Why is the National Defense Authorization Act controversial?
The House voted Friday to pass a sweeping defense policy bill following contentious debate and the adoption of controversial amendments that touched on hot-button social issues.
The addition of amendments pushed by conservative hardliners related to abortion policy and transgender health care access as well as targeting diversity and inclusion programs infuriated Democrats and led to push back from some moderate Republicans – and will now set up a clash with the Democratic-controlled Senate.
The bill, known as the National Defense Authorization Act, sets the policy agenda and authorizes funding for the Department of Defense and is considered critical, must-pass legislation.
It authorizes $886 billion for national defense programs as well as a 5.2% pay increase for servicemembers, according to a fact sheet from the House Armed Services Committee. The bill includes provisions to counter China’s influence, improve overall military readiness and missile defense capabilities and promote technological innovation.
The vote was mostly on party lines, with 4 Dems voting for it and 4 idiot Republicans voting against it. What’s so controversial about the taxpayers not paying for abortions and transgender medical services for military members? Trans shouldn’t even be in the military, as they have serious mental health issues and suicidal thoughts. Not a good combination around military grade weapons and machines. The military should not be run on far left wackadoodle Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion principles
Another high-profile amendment that was adopted by the House earlier Thursday evening would prohibit the secretary of defense from paying for or reimbursing expenses relating to abortion services.
Many Democrats made clear ahead of the vote that if the amendment was included as part of the defense bill, they would be unlikely to support final passage.
The House also passed an amendment that would bar a health care program for service members from covering hormone treatments for transgender individuals and gender confirmation surgeries.
Colorado conservative Rep. Lauren Boebert’s amendment to block military schools from purchasing or having “pornographic and radical gender ideology books” in their libraries also passed.
I’m not sure of the last one, if it applies to military schools where the attendees are adults. It would be better if it stated that attendees cannot be forced to read them and cannot be punished for refusing to read them. Interestingly, an amendment that would block cluster bombs to Ukraine failed 147-276.
On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said “It’s very difficult to see” President Joe Biden signing the current National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed by the House due to its restrictions on Pentagon DEI programs and taxpayer funding of gender reassignment treatment and abortion.
Co-host Kate Bolduan asked, “Do you see the President signing a National Defense Authorization Act that limits transgender rights, that rips out diversity training, and does exactly the opposite of what you said the President supports when it comes to access to reproductive rights?”
Kirby answered, “It’s very difficult to see the President supporting legislation that would make it harder for Americans to serve in uniform and to not be able to do so with dignity, to not be able to do so with the proper care that they need, both medical and mental care. It’s very difficult to see that the President would ever, ever sign legislation that would put our troops at greater risk or put our readiness at risk.”
“Transgender rights”? The military not paying for hormone treatments and medical procedures where their genitals are cut off are “rights”? How many join the military simply for these “rights”? How many are able to actually stay in shape and do military jobs? Instead of paying for abortions members should be provided with contraception and be disciplined if they get pregnant. You know it’s mostly the younger ones having this happen.
The military is already having recruitment and retention issues, and the readiness is low. The military is not meant to be a breeding ground for left wing nuttbaggery. It needs to protect the U.S., and anything that doesn’t help the mission hurts the mission.

Teach is parroting many of the same arguments that were made about desegregating the military
The house needs to stop legistlating via the purse. Pass a law. Give them their budget. If they spend it on something they aren’t legally allowed then have them charged.
Next year, the DoD should just submit a Budget that says: We request $xxxxxxxxx.xx for defense of The United States, her territories and possesions. One damn sheet of paper. One sentence. One number.
Our nuRight, much like our oldRight, object to women, blacks, gays and trans persons serving in our military.
Why? Because they object to women, blacks, gays and trans persons being fully integrated into society.
Why? Because rightists are insecure and rather than tolerate competition, prefer to have the fruits of society given to them as a birthright.
Curiously, our nuRight brethren now consistently disparage the US military, at once the most sophisticated, strongest, well-trained, well-funded and respected military in human history.
Why? Because they have an innate fear/hatred of “the other” that dwarfs their love of country.
Conservatism objected to Blacks in our military.
Conservatism objected to women in our military.
Conservatism objected to immigrants in our military.
Conservatism objects to gays and lesbians in our military.
Conservatism objects to trans individuals in our military.
Conservatism objects to abortions in our military.
America was so much better (for straight, white males) when the “natural” supremacy of straight, white males was codified by law and culture!
Thanks, J. Now, proof of all those unsupported assertions? Good luck
Jilly One Note strikes again!!
We suggest Jill pick up a history book to remind herself of the history of conservatives standing between women, Blacks and LGBTQ Americans and freedom and civil rights.
It was Democratic President Harry S Truman who ended segregation in the military in 1948. Truman also proposed the Fair Deal, a package of liberal economic and social reforms with the stated purpose of giving all Americans access to education, healthcare, and good jobs. It was blocked by conservative Republicans and Southern Dems. Over 20% of Black men enlisted in WWII. My best friend’s father was wounded in WWII, losing a lung, and died in the early 60s while we were in grade school.
Racism is THE central tenet of American conservatism. It’s time nuCons own up to their heritage. Conservative Repubs on the House floor still publicly refer to Black Americans as “colored people”. At least as of yesterday. Perhaps they’ve changed in the past 24 hours. In the cloak rooms they likely still use jigaboo, spook, spade and negress.
You don’t believe that conservatives opposed the feminists wanting equal rights in the military?
