The Never Trumpers are odd birds. They claim to be Conservative stalwarts, that they believe in the standings of Ronald Reagan, that they are the True Conservatives, yet, they’re enabling the election of Democrats, many are mouthing Democrat policies and slogans, and are truly unhinged in Democrat fashion over Trump and those who support him, along with the truly outspoken Republicans. And the UK Guardian says they’re getting a wakeup call
Never Trumpers get ‘brutal wake-up call’ as Republican candidates flounder
For Asa Hutchinson, former governor of Arkansas, there were boos and chants of “Trump! Trump!”. For Francis Suarez, mayor of Miami, there were jeers and cries of “Traitor!” And perhaps most tellingly, there was no Florida governor Ron DeSantis at all.
The recent Turning Point USA conference brought thousands of young conservatives to Florida and there was no doubting the main attraction: former president Donald Trump, who made a glitzy entrance accompanied by giant stage sparklers. In a less than rigorous poll, 86% of attendees gave Trump as their first choice for president; DeSantis, who polled 19% last year, was down to 4%.
Events and numbers like this are cause for sleepless nights among those Republican leaders and donors desperate to believe it would be different this time. The Never Trump forces bet heavily on DeSantis as the coming man and the premise that Trump’s campaign would collapse under the weight of myriad legal problems.
But six months away from the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, none of it seems to be working. DeSantis’s campaign is flailing and leaving some with buyers’ remorse. Hutchinson and Chris Christie, outspoken Trump critics, are polling in single digits, sowing doubts about voters’ appetite for change. Never Trumpers have reason to fear that his march to the Republican nomination may already be unstoppable.
“They’re experiencing a brutal wake-up call that the party is not interested in hearing critiques of Trump,” said Tim Miller, who was communications director for Jeb Bush’s 2016 campaign. “The Trump challengers’ candidacies have been astonishingly poor and learned nothing from 2016. When the leading candidate gets indicted and all of his opponents besides Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson just echo his fake persecution complex talking points, it’s going to be hard to beat him.”
These Never Trumpers are crazy. Always have been, always will be. It’s pure Trump Derangement Syndrome. They’re only interested in the man, and, I’ll happily admit Trump is really not a good person. But, then, most politicians aren’t. Trump is just more open. They rarely talk about Trump’s policies, and have never attempted to drive policy. In fairness, Trump is almost as bad on those who oppose his agenda within the GOP, but, at least that is mostly about policy.
The NTs yammer about principles. If you’re enabling the election of today’s wacko, uber-Leftist Democrats, how does that help your principles? Unless you just want to be grifters like the Lincoln Project, the Bulwark, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, etc. Some Republicans can get all sorts of squishy, like on support for McCain and Romney. They sat out the elections. Would it have been better for McCain to defeat Obama for Conservatism, and especially spending? How about Romney? 2012 was the time to kill Obamacare. It’s never going away now. Is it better to have Trump or Biden (or whomever they replace Biden with) for Conservatism? Seriously, these NTs are so unhinged that they find ways to slam the people Trump put on the Supreme Court when they had their abortion and affirmative action rulings, among others.
Do you think I really wanted McCain or Romney? I hate voting for Thom Thillis, who became a Squish. Or Richard Burr? I was happy when Burr retired. If Christie or Hutchinson, or a GOP ultra-squish like Larry Hogan, somehow wins the primaries I’ll hold my nose and vote for them. Really, in my mind, I’m voting against Hillary, against Obama, against whomever. That’s what these NTs have to remember. They’re enabling Democrats. Politics is often a choice between bad and worse.
It’s also about putting up the person with the best chance of winning, and, I don’t think Trump can win the general election, but, that’s a separate blog post.

