Those of us who did not live in Climate Cult World® understand that the actions of Mankind have little effect on things like the current summer heat wave…remember when the Warmists said weather was not climate?…, and here’s some proof
It’s not climate change that’s causing heat waves this summer but no one wants to explain why
Every summer, heat waves inevitably hit the U.S. and other parts of the world, causing climate alarmists and left-leaning media outlets to demand dramatic, disastrous changes to the global energy system. Unfortunately, this summer is no different.
On Tuesday, U.S. media outlets published a wave of stories about supposedly “historic” heat waves in Europe and North America. For example, The Washington Post published an article titled “Heat waves in U.S., Europe ‘virtually impossible’ without climate change, study finds.”
Similarly, Axios published a story titled “Historic and enduring U.S. heat wave, by the numbers.”
Although certain parts of the U.S. have undoubtedly experienced strong heat waves this summer, there’s no reason to believe these weather events are evidence that the world is hurtling toward a climate change catastrophe. In fact, the best available evidence suggests that heat waves recorded a century ago were more problematic than anything we’re seeing today.
Government researchers have been tracking heat waves for more than 100 years. According to data from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, which is made available by the Environmental Protection Agency, the annual heat wave index for the contiguous 48 states was substantially higher in the 1930s than at any point in recent years. In some years in the 1930s, it was four times greater or even more.
Well, I don’t remember that personally, but, I remember having some much warmer summers with a lot more humidity. And, Raleigh typically has 5-6 100 degree days (not including heat index) per year. Over the past 6-7 years we’ve only had one to two 100 degree days.
Additionally, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a large database of daily temperatures that goes back to 1948. NOAA used 1,066 weather stations located across the U.S. to collect this data.
According to NOAA, huge swaths of the U.S. have experienced a significant decrease in abnormally hot days recorded since 1948, especially in the Midwest and northern and eastern Texas.
I do believe that part of the concern is the warmer nights, which occurs more from the Urban Heat Island effect than any sort of anthropogenic global warming. Lower level air pollution does help trap the heat that should radiate away, and the roads and buildings are holding more heat.
Meteorologist Anthony Watts, who works with me as a senior fellow at The Heartland Institute, analyzed NOAA’s data in detail and found that 81% of the weather stations used in NOAA’s database reported that since 1948 there has been “either a decrease or no change in the number of unusually hot days.”
If the available data so clearly reveal that there is no heat-wave crisis, why are media outlets suggesting the opposite is true? The answer is sloppy, irresponsible media reporting, combined with cherry-picked data.
No, sorry, I have to disagree with Justin Haskins: the reason is that the Credentialed Media is full of Progressives who push the line about climate doom in order to institute more control over citizens. Period. This is all intentional. They’ve been given their marching orders and they follow them like any rabid cultists. Perhaps Justin didn’t want to assign nefarious intentions to the media, but, I damned sure will after watching them all these years, and the ones providing the talking points, even the scientists, have ulterior and even nefarious intentions.
Anyhow, there’s lots more at the story, worth the read.

Teach is still playing that victim card
Always being under the attack of the unseen forced attempting to control him and his lifestyle .
The “credentialed media” just happen to belong to the media that Americans chose to condone.
Very few like yourself choose to get their news from Breitbart
I think there are three factors at work here. First, I think the government is using this to increase control. No doubt some of this is malicious, but some is just well intentioned but misguided.
Second is media greed. They have a saying in media… “If it bleeds, it leads”. The media has a vested interest in shocking or scaring people.
Thirdly, there seems to be a sort of knee-jerk cynicism out there, especially among the libs. The notion that we’re screwing up the planet fits right in with their mindset