When the Democrats were talking about impeaching Trump both times there was no dissent, at least that you heard. All but a couple of Democrats voted to impeach Donald Trump. But, this is the Republican party, and there are always squishes to make things more difficult. Impeaching Biden should be a slam dunk: the guy is a stonecold scumbag and criminal. It should be easy to put articles of impeachment out for a vote after a hearing. Obviously, Democrats won’t vote for it in the Senate, but, the GOP could impeach him in the House. But, we have squishes
GOP Rep. Buck Accuses Speaker McCarthy of Pushing ‘Impeachment Theater
Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) said Wednesday on CNN’s “Inside Politics” that Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was attempting “impeachment theater” to distract voters from the upcoming appropriations bills.
Anchor Dana Bash said, “Let’s talk about the impeachment. Do you think it could be a political game and why do you believe that Speaker McCarthy in the last 24, 36 hours has begun to lean more into the notion of opening an impeachment inquiry?”
Buck said, “Well, this is impeachment theater. We right now are starting the appropriations process, and there is no consensus on the Republican side about what the number should be. Kevin McCarthy promised when he was running for speaker one set of numbers, and then he made an agreement with President Biden for the debt ceiling increase on another set of numbers.”
He added, “So right now, he has got to convince the public that he’s credible and that Republicans have a duty to follow him. The party itself is not in agreement and we’re going to have some real trouble passing appropriations bills.”
Now, Buck does vote Conservative. He has a better record than some, including Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, and Rand Paul. However, like many Republicans, he can get all sorts of squishy on issues where he might look bad in the Credentialed Media. Someone should ask Buck straight up if he would vote to impeach Biden. You know he has enough information to make a decision. But right now he’s calling impeachment a shiny object
Bash asked, “Do you believe there is any reason why the House Republican majority should open an inquiry right now other than politics?”
Buck said, “I don’t think it’s responsible for us to talk about impeachment when you start raising the I-word, it sends a message to the public and it sets expectations. I do think that what’s going on in the Oversight Committee and the Judiciary Committee is absolutely fair and is part of our responsibility.”
Yeah, he uses some measured words. That said, you know there are more squishes in the GOP just like him.

I don’t think that having the House impeach Biden will help any Republicans win while running for national office. Republicans are already handcuffed to a losing issue with the losing issue of abortion.
How will Independents, Thode who actually choose the winner, react to Impeachment ? How will swing states like NC vote if there are fake impeachment hearings? We did see that NC almost (1.3%) went for Biden in 2020
Maybe Rep. Buck (R-Co) could look at the facts already revealed.
(BTW, without spending millions and years on a special counsel)

Bwaha! Lolgf
PU. The stench.

Bwaha! Lolgf
In a party full of corruption like the Democrat party has become trying to get a Democrat impeached is the most ridiculous idea I’ve heard yet. They would rather kill everybody in the Republican Party then allow one Democrat anywhere to be impeached for anything. You saw what they did every time there’s a recall petition. Suddenly $10 billion arrives from overseas and everything is lost. You cannot vote out these people you can only shoot them out. They are Nazis they cannot be reasoned with they cannot be compromised with because they believe that you should be dead and shouldn’t have a voice in government. You saw the first words out of H’s mouth above was about abortion. They all believe every republican believes nobody should ever be able to get abortion. Which is nonsense. Most Republicans that I know at least believe that there are many conditions that abortion is a moral answer. Even if it hurts it’s a moral answer. But Democrats would spend billions of dollars and muddy the water so much that you would never be able to get anybody impeached the only way to get rid of a Democrat is with a bullet.
And it looks like it’s the same way on the republican side now. Now we have old farts freezing in the headlights at the podium. It has truly become the uniparty old codgers mostly socialists and communists and they’re the nice ones the mean ones are the Marxists and the Nazis.
And look how racist the Democrats have become. They have a senile old white racist man who’s insane as president and they’ll protect his *** rather than invoking the 25th amendment and putting a black woman in the in the Oval Office. For some reason these great big liberals of the left would rather deal with a senile old fart then put a black woman in the White House. All these wonderful equality people and all this crap. As I keep repeating they’re all liars all the time. You would figure if they really cared about equity they’d be the first one to do the 25th amendment get the old senile fuck the hell out of there and get camel toe Harris in.
Give full credit to some Republicans for being principled actors. Not that they think impeachment of Biden isn’t well-deserved. but that they believe such matters are best left to the voters, as a matter of principle. Naturally, only Republicans feel this way. Democrats can be counted on to toe the party line whenever called upon.
The issue is not that Joe Biden isn’t totally corrupt. He is and everyone knows it. But we all knew that about him before the election. Just as we knew the Democratic party and their accomplices in the media have been corrupt for decades.
Give credit where it is due, at least the Obamas didn’t cash their bribes until AFTER they left office.
Props to the lady who replaced that Cheney witch in Wyoming, Rep. Harriet Hageman (R).

Bwaha! Lolgf
Seems to me that if our system is so broken that we can’t impeach a senile, corrupt president because of partisan politics, that system is broken beyond repair.
In fact, the corrupt Trump was impeached twice!
Trump’s 1st impeachment followed a House inquiry finding that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas. Trump was acquitted by the Senate. Senator Romney was the only Republican voting to convict.
His Second Impeachment was related to his behaviors during the Jan 6 mob attack on the US Capitol, specifically incitement of insurrection resulting in a 57-43 vote for conviction, including 7 Republican Senators. Ten Republican Representatives voted for impeachment.
Impeachments 2.
Convictions 0.
Kinda disappointing huh, porkchop?
Guess you forgot impeachment is about politics not law although they rant on and on about the “high crimes and misdemeanors” bullshit.
Thanks for playing anyway.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Trump should have welcomed a conviction. Now he’s facing multiple indictments that could lead to prison time.
Yes, Trump is the most disappointing president evuh. BTW, high crimes and misdemeanors are in the Constitution.
Oh yeah? Sure.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Impeached twice by democrats using the process for their own political goals. That proves my point.
A successful impeachment requires a two thirds majority vote in the Senate to convict. That is NEVER going to happen. So Ken Buck is correct. An impeachment would just be another distraction. A waste of time and money. Pointless. And by voting to impeach Pedo Joe the House would be voting for a prima facie statement that he is in fact the legitimate President instead of the installed brainless puppet he actually is. Since he was NOT legitimately elected he should NOT be impeached. Simp!y arrested, tried and hung…alon with several thousand of his accomplices.