Everything will now be a climate cult job
Need a job? Hiring to flourish in these fields as humans fight climate change.
Climate change is reshaping the employment landscape, whether you want a career that helps the planet or just want a job in a growing field.
Environmental and sustainability studies are booming in colleges, with Millennials especially wanting to work for companies that are making a difference. A survey of Gen Z and Millennial workers found more than 40% either have or plan to change jobs due to climate concerns.
Well, most are still probably better than whatever is available for the degree they put themselves $100k in the hole for, especially things ending in “Studies”.
Truth be told, in the coming decades every job will have a climate component, whether it’s financiers, doctors and nurses, farmers, accountants, sustainability officers or policymakers, said Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
“It’s hard to imagine a field of employment that won’t need at least some expertise on climate change,” he said.
A job title doesn’t need to include the words “green,” “climate,” “sustainable” or “environment” for the work to be important to efforts to both stop global warming and deal with its effects.
This is a cult. And they want everything to be part of their cult, whether people like it or not. What are some mentioned?
- Electrician
- HVAC tech
- Plant breeder
- Building trades
- Traffic engineer
- Prescribed fire technician (these are people who do controlled burns, which, last time I checked, the extreme-enviros won’t allow to happen)
- Hydrologist
- Gardner
- Disaster preparedness coordinator
And the stuff that goes with all these is just as wackadoodle, such as for Gardner
As droughts and excess rainfall increase, America’s lawns, gardens and public spaces will need to be redesigned to deal with the new realities. People will be needed who know the right plants for the right space, who can design drip irrigation systems and who can build landscape features that channel water to the right places. “A landscape transformation is coming and gardeners will be key,” said Pincetl.
In other words, people who will be empowered by government to tell you what you can and cannot do with your property. It’s all just nuts. Really, though, how many of these entitled kids will do any of these manual labor jobs? They’ve been taught that they’re better than that. They expect some sort of spreading awareness/supervisory job making big bucks to do nothing except tell other people what to do while they take selfies and TikTok videos.

Wow! I’m an electrical engineer! I must be a god!
Only if you sell out and become a “climate worker”. Refuse! Resist!