This is per Climate cult member Jay Inslee, who couldn’t even get his own climate cult agenda through in his own state which votes overwhelmingly liberal
Washington’s governor on climate: ‘The Earth is screaming at us’
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said Sunday that this summer’s record-setting heat is proof that climate change is harming the planet.
“The Earth is screaming at us,” the Democrat said on ABC’s “This Week,” adding that the impact of climate change is being felt two decades earlier than scientists had expected.
June and July have seen scorching heat waves in the United States, Europe and elsewhere, with July 6t h having been identified as the hottest day in the world’s history.
“The fuse has been burning for decades and now the climate change bomb has gone off,” Inslee said Sunday.
No matter what’s happening, it always proves their cultish beliefs. In their world, there is zero way to disprove it. Hence, not a science. At least Scientology and most cults leave everyone else alone.
“We need to stop using fossil fuels,” he said, adding: “We do have the ability to restrain fossil fuels.”
Inslee said that individual states can be the leaders on the U.S. response to climate change, which needs to be “further and faster” than it has been. “States can act,” he said and added that his state has been a leader on the issue.
When does Jay stop using fossil fuels to travel himself? How about banning their use for all state operations? He could get a referendum on the next ballot which would ban all fossil fuels in the state. Think they would vote for that? How would that work for all the airports and seaports? Trucks bringing goods into the state? See, it’s easy to make this pronouncements, a lot hard in practice. Especially when you won’t do it yourself.
Remember, also, that weather is climate when it suits the cult.

Well, yes. Succinctly stated.
always the same remedy: give us more money and let us run your life. gee. i wonder how civilization survived for so long without them.
He’s repeating the same drama-queen phrase from 2015 when Mark Serreze from the government’s snow and ice data center in Boulder, Colorado proclaimed “the Arctic is screaming!”. That damn summer ice is supposed to gone by now…
Is Inslee a useful idiot, voluntarily doing whatever he can to destroy our economy? Or is he being incentivized by China, the originator of the global warming scam?
It is July 24th 2023. I’m about ondE hour north of Olympia wa. It is a whopping 66 and overcast. Where is my summer inslee?