This should help with the readiness of our military. How many of the gender confused will now join the military to get free hormone therapy, knowing they’ll never have to deploy, and, really, never have to do work?
DOD Memo Says Transgender Soldiers on Hormone Therapy Can Skip Deployments
Transgender soldiers receiving hormone therapy may avoid deployment for as many as 300 days, according to a February 2023 Department of Defense memo outlining treatment at the Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) at Fort Liberty.
The memo, first obtained and published by The Dossier, states that most service members “will require up to 300 days to be stabilized on cross-sex hormone therapy, and they will remain in a non-deployable status during that time.”
However, that timeline depends on when the service member is “clinically stabilized.”
The memo also states what other treatments and surgeries transgender troops may receive at WAMC at taxpayers’ expense.
The memo said after 12 months of hormone therapy, transgender service members can request “surgical care,” such as “upper” and “bottom” surgery.
Why in the ever lovin’ fuck is an Army medical center performing any of these wackadoodle treatments in the first place? They should be helping military members who are actually injured, not crazy people who want the taxpayers to pony up for their insane medical procedures, serve so time, then leave the military.
The memo said that it could take between 9-18 months to complete a gender transition, and during that time, a service member can request an exception to policy so that they could use “self-identified gender standards for uniform, grooming, fitness testing, as well as self-identified gender billeting, bathroom, and shower facilities.
China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and others are laughing. Do you think they are scared in the least of the US military at this point? Sure, maybe our technology, but, China keeps stealing it. They sure won’t be scared of our people who are supposed to go in the field, and will wonder how many are even fit to run the technology.
Is any of this authorized by Congress? Under what authority is the WokeMilitary doing this?

Being scary is not a national policy goal of the USA, regardless of who is sitting in the White House. Since the goal of the US military is to implement the national security policy objectives of the current administration, the real question is, When will transition surgery become mandatory?
Our esteemed host wrote:
If our enemies are not afraid of our military, it’s not due to a few crazies allowed in, but the fact that, other than quick Grenada type operations, we haven’t won a war since 1945. Korea was a stalemate, Vietnam a military stalemate which creeped up on us, and lost public support, Iraq 1 a quick, successful action that the elder President Bush called off too soon, Iraq 2 a quagmire that got rid of Saddam Hussein but left the country no better off, and Afghanistan almost twenty years which destroyed al Qaeda, but still left the Taliban in charge.
But the current situation demonstrates the utter folly of the dummkopf from Delaware’s order to let the mentally ill transgendered into the military. They get to ‘transition’ using government money, but they’re not really deployable; their medical ‘needs’ mean that they can’t be out in the field long. A post-operative “transgender woman” has to dilate his fake vagina every day, or his male biology will see it as an open wound, and try to heal it.
My older daughter is in the United States Army Reserve, and returned from deployment to Kuwait last March, so I’m pretty concerned about this. If a “transgender” service member is undeployable, and action is needed, the “transgender” service member gets to skip his turn, and someone else gets sent in his place. Our military have all volunteered to serve in positions which could put their lives on the line, and we at least owe them fairness in how assignments and deployments are managed.
wars are now fought to make sure the media and the karens dont complain we are blowing the civilian population away. even though its the civilians that are supporting the war.
wars are now fought to make sure the media and the karens dont complain we are blowing the civilian population away. even though its the civilians that are supporting the war.
Please note there are no hard numbers here to actually indicate the extent of this “problem”
1,400,000 total military
3,500 transgendered (est)
Is that like 1 tranny in each battalion?
This is the extent of the problem?
This is similar to the “problem” of the 36 transgendered competing within
The 388000 NCAA athletes.
First off 1,400,000 total military are not warriors deployable. That would be approximately 10% of that number which is 140,000. And one training in each battalion is enough to screw up the cohesion of that battalion. One of anything negative in a battalion is one too fuckin many. Would you want just one communist each battalion and one Nazi and one KKK and one BLM and one antifa Each battalion?
Non military morons like you have no idea of the problems and the logistical dilemma you place our troops in with your nativity and foolishness. And you see how much problems 36 transgendered have complete have created with the professional women’s athletes. For some reason you have decided to sacrifice the rights of women to compete against people of equal stature so that you can allow a bunch of men in dresses into their ranks you’re a moron and downright misogynist. Adding that to your predisposition toward racism and religious bigotry you’re turning out to be a real well-rounded Nazi just like your friend Elwood.
I am not sure on this. But if you skip deployment for even a legitimate reason, you can kiss your career goodbye.
Not true. The military has all sorts of official reasons to malinger that have no consequence on your career. For example: maternity leave. (and now paternity leave). It was a widely known scandal (among Army insiders) that throughout the massive deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, there was a sizeable population of troops who never seemed to deploy. One of the reasons so many soldiers had to deploy so often was to back fill the 10-25% of non-deployers in each unit. Every unit had a “stay behind” element to take care of the non-deploying people, property and facilities. Then there is all the official schools that people wait years to get into, so when they get their ticket, they go. Even when every brigade in the national guard deployed, even the Alaskan scouts (who were never supposed to go anywhere since they were created just to give jobs to Inuit tribes), the Guard would shuffle some jobs among a pool of volunteers out of a unit getting back into a unit just going, so that non-volunteers could be accommodated. Finally, the vast majority of the Army doesn’t have a “career” as such. They have a job, with a term contract and a choice to not renew that contract. Finally, the Army has a bunch of troops that have full time jobs right here in the USA, like staffing hospitals, depots, the very large staffs and HQs in DC and various places, etc.
The harm is that every single unit in the military has a documented need (we call them Tables of organisation and equipment, TOE) for every single person. They cannot “hire extra” people. Every person who is not there due to being in school, being pregnant, being injured, or having no intention of doing the hard life of soldiering, is missed. At some point, the unit becomes incapable of performing its basic missions.
You forgot the COVID. If one member of the outfit test positive, regardless of symptoms, the entire unit goes into isolation. There can be several start and go episodes before anything is done.