Never Trumper Republicuns recognize the sui generis nature of The Don as an American leader.
“Il Douche” is an authoritarian wannabe, with plans to destroy the American gov’t and rebuild it in an image that guarantees he will NEVER be held accountable for his crimes.
His authoritarianism appeals to the conservatives who see the diversity of America as a threat, with democracy being inadequate to “deal” with it. And the mob loves him!!
The United States of America is on the verge of an authoritarian takeover. “Fat Adolf” already tried to overturn the 2020 election that he objectively lost. He contacted state leaders in efforts to get them to change their vote totals!
Even Teach claims that Trump has less chance to win than other Republicun candidates, but still supports him.
DEsantis has tried Trump-Light but why buy Light when you can buy the real deal? Any Republicun not Trump is considered a RINO unwilling to do what needs to be done to save Trump, er… America – DESantis, Christie, Scott, Haley, Hutchinson, Hurd, Pence etc.
No one has the wherewithal to rally the mob like The Don!!
Will anyone else break through? Time will tell.
Careful Rimjob, your soapbox is teetering.

TDS is an incurable affliction.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Careful there Buttplug, TDS is Trump Devotion Syndrome and you have a bad, bad case.
Why does Buttplug hate America?
Dear Elwood:
Literally every conversation I’ve had with a Trump hater about the upcoming election:6
Hater: I can’t wait to get Donald Trump out of office.
Me: Why?
Hater: Why?!?! Don’t tell me you don’t think he colluded with Russia!
Me: According to Robert Mueller’s exhaustive, multi-million dollar investigation, there was no evidence of that. But there was evidence that the Obama administration spied on him and his campaign using the FBI.
Hater: Well, he said he’d repeal and replace Obamacare. What happened to that?
Me: Well, he removed the tax penalty which removes the mandate. He’s implemented several other factors like lowering prescription costs that will help with healthcare issues. Congress now has to move with its replacement. He can’t do it by Executive Order. You do know Obama had very little to do with the writing of the ACA, right?
Hater: Well, he said he’d build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. Haha. What happened to that?
Me: They’ve built over 260 miles of new wall so far and he’s renegotiated NAFTA costing Mexico billions of dollars that were given to them by Bill Clinton through the returning of jobs in America.
Hater: Well, that’s not them paying for it!
Me: BILLIONS. Did you think he literally meant Mexico was gonna write a check with “Wall” in the memo?
Hater: Well, he’s buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jung Un.
Me: Getting along with your adversaries is not a bad thing. Or would you prefer he antagonize them? BTW, when was the last “test missile” North Korea sent Japan’s way?
Hater: Well, he doesn’t like the military! He called the dead soldiers “losers!”
Me: You’re referring to a report made from “anonymous sources” when over nine people who were with the President that have gone on record saying that it wasn’t true? That doesn’t send up any red flags for you?
He’s brought our Vets home and taken great strides, and put a lot of money into fixing the VA, ask any veteran you know. Funny way to treat people you think are “losers,” don’t you think?
Hater: Well, he got impeached for God’s sake!
Me: Yes, impeached by a partisan House and subsequently acquitted as there was no evidence that the President did anything wrong (no quid pro quo) in his communication with the President of Ukraine. BTW, you know Joe Biden actually admitted on national television to doing that exact thing while he was in office as VP though, right?
Hater: Well he handled COVID horribly!
Me: What would’ve you done differently?
Hater: He didn’t close the borders in time!
Me: He announced travel restrictions on 1/31 and was called xenophobic for doing so, all the while Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were walking in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down, the water is fine.
Hater: Well, he refused to wear a mask.
Me: Here’s a picture of him wearing a mask.
Hater: Well, that was too far after!
Me: After what? He had two of his experts on national TV every day giving updates and telling everyone to wear a mask?
Hater: Well, he said everything will be fine and this will end!
Me: Did you want him to run around screaming that the sky was falling?
Hater: Well, listen to the way he talks! He’s nasty! He’s not how I want my President to sound.
Me: Ahhh. NOW we’re getting somewhere. You don’t like his personality. And everything you’ve mentioned up until now is because you don’t like his personality.
So for you it seems personal and not about the job he’s done.
So listen, if you want a President who will tell you whatever you want to hear, flip- flopping on every issue, not getting anything done his entire time while in office, but who sounds like a nice guy (even though he seems seriously impaired), then Joe Biden is definitely your man.
Substitute “Rimjob” for “Hater”.

Well done, James! Nailed it.
Bwaha! Lolgf
think about it. we have people voting against a candidate for using “Mean Tweets”. fills you with confidence for the future doesn’t it to know that there are such geniuses amongst us. Thanks james for illustrating just how liberals think and lie.
Well stated, sir.