Well, gee, you think? When they’re essentially pushing all their males to pretend to be women and the rest are mostly soy boys, yeah
Democrats Have a Man Problem. These Experts Have Ideas for Fixing It.
It’s hard to deny that Democrats have a masculinity problem. Attitudes toward masculinity have been an important predictor of votes for Donald Trump. And while Black and Latino voters still overwhelmingly lean Democratic, men in those communities are turning to Republicans at higher rates than women. Republicans seem all too happy to capitalize on the gun-toting, fist-pumping tropes of stereotypical manhood. GOP presidential candidates are bragging about their athletic prowess. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley’s recent book, Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs, joins a body of let-men-be-real-men work that includes the preachings of Jordan Peterson, the postings of Andrew Tate and the writings of a popular online guru who goes by “Bronze Age Pervert” — all of whom cast liberals and progressives as the enemy of masculinity.
As they approach elections with razor-thin margins, what are Democrats to do? Recruit candidates who fit traditional stereotypes of manhood? Confront Republican arguments head-on with alternative takes on crime, guns, transgender rights and a vision of masculinity that intersects with all of these issues? Or just do nothing and hope voters are turned off by GOP rhetoric that they see as toxic or discriminatory?
So, should they continue to be against traditional biological roles, or fake it for the election season?
Joanna Weiss: Chuck, more Latino men voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016. You’ve argued that Democrats need to more directly court the Latino vote. What’s the best way to do that?
Chuck Rocha: You start with the premise that the average age of a Latino in America is around 27. They’re just a younger demographic. They’re consuming things differently. This narrative that GOP appeal to Latinos is about machismo is mostly a false narrative. It’s more about this economic pressure on Latino men to provide.
Huh, so, no ideas.
Then you see Josh Shapiro, who won, presenting a very different paradigm and a very different view of masculinity. In his ads, he talked about faith, he talked about family, he talked about opportunity, he talked about how when he was a county legislator, he cut taxes and kept taxes low. He talked about how as attorney general, he worked to combat crime. He always talked about being a dad and going home to his kids, and how he’d married his high school sweetheart. Those are, I think, examples of masculinity that a lot more men can identify with than these guys out there like Doug Mastriano dressing up as a Civil War soldier, or feeling the need to storm the Capitol in a triangle hat.
So, the complete opposite of Democrats
There are really two abiding themes in masculinity: The macho man — Trump’s got that covered — and the good man. And what Democrats need to do, and Josh Shapiro did this, Lis, to a certain extent, is enact the good man, the decent man, the “It’s a Wonderful Life” man. The only people I see articulating that are other Republicans, which makes me a little sad as a Democrat.
Joanna Weiss: You’re talking about adopting a kind of working-class white male perspective. This right-wing critique of the Democratic Party as out of touch and feminized and elitist and arugula-eating and in the ivory tower — how much of it is really just a proxy for class warfare?
There’s a lot of talk in this piece, but, it all boils down to if Democrats can fake it to make it. Skipping all the way to the end
Jackson Katz: I hear Democratic Party and progressive strategists saying, “We’re sick of talking about white men. White men are the cause of all the problems. Why are you going to spend more time on this?” And I think a lot of young white men hear this, and they hear disdain. Go to the comment sections on Breitbart: They basically say, “The left and the Democratic party hates white men.”
My plea here is that there is a way to speak to those young white men and young men of color that is inclusive, that is challenging, that is positive. It’s not that we have to replicate the aggressive traditional masculinity to appeal to them. It’s just that we have to take them seriously. When someone like Jordan Peterson sells out 10,000 people in an arena, when people like these are getting 20 million views … they’re tapping into something real. How can we tap into it in a way that gives them actual solutions? If we can do that, we have the potential for creating multiracial, mixed-gender coalitions that can actually put in place the legislation and the policy that will help everybody. I don’t think that’s naive. I just think we have to do a better job.
So, say they hate white men but not so harshly.

That lack of masculinity was an accusation for the Dems opposing wars in Vietnam Afghanistan and Iraq.
Teach himself was a huge supporter of those ears but chose NOT to enlist and volunteer for infantry deployment
Are you saying taht if one supports the US in a war he must necessarily join the military? Because if that is your contention it is absolutely ridiculous. You don’t even know if teach is old enough or too old or physically fit or not physically fit he could be handicapped he could have one leg for all you know. You’re casting aspersions at somebody for absolutely no reason other than personal contempt. That’s called hate you bigot.
The other day, a conservative commenter opposing the defense of Ukraine called on US Ukraine defenders to NOT use his tax monies for the effort AND to grab a rifle and head to Ukraine themselves.
This is a ploy to cast those on the other side of an argument as cowardly. It’s used by both sides and although ridiculous, can be effective at the street fight level of argument on a blog.
Really? Who was that? Can you show me the comment cause I missed it? I do agree that until our own border is secure we have no business financing border wars in Europe. Why is it okay with American democommies if South America, Africa and China invade our borders and collect the dole but not okay if Russians invade the border of Ukraine? Why are you defending their border but not ours?
In general, I am one of those commenters here who believes people should fund their own hobbies out of their personal funds, not by raising taxes. The Constitution has a set formal procedure for declaring war and that includes public debate. If there were public debate on Ukraine, I’m pretty certain Americans would reject American money and supplies going there. But we know that all the neocons love them some war long time. It’s a great way to move money from the public treasury into private bank accounts. I expect Hairy and Jeff will be voting for Mike Pence next year since they share a mutual feeling on how important the Ukraine is.
