If All You See…

…is a wonderful big city full of like minded Warmists, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on not believing CNBC’s mule fritters story on the top 10 states to live and work in.

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7 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. H says:

    Mule fritters??? Teach you like Trump go with your “gut” feelings instead of facts
    9 out of the top 10 states with the highest rates of suicides are red
    Likewise homicide rates
    In fact teach would you be “shocked!! Shocked I say” to learn that your state had a homicide rate 2 times as high as NYC ? Or NY state?
    Or that people living in NYC can expect to live almost 9% longer than people living in NC ?

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Mr Teach understands that “facts” can be manipulated, therefore “facts” can be ignored.

      Beliefs, feelings and “common” sense are better arbiters of truth than so-called “facts”. The gut rarely lies!

      The gestalt of a conservative cannot always be explained in traditional terms, but is a synthesis of many inputs, both obvious (sights, sounds) and not obvious (telepathy, messages from beyond, subtle environmental cues) that taken together leave an impression of the “truth”. Often conservatives “just know” the truth.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    I must be getting old. All I see is someone letting all the A/C out.

    And this is either shopped or that girl is suffering from malnutrition. I like ladies to be on the thin side, so it’s not just my personal bias. She needs a sandwich. The proportions are all wrong.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Typed Mr McCain: It’s “fake news,” and no one should trust it.

    CNBC appeared to supply their methods, so hardly fake.

    People live in every state of the union for numerous reasons. The majority (~60%) live in the state where they were born. We’re liberals in a red state (MO). We were born here. Except for the racist, violent MAGAtty rednecks, the conservative folks of Missouri are nice, decent people. The divisive BS is an internet/cable TV problem.

    Midwesterners don’t stray much.

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    Ukraine, Covid, Jan 6th…

    These unsayable things, Carlson said, are easy to pinpoint because wrongthink seems to be the only “crime” that’s consistently and seriously penalized in contemporary America. Rapists and murderers go unprosecuted in American blue cities. “[B]urning down buildings, impoverishing people, starting totally counterproductive wars we can’t win that kill a lot of our citizens, [and] leaving the border open so 7 million people can walk across” are “never punished.”


    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Missouri Supreme Court ordered the state AG to “stand down” in his efforts to prevent a state Amendment ballot initiative to enshrine a woman’s right to obtain an abortion.

    AG Republican Andrew Bailey argued the state could lose $12.5 billion in Medicaid funding and $51 billion in annual tax revenue because of fewer births. Of course, MO Republicans, who hate Medicaid, tried to block Medicaid expansion after MO voters approved the expansion, now they use a potential loss of federal Medicaid monies as an excuse to ban abortions. LOL. At least MO Repubs are consistently hypocritical.

    It’s likely that MO voters will approve a state Constitutional Amendment permitting abortion (as voters did in conservative Kansas next door). (We know, we know, conservatives will swear that the vote was rigged, their knee-jerk reflexive response to every lost election…)

    The proposals would amend Missouri’s Constitution to protect abortion rights and pregnant women, as well as access to birth control.

    Currently, most abortions are outlawed in the state. There are exceptions for medical emergencies, but not for cases of rape or incest.


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