How often do you actually use pronouns when interacting with someone? Do you call them by their name instead? It is a very, very silly time in history
Poll: Millennials Say ‘Misgendering’ Should Be a Crime, Gen Z Disagrees
A strong percentage of millennial Americans (ages 25-34) are in favor of catering to the whims of sex-confused individuals by making adherence to biological reality in language a criminal offense, new polling conducted for Newsweek found.
In left-wing terms, 44 percent of millennials think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense.” The official term is “misgendering,” which gender ideology enthusiasts define as using pronouns that misalign with the identity of a person who believes they are transgender. For example, within this framework, it would be considered “misgendering” to call a man “he/him” if he identifies as a woman and demands to be called “she/her.”
Thirty-one percent of millennials in the survey reject the idea of making “misgendering” a criminal offense, and the remainder “neither agree nor disagree” or “don’t know.”
“This view remains popular for those aged 35-44, among whom 38 percent think misgendering should be illegal, whilst 35 percent disagree and 26 percent either don’t know or didn’t express an opinion,” according to Newsweek.
Can we get 85% of Boomers and Gen X to agree that anyone who loses their minds over the itty bitty issue of misgendering should be given 30 hours of community service, and that service should be all about manual labor? Digging ditches, cleaning up garbage, painting, etc, and restricted from using their smartphones until the community service is completed.
Anyhow, Gen Z, which is more and more accepting that there are only two genders, drops down to 33% believing it should be criminalized. Which is still too much. The number should be zero. They’re just words, there’s no threat.
Ultimately, Americans as a whole overwhelmingly reject the idea of making “misgendering” a criminal offense. Sixty-five percent disagree with making it a criminal offense, 19 percent agree, 12 percent neither agree nor disagree, and four percent “don’t know.”
So, overall, 19% are raving wackjobs who are too sensitive to be in public. It’s fine when a child does it, they have no filter and no emotional control, not an adult. Well, not necessarily fine, it’s annoying when a kids loses it in public, but, it’s understandable. Of course, to Leftists, and Millennials, words literally are violence.

and a large portion of millennials are total idiots.
Our distinguished host asks a good question:
The sex-specific pronouns are third person, so people aren’t using them to ‘misgender’ someone with whom they are speaking directly. Such would be more probable by using terms like “sir” or “ma’am.”
It could happen if there are several people present, and while addressing person “A” you refer to snowflake “B” by the “wrong” pronoun. BTW, Some woke wankers get annoyed if you call them by their name… if they’ve chosen a new one to reflect their assumed identity. Feh! I figure if a person can’t accept their own identity, why should I?
OT. I’ve been thinking recently about the condition of our federal government and about how many quote public servants UN quote apparently communist operators. That includes our elected officials in fact especially our elected officials.
I think it’s time for us to do full background checks on anybody running for office or anybody taking a job that includes those who have had any association with communist or Nazi oh organizations. We have people in office currently that are avowed Marxists and or communists who need to be removed.
We have a specially large problem in the Democrat party with their propensity toward communists. For example that’s Swalwell creature who was banging a chink spy. Or that old communist Feinstein you are a commie spy as an assistant for 20 years. You’ll notice both of these two chinks were allowed to go back to red China with no ramifications.
Judging by the number of communist professors and colleges I would have to assume that the legal profession all the way up to judges is absolutely knee deep in pinkos.
Why is it every time we listen to a Democrat speak it sounds like we’re getting a lecture from Karl Marx? Has the entire Democrat party gone so far to the left that there is no getting back to the middle?
Sadly the Republican Party right now is the same as it was in 1980. We can’t seem to realize that we need to really push back the leftist. Republican Party currently is like Democrat light in fact both parties are actually the uniparty. They’re both full of shit.
I love when I listen to leftist talk about the radical right to them that means anybody who believes that men are men and women are women and that it should be one man one vote and that election shouldn’t be rigged. That makes us radical. But when they call for expanding the Supreme Court, adding five more states to the union, we’re giving 16 year old kids and criminals the vote they’re not considering themselves radicals. The insanity of the left knows no limitations. Yes we are well past the time that we need to start weeding out the communists from our government and our institutions. If you wanna function an army public you have to believe in our Republic if you like the idea of what’s going on in North Korea or communist China then perhaps we should take you would put you in North Korea or communist China. We really don’t need you here anyway. We need radical leftists in this country like we need another wagon train of brown immigrants coming in from the South. They both accomplished the same thing make America red.
Right now we are about a redheaded cunt hair away from losing this Republic because we’ve allowed people who hate our country to run our country they hate America and they hate us they need to go.
Tits and long hair, you are a woman and addressed as such until known otherwise. All others males.
Millenials can think? Not if the headline is correct.
The Constitition says they can go pound sand. If they get so upset that they threaten violence, they can get shot. Either works for me. I wonder who will be brave enough to be the test case that goes to SCOTUS, who can then provide them with the obvious answer. And then they can riot and burn their cities down.