Do you believe now that gays and lesbians should be able to serve in the military? How about transgendered? Should pregnant troops be able to get an abortion? What if raped, or coerced by a superior officer? What if the pregnancy puts her life in danger?
Very selective, aren’t we? “Truman ended segregation in the military ..”. Republicans freed the Democrats slaves. Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bill after almost all Dems voted against it and filibustered it for several days, etc.etc..
“Racism is still the central tenet of American conservatism..”. Just what I thought you’d say-that’s called an assertion, J-there’s still no proof.
Where did you come up with “conservatives opposed “feminists” wanting equal rights in the military”? Funny-by feminists you mean women? What I’ve seen are people who want women, or whoever wants to join, to be able to pass the same tests as men if they’re going to do the same jobs as men. And by the way, you’re alluding to alleged sexism, not racism. “Should gays and lesbians be able to serve in the military”? Funny-are gays and lesbians members of some new race we haven’t heard of? Remember-your accusation was racism
J-anytime you want to show racism proof, by all means do so…
How many problems are caused by pregnant female service persons? Back in the day, if a WAC got pregnant, she was out. Now somebody else has to cover for her, deploy, or otherwise fill that slot. How many women abuse this benefit and how does it affect the service’s ability to perform the mission? No one dares ask this.
If our military can function solely with straight, white men the nuGOP should just make that the law! This SCROTUS will find a way to make it Constitutional!
IF nuCons accept women in our military they have to accept pregnancy unless they want to ban sex.
How would nuCons handle servicewomen impregnated resulting from rape or coercion from a superior male officer? What if the servicewoman is married?
Honest question: If a woman troop gets pregnant every year, how much time off does she get for maternity leave and does that count against her service commitment? For instance, a woman enlists for four years and spends one year in maternity status, does she owe uncle another year?
Wow. I don’t know who you are Elwood P. Dowd dude but you are the most hateful, racist, un American I’ve ever seen comment on any conservative site I’ve read. And I’ve read a lot.
Man, you hate everyone. You got a fucking list! I think you should see a psychiatrist.
We’ve observed that telling truth to conservatives, especially the latest crop, MAGAts, makes them downright angry! Even to the point of attacking the US Capitol!! White conservative men are beside themselves with fear these days! It used to be being a white straight man was enough. Now we white men have to compete with the bitches, the negroes, the wetbacks, the fags and the trannies! Unfair!! We white men built this nation – we deserve it – we earned it – now the libs are giving it to the mentally ill and the undeserving!! We fell your pain.
I’m pro-America, pro-freedom but do oppose willful ignorance and wanton cruelty, which seem to be the lifeblood of the MAGAts.
You think I’m racist because I don’t find that whites are superior to non-whites?
You’ll notice each entry in my “fucking list” started with “conservatism”!!
You seem to be the one with the problem, so perhaps you should see a psychiatrist. Just a thought…
A number of people are commenting on women in the military, and of course the idiot liberal troll jumps right in with his hate.
I would point out that many don’t know of what the women do or how they do it. When deployed, they sleep, eat, shit and bathe with the men, just like any other soldier. They change clothes in the same area with the men by simply saying to turn. The men seem to take care of them.
In Iraq over the last several years the women carried the same weight as the men. Their job as a squad of 12 or less was to make sure the Iraqs did not lose a fight. This consisted of this group being deployed as 10 to 12 people. For 6 weeks they would sleep and do all functions in a destroyed house or similar structure, mostly just a wall. They would call in observations and coordinate artillery and air. They would have to fight off groups trying to stop them. Little water, simple rations. Eliminations often required the help of their male buddies.
I feel that scum like our liberal even talking about them sickens me. They are so far above his station it is pathetic. As to the psychotic transgenders, they have no place with honorable men and women as they often bring their illness into the mix.
Scumbags like our lying reactionary idiot sicken me. He/she has yet to add anything constructive. Now, he/she compares the US military to the Iraqi military????? WTF???
Even worse for conservatives is the military sniffing out neo-Nazis, KKK members and white nationalists out of our military!
The times they are a-changin’, conservatives. Same as it ever was…
Has US military preparedness been harmed by gays, lesbians and transgender in the ranks?
Recall that conservatives opposed Blacks, women and gays/lesbians serving. The same conservatives who whined that women in the military would destroy esprit de corps and ruin our defenses now extol the virtues of women. Even conservatives change their spots.
We suggest that all conservative “Americans” claiming the US military is less effective than the Russians, Chinese, Iraqis and Israelis, look deep inside themselves and recognize the damage they’re trying to inflict on our Nation. Then. Shut the fuck up.
Rimjob: Now, he/she compares the US military to the Iraqi military????? WTF???

Where did you read that, dumbass?
Remember he actually served, you didn’t (no matter what you falsely claimed).
Bwaha! Lolgf
He really can’t read. Or does he not know that we are supporting the current Iraq army. And, yes, allowing psychotics in the military and in control of the military is killing it. He must not read the paper or watch news.
Are you trying to make a point?
How many of the 2,000 or so US military in Iraq and women, and how many (none) are in combat positions?
So what’s your point? The American women can function well in combat operations? Then we agree.
My point was that conservative men opposed women in the military.
Please don’t engage me again.
Oh, another Rimjob nonsensical “I-know-what-I-wrote-but-here’s-what-I-really-meant” comment. Thanks for clearing that up, stupid.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“Conservatives” did no such things, democrats did. You want to switch the names around to make yourself look good after hundreds of years of hate, slavery, and oppression of all kinds of Americans. Thou art scum.