Self inflicted wounds followed by stabbing yourself a few times then playing with broken glass are fun, eh?
Bud Light Suffers Another Loss as July 4 Sales Drop
As the boycott against Bud Light continues, new data shows the beer brand suffering yet another loss with a decline in sales over the Fourth of July holiday weekend.
On Monday, The Daily Caller obtained new Nielsen IQ sales data from Bump Williams Consulting, which shows Bud Light sales declining by 23.6 percent for the week ending on July 8, when compared to the same period a year earlier. Over a four-week period ending on July 8, the data showed a decline in Bud Light sales by 27.1 percent compared to the same period in 2022, the data showed. (snip)
For the week ending on July 1, Newsweek obtained Nielsen IQ sales data from Bump Williams Consulting showing a 28 percent decline in sales for the week, compared to the same period in 2022. A week earlier, Bud Light saw a decline of 27.9 percent in its sales revenue, when compared to the week ending on June 24, 2022.
They asked for this, and now they got it! And, again, it wasn’t just about the trans wackjob denigrating women, it was compounded by the marketing nutter denigrating the core consumer base, followed by silly talking points, not apologies, and dumb commercials.
The uncropped version of the photo
— NautPoso ?????????? (@NautPoso) July 16, 2023
Of course, Credentialed Media wackos have to attempt to defend Bud Light
Modelo is now the king of beers in the US, or perhaps El Rey de Cervezas is more fitting.
For the second-straight month, Modelo was America’s best-selling beer in June, according to data released last week by consulting firm Bump Williams, accounting for nearly 9% of all sales. It recently took the crown from Bud Light, which saw its market share drop to 7%.
Bud Light, which took the title as America’s best-selling beer in 2001, has seen its sales dip over the past few months following backlash from some conservatives to marketing promotion featuring transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney and subsequent anger from LGBTQ advocates over Anheuser-Busch’s response to the boycott calls. However, several signs show that the switch was inevitable, even before the protests.
Yeah, Modelo and Michelob Ultra (otherwise known as piss water) were rising, but, Bud Light has dropped quickly to #14. I’m pretty sure that was not part of the equation.

SOROS plan for world domination continues to be a success using wokeiness as his weapon SOROS. Has taken away what was once the favorite beer of conservatives,and now they are no longer allowed to drink it.
Anheuser Busch was one on the major financial contributors to conservative politicians.BudLight formerly #1 selling beer now replaced by Mexican Modelo beer, which of course SOROS is part owner.
We presume then that H supports the Nazi Soros and his ant American anti Semite activism. Good for you. You time is approaching.
The increasingly nutty CarolAnn believes the Jewish Soros is a Nazi and anti-Semite.
Just more anti-Jewish smears from the global fascist, anti-Jewish right. Typical.
Be afraid, CarolAnn. Your time is coming…
At my local Kroger, Bud Light still has a big part of the cooler space, larger than any other, but it is discounted by about 20%.
Woke Ben and Jerry’s has a new ice cream flavor-Bud Light. Surprisingly, it’s not selling well…
Alissa Heinerscheid proved that getting a degree from Hahvahd is no guarantee that you won’t take the most boneheaded decision in the history of advertising!
I hear that Camp Lejune Bottled Water is now outselling Bud Lite 3 to 1. :-)
The best I can tell is that Soros was a Judenrat. This term has been used to describe a number of Jews and I am not sure of the spelling. But I have had patients who confessed to their anti Semitic activity during the war in order to get food or prevent going to the death chambers. Best I can tell, they were the ones that actually killed their fellow Jews or informed or punished them. They even herded them into the gas chambers and pulled out the dead bodies, taking the dead to the ovens and then they did the burning. The ones I have personally met are the most despicable of people and actually look like rats. They are very much different from the Jews that survived the horror without selling their souls. I have cared for a number of them and have nothing but respect for their journey. Soros looks much like the Judenrats and is just as despicable. It is amazing how certain individuals that we know give mouth service to being disgusted by anti semites yet are the worse of the bigots, same as they are with blacks.
George Soros was pressed into use by the Nazis, but, to be fair, he was still a kid.
There are conflicting stories about what he did, and who can really know the truth 78 years after the events? But a lot of young teens did whatever they had to do to survive. Joseph Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict XVI, was pressed into mandatory service by the Nazis as well, and he, too, was just a young teenager.
I won’t worry too much about Mr Soros’ doings as a minor; there’s enough bad about him as an adult.
Reading the history of the period and talking with people who lived it leads me to think there was a sport to mankind and you skipped adolescence. Many vitreous leaders were no more then 18 and did some nasty things. Soros life seems to mirror his teen years.
George Soros and family were Hungarian Jews who lived in Budapest during the war, disguising their identities for safety. He was born in 1930, so was a youth during the Nazi buildup. When Germany fell in spring of 1945 Soros was 14 years old. In 1947 at the age of 17, Soros moved to London to attend the university. He was never a Nazi.
Certain individuals, who are anti-Jewish right-wingers and neoNazis refer to Jewish officials as Judenrat, who “actually look like rats”. It’s a slur. The American right continues to blame Jews for the Holocaust, rather than the racist, Aryan Nazis. Right-wing Americans hate American and European Jews but love the nation of Israel.
If you’ve not seen it, Schindler’s List is worth watching.
Contrary to what you might hear from certain individuals, Judenrats (Judenräte) were Jewish councils instituted by Nazi Germany to oversee Jewish communities in occupied territories.
The right slurs Jews in general, who “actually look like rats”, caricatured with huge proboscis, stooped, balding, devious, avaricious, dishonest, crooks who kill Christian children and harvest their blood to use in Jewish rituals (note how QAnon and its children stole the “blood libel” myth from the anti-Semites!).
Love it-“the right slurs Jews in general..” I see, as opposed to libs hating Israel in general?
Many libs disagree with the Israel’s policies concerning the “Palestinians”.
Both liberal and conservative Congresses and administrations have shoveled money and arms to Israel. We give Israel billions of USD.
That’s hardly hating Israel in general.
I hope people can see why it does little good to discuss with liberals. They can’t read, have no life experience, zero knowledge of history and think Wikipedia is the only truth.
NuCons can’t differentiate fact from fiction. They hold without examination, all manner of provably false, even contradictory beliefs, e.g., Trump won in 2020, President Biden has “weaponized” the US govt against Trump, global warming is a global commie plot to control everyone!, thousands of scientists take govt money to lie about global warming, the Disney Corp is grooming kids to be gay and trans!, Dems/libs are pedophiles/child molesters, Dems are pushing immigrants into the US to replace white people.
A few decades ago, conservatives who believed tales outside reality were the fringe of the movement. Today, nuCons dominate the movement. Thanks, Donald.
Neo-con Jeff defends Nazis and Pedophiles. Instead of agreeing that Nazis and pedophiles are evil, malicious, and deserve the condemnation of progressive society, he claims “there are no Nazis” and “there are no pedophiles, just right wing hyperbole”.
As for Soros, I couldn’t care less. He isn’t long for this world. His son has already taken over the global operations. Talking about Soros is so 2010.