This is not something that is new: the climate cultists have long been concerned over people in third world nations, especially blacks, having babies
Climate Alarmists Fret over Too Many African, Indian Babies on ‘World Population Day’
The United Nations marked World Population Day on Tuesday, publishing a forecast that the Earth’s population will hit 9.7 billion by the year 2050 and surpass 10 billion before the end of the century.
The report was laced with delicately expressed anxiety that the surging populations of African nations might develop Western-sized carbon footprints, overwhelming even the most extreme plans to control the world’s climate.
The Emitari newspaper the National put the U.N.’s population concerns rather bluntly:
More than half of world population growth until 2050 is expected to occur in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the most recent World Bank figures indicate that average annual carbon emissions are about 0.7 tonnes per person per year, compared to the global average of 4.3 tonnes.
As a result, population growth in the coming decades may have less of an impact than it would have had, had it been happening in richer regions.
These people are ghouls, and most of the ones whining about ‘climate change’ refuse to reduce their own carbon footprints. They just want Other People to do so
Celebrating a huge number of human beings being born into grinding poverty, food insecurity, primitive living conditions, and incessant violence is not a good look for the climate change movement, so the U.N. report was accompanied by musings that the people of developed nations should think about reducing their carbon footprints to sub-Saharan African levels. This does not seem like a course the people of North America, Europe, and industrialized Asia would pursue voluntarily.
An alternative approach floated by population experts would be reducing African birthrates by exporting some of the same cultural and political factors that have locked many advanced nations into demographic death spirals. The U.N. suggested “policies that promote gender equity” as one such fertility-killer, because “women with greater freedom typically choose to have fewer children.”
And, of course they want to push more abortions, because that’s what these Fascists do
The National’s correspondents implied one means of incubating these low-fertility ideals would be bringing large numbers of people from the Third World into Europe and America, where they will serve as replacement labor for the young Europeans and Americans who have not been born.
I’m sure the climate cult elites are chomping at the bit for more low wage servants, after they backed all the left wing unions and pay increases and such.

Many of these poor folks will be looking to immigrate to the West.
That prospect, more than any other, should get the American right on board for reducing the fertility rate in Africa and India.
Mr Teach calls the people that recognize and discuss this “ghouls” and “fascists”.
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