The Perfesser fessed up! Here’s what he typed, CarolAnn.
I suggest those so consumed by the Mexican border to use their own money, not mine, to support this immoral war on migrants. Better yet, buy a plane ticket to the border, pick up a weapon and put your own skin in the game. But conservatives intrinsically want others to fight their battles.
As an old school conservative, Mr Pence is among the more honorable of current Republicans, but his overall portfolio of policy prescriptions is, in my opinion, harmful for America. If he is elected, good for him, he’ll be 1000% better than the Don. Most likely I’ll vote for President Biden if he’s the Dem candidate. Who knows, the mutable Mr Trump may decide being a democrat is better for keeping him out of the hoosegow!
It’s possible the MAGAtism movement was designed to make traditional conservatism look good by comparison! Who would think that even a sizable minority of Americans would take Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lorena Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan, Ron Johnson, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Chip Roy etc seriously? Jokes on us!!
We are not at war with Russia, but as part of NATO, we are helping Ukraine defend itself against the unprovoked invasion by Putin/Russia.
I’ve politely asked the Perfesser to not address me again.
So it was the professor who voiced that opinion. Thanks for answering me, you seldom do unless it’s to your benefit.
Defending our borders is the defined duty of our govmnt. Starting wars in the Ukraine is not. We are not at war with immigrants. We are at war with demofascists like yourself. A war we must win for the benefit of Americans. We cannot allow our country we run by people who do not love our country and who hate us. You make me laugh, conservatives are the ones that always fight the battles around here not pussies like you. Do you think there’s more Republicans and conservatives in the military or do you think there’s more social progressives in the military? Don’t be a fool.
Ukraine is no part of NATO nor do we have any defense treaty with Ukraine. Therefore America has no business doing anything to support the Ukraine or not support the Ukraine. We especially have no business sending billions of dollars over to somebody who’s not even an ally. And although you say that we’re not at war with Russia (but you lie because we are) they may not see it that way. Russia has as much absolute right to keep NATO missiles out of Ukraine as we did to keep Russian missiles out of Cuba you dopy fool.
You leftists know nothing about the “equality” you’re always bitchin about. What’s good for us is good for Russia.
Russia had no right to invade Ukraine, murdering tens of thousands of CIVILIANS in the process, you dopey fool. Ukraine is not and was not a significant threat to Russia.
Putin’s initial excuse was to deNAZIfy and demilitarize Ukraine. Bullshit that the US right wing immediately adopted. If Ukraine with the current support of the US and NATO can’t “waste” Russia, why would Putin and his US useful idiots fear Ukraine previously. It was a lie. Putin thought he could waltz into Ukraine and have a new Russian Republic – modern, economic, successful – but Putin woefully miscalculated Ukraine, America and Europe.
Future President Trump says he can halt the war in 24 hours, as he is good friends with Presidents Putin and Zelensky. What will he promise Putin in return? Alaska? Withdraw US from NATO? Withdraw US from UN? He will promise Putin (and Zelensky) that the US will no longer support Ukraine and will work to disentangle the US from NATO. This will enable the Russian takeover of Ukraine in 24 hrs! Thanks, Don!
CarolAnn: What’s good for us is good for Russia.
But the Perfesser has an interesting notion – that individual tax payers should have the line-item veto!
The stable geniuses Elon Musk and Donald Trump should be able to easily set up an online system for letting the Gov’t know whether your $4.27 goes to Ukraine!
CarolAnn typed: conservatives are the ones that always fight the battles around here not pussies like you
Thank you for your service!
CarolAnn compares Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to the United States’ demand that Russia remove missiles from Cuba.
Actually, it’s more like the US invading Canada to deNazify and demilitarize them.
Dems with a masculinity problem? Just because there’s men pretending to be women so they can try and compete against women? Nah….
Simply put (so that even conservatives understand) politicians have long questioned the masculinity of their opponents, hinting they are gay or girly, as if in today’s world that is important.
The leader of the Republican Party has few masculine qualities aside from sexually abusing girls and women and being fat. He is vain, sports a dyed bouffant comb-over hairdo, wears make-up, wears Brioni suits, and exhibits few masculine skills.
What conservatives should admit is that they equate authoritarianism with masculinity. Conservatives are drawn to authoritarians such as Putin, Xi, Kim, Erdogan, Orbon, Bolsonaro (buh-bye!) etc. Why? Because that is how conservatives view effective leadership. Additionally, cons associate accumulating wealth with masculinity.
The key trait of conservative masculinity is the quality of doing what needs to be done to get what you want!
They view reason, sensitivity, compassion, nurturing, politeness, inclusiveness, acceptance as weak, even feminine traits. The use their opponent’s decency as ridicule, as it strengthens their hold on their base.
Conservatives tend to be insecure and need to view others as inferior to protect their own “self worth”. They respond with faux masculinity, like banty roosters on display. Neckbeards, open carry, big trucks… Yet, they decry that LGBTQ individuals want to serve their country in the military.
Typical libs-“least masculine society in human history decides masculinity is a growing threat…”
Soy boys seen nodding their heads in approval..