The Warmists cannot get their agenda truly passed in lawmaking bodies, even in a lot of states, and nations, run by hardcore leftists, so, attempt to sue and have courts create law. Even though most of these Warmists do not practice what they preach
Climate change lawsuits more than double in 5 years as impacts hit home
The number of court cases related to climate change has more than doubled in five years as impacts ranging from shrinking water resources to dangerous heatwaves hit home for millions, a report said on Thursday.
Some 2,180 climate-related lawsuits have been filed across 65 jurisdictions over the past five years, according to the report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and New York’s Columbia University, which tracks ongoing climate cases in a global database.
As of 2017, there were just 884 cases documented in 24 jurisdictions, the report said.
“We’re seeing a huge increase in the number of cases,” said Maria Antonia Tigre, a senior fellow in global climate litigation at Columbia’s Sabin Center, who said the number of cases filed per year has doubled in the past five years.
While the United States still dominates with more than 1,500 cases, other countries are seeing increases. About 17 percent of cases have been filed in developing countries, according to the report, with rainforest-rich Brazil and Indonesia among the countries seeing the most.
Sadly, I never read about the opposing lawyers, or the judges, asking if the plaintiffs have done things like giving up their own use of fossil fuels.

Ya know, I’m thinking that if some average joe tried to sue over election irregularities, the judge would toss the case, claiming he didn’t have “standing”. So why don’t these climate scammers get treated the same way?
Excellent question.
No US court has ever found SNY significant election irregularities. That would include many cases brought before Trump appointed judges
No US court has ever seen an audit or an actual investigation of the election frauds so it’s impossible for them to find “irregularities”. No US court has seen the hundreds of hours of video, heard testimony of the hundreds of people involved in ballot harvesting and ballot stuffing. That’s because no US investigator has had the balls to bring the evidence to a willing prosecutor which has to occur before anything gets to a court.
The law is now completely corrupted by the left. How else would you explain the shenanigans with all the discrepancies we witnessed in the election, on January 6th were those having to do with the hunter Biden laptop and nothing ever being done about it so far?
If the left were honest as soon as people started complaining about the election shenanigans that there would have been an audit there would have been an investigation all done nonpartisan and that would have ended the problem. Instead they pushed and pushed and pushed until civilians unhappy being called crazy marched on the capitol and then they called that an insurrection. If it was an insurrection thousands of people would be dead and Schumer and Shiff would be hanging from a lamppost in Washington DC.
The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (PEIC or PACEI), also called the Voter Fraud Commission, was a Presidential Commission established by Donald Trump on May 11, 2017. The Commission was chaired by Vice President Mike Pence and co-chaired by Kansas Sec of State Kris Kobach.
On January 3, 2018, two weeks after a court order instructed the commission to share its working documents with its Democratic members, the Trump administration disbanded the commission. The panel disbanded without making any findings of fraud.
So… a Presidential Commissions was formed to investigate United States voter fraud which President Trump blamed for his loss of the popular vote to Clinton is 2016 (and presciently for his overall loss in 2020 to Brandon). If Trump, Kris Kobach and the Heritage Foundation could not identify evidence of fraud, who can?
No words.
Who can he asks?

Bwaha! Lolgf
“H” irrelevant. The election irregularity suit was just a hypothetical example. There have been others… if memory serves, an actual candidate sued over another’s qualifications and was denied “standing”.
101F here today. 110F heat index.
Dear Elwood:
Why don’t you run down to the store and get a Bud Light.
Did you tell Rimjob to run?

Run? Did you say RUN?
Get real, James.
#Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear James,
Why don’t you run down to the store and get a box of tampons.
That would be funny to see him waddling with that big ass. But run? That is a laugh.
Are you talking about me? Keep your eyes off my ass, you smelly old man!!
Most men have had to go to the store and pick up tampons for their wives or girlfriends, but Mr Dowd seems to think that’s an insult.
At first, that task kind of embarrassed me, but then I realized: anyone who saw me buying tampons would know that I was man enough to actually have a woman.
James was purchasing the tampons for himself.
At 5:30 PM on Thursday, I recorded 93.2º F, 52% humidity, 100.9º F heat index, 29.92″ Hg pressure, and a 2.0 MPH wind out of the west northwest.
Yes, I’m kind of anal about recording these things.
An example of “lawfare”. One of the lefts favorite weapons. Using the courts as a weapon against anyone and everything they don’t like.