cable, facebook (meta), Google, tiktok, twitter and this constant onlslaught informed and uninformed opinions screamed at us daily.
Scary huh?
The Earth’s Temperature
Are you telling us the the Earth’s warming is not detectable every hour?!? That right there falsifies the theory of global warming!
Is that your point?
Point is that it’s real time temperature measurements 24 hours a day all year long.
You even have the site to check for yourself.
Got a problem with that, chubby?
What’s the point in checking the real time temp 24 hr a day, methmouth?
Tell us more about the data source too.
The meteorologist from Missouri wrote:
And yet people have lived there, for as long as we have any records, and long before the discovery of oil there. We have people who have chosen to live in frozen Arctic wastelands and in steaming tropical jungles. We have good Americans, who have the option to move, living in North Dakota and Maine winters, and in Fairbanks, Alaska, which routinely gets to the negative forties in the winter. (-40º F = -40º C) We have people who choose to live in Las Vegas, Nevada and Phoenix, Arizona, which ‘enjoy’ triple-digit heat in the summertime.
The Kentucky K-now It All agrees with me that humankind will survive even the worst global warming conditions. We’re adaptable animals, more so than most animal species! But to be honest most humans choose to live and thrive in more favorable environs if possible. If the Gulf Stream slows or stops the British Isles will reflect the climate of their latitude (think Polar Bear Provincial Park in N Ontario!) and Scandinavia becomes like Greenland. But it should be gradual so humanity can make informed decisions about migrating.
But we should realize that the worst global warming conditions would wreak havoc on human societies.
In 50 years perhaps Fairbanks AK will be the new LA or NY!
Bismarck could be the new Las Vegas!! Bangor the new Miami Beach!
Ray: So you got a new girlfriend?
Bob: Oh yeah.
Ray: Where’s she from?
Bob: Maine.
Ray: Bangor?
Bob: Every chance I get.
Our sage from St Louis wrote:
If the Gulf Stream stops, we’re pretty much all dead, because it will mean that the earth has stopped rotating on its axis!
However, I’d point out that the northern oceans have generally clockwise currents, which brings warmer southern waters up our east coast, but also means that, in the Pacific, colder northern waters stream down pur left coast . . . and people still love them some California beaches!
Temps have never driven as fast as they are doing so now.
Also “Biden’s economy” is now showing as of June an in gf lation rate of only 3%
The inflation rate has slowed every month for the last 12 months. It may hit its targeted rate of 2% next month
Temps have never risen as fast as they are doing so now.
Also “Biden’s economy” is now showing as of June an inflation rate of only 3%
The inflation rate has slowed every month for the last 12 months. It may hit its targeted rate of 2% next month
Sure they have, Johnny. Much faster earlier in the Holocene. Anyway, as said before the rate is irrelevant. It would be the alleged effects of the rate
“Real, with real effects..”. Now, if only they could come up evidence of those effects, not including higher crop yields, which we already know about
Floods, droughts, ocean temps, wildfires, typhoons etc. It’s been in all the papers.
Did you present evidence on higher crop yields? Does increased atmospheric CO2 also increase the minerals, nitrogen and H20 needed for higher quality yields?
We’re messing with Mother Nature with known and unknown risks. Good luck.
We Earthlings have chosen to abide by whatever our actions yield (while noting our generation is at much lower risk than subsequent generations, but such is the nature instant gratification!!). The Earth will continue to warm and we’ll do the best we can.
Rimjob drones on and on about “Floods, droughts, ocean temps, wildfires, typhoons etc.” as if they have never occurred before.
Typical warmist propaganda.
Funny thing is as it turns out, June 2023 was 1.53°F cooler in the U.S. than June 1988.
It would be interesting to read Rimjob’s explanation how June 2023 could possibly so much cooler than June 1988 despite a doubling of industrial era atmospheric CO2.
Good luck, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
When DeepThroat finishes sucking balls, I’ll tell him!
All done? Wipe your chin and read on.
1a. What dataset are you basing this claim on? So what is the source of your claim?
1b. A cursory comparison of the available datasets results in only the UAHv6.0 TLT dataset (Roy Spencer’s) showing that. Berkeley, RSS satellite, Gistemp, etc do not.
2a. Is it possible for a warm month decades ago to be warmer than a cool month this year? Yes!! This may surprise you, but his morning here it was 70F, and now it’s 93F. That’s a 23F increase in just 6 hr or over 33,000F increase in a year!! OMG. Fortunately climate scientists take a more measured approach.
2b. Breaking news! The temperature record is variable! Why is that? Because many factors influence the monthly temperature record. What factors? Cloud cover, ocean currents, volcanic activity, global wind patterns, El Nino vs La Nina etc.
3a. Climate scientists study the long term averages of mean global surface temperatures. Based on UAHv6.0 TLT, the MEAN for 1988 was cooler than the MEAN for 2023.
3b. The Earth continues to warm. To really cherry-pick you should have chosen 1998 with the whopping El Nino which, at least by UAHv6.0 TLT “standards”, is the warmest year evuh until the whopping El Nino of 2016!!
It’s likely that the emerging El Nino will result in a new record year!! And every El Nino starts a new Denier Cult “pause” countdown, so you have that to look forward to!! We further understand that none of this interests you in least.
But, good luck, methmouth.
Reminds me of another joke…
Walrus takes his car to Pep Boys for engine trouble.
On the way he stopped at Cap’n D’s for a delicious fish sandwich.
While in the Pep Boys’ waiting room, enjoying his sandwich, the tech interrupts and says, “Sorry buddy, it looks like you blew a seal”.
The walrus, wiping his chin, says, “Naw, it’s just tartar sauce.”
Chubby gets especially nasty when confronted with evidence contrary to his warmist propaganda.
BTW, you kiss your wife with that mouth, Rimjob?
Good luck, methmouth.
Evidence, LOL.
You’re a riot, DeepThroat.
Floods, droughts, ocean temps, wildfires, typhoons-none of those are shown to be any worse than before, sorry. And if they were, that would only be a correlation, not proof of causation. Unfortunately the cult likes to skip that all important scientific step demonstrating causation..
“We’re messing with Mother Nature…”. No, we’re not. Temps and CO2 have been much higher before
Hmm, there are MILLIONS of women on WELFARE and DO NOT LEAVE HOME TO WORK!! Why don’t those people take care of the children of the WORKING PEOPLE who PAY THE TAXES that FUNDS THEIR WELFARE??? Set them all up for some kind of COMMUNITY SERVICE – ONE ACT OF ABUSE and you LOSE WELFARE FOREVER!! SOme could be trained to assist the ELDERLY and help cut costs of Nursing Homes! We were shocked when told it would cost about $222 PER DAY for our Mother to enter a facility!! We kept her in her apartment and took turns caring for her 24 hours a day! It wasn’t easy for us three Brothers but we did it until she passed away. There’s no reason why WELFARE people can’t provide a SERVICE for their support!!
I see Elwood is off his meds again.
No, the ever-present screeching about it – mostly by people who know nothing, like Elwood and H – is impacting our brains. That’s the whole POINT of propaganda.