Heatwaves happen, just like cold waves and wonderful weather. In Warmist World this is all your fault, and Something Must Be Done
Why Republicans can’t get out of their climate bind, even as extreme heat overwhelms the US
Deadly heatwaves are baking the US. Scientists just reported that July will be the hottest month on record. And now, after years of skepticism and denial in the GOP ranks, a small number of Republicans are urging their party to get proactive on the climate crisis.
But the GOP is stuck in a climate bind – and likely will be for the next four years, in large part because they’re still living in the shadow of former president and 2024 Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.
Well, I wasn’t expecting Trump Derangement Syndrome. We shouldn’t be surprised, though
Even as more Republican politicians are joining the consensus that climate change is real and caused by humans, Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric has driven the party to the right on climate and extreme weather. Trump has called the extremely settled science of climate change a “hoax” and more recently suggested that the impacts of it “may affect us in 300 years.”
Scientists this week reported that this summer’s unrelenting heat wave would have been “virtually impossible” were it not for the planet-warming pollution from burning fossil fuels. They also confirmed that July will go down as the hottest month on record – and almost certainly that the planet’s temperature is hotter now than it has been in around 120,000 years.
Yet for being one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century, climate is rarely mentioned on the 2024 campaign trail.
Yeah, this is turning into mostly about Trump. But, look, let’s hypothetically agree that the current warming is in fact anthropogenic global warming, and it is mostly caused by Humanity, and CO2 is the control knob. Now what? If that’s the case, can the Warmists explain why all their policies revolve around increasing the power of government over out lives? Voluntarily giving up our freedoms to government? Allowing government to restrict our travel, telling us where we can live, what we can eat, what we can buy, what temperature we can keep our AC and heating at? Taking more and more of our money? What we can say, read, write, and think? Ending capitalism? Why are all their policies rather Fascistic? Authoritarian? Why are their policies never about increasing freedom, consumer choice, and limiting government authority?
When Republicans do weigh in on climate change – and what we should do about it – they tend to support the idea of capturing planet-warming pollution rather than cutting fossil fuels. But many are reticent to talk about how to solve the problem, and worry Trump is having a chilling effect on policies to combat climate within the party.
Why is CNN using vast amounts of fossil fuels and energy to gather and disseminate their version of the news? Why do so few Warmists give up their own use of fossil fuels? Give up meat? Live in tiny homes? And so forth? I enjoy this comment at the Yahoo News version
This is what weakens this country. When a political group decides on a policy, often based on faulty information,and then are reluctent to see compelling data as nothing more than political propaganda, they paint themselves into the proverbial corner and refuse to conceed. In some warped universe, they believe that capitulation, to the overwhelming scientific information,is a sign of weakness and not the intelligent option that it is. In digging in their heals, they are preventing progress and damaging the nation. Continuing the false narrative can only hurt America.
Yet, Warmists have decided on a policy to fix the scam issue, and it’s all about control. Weirdly, they’ve all been brainwashed to ignore that they will all be giving up their own money and freedom.

The Earth’s Temperature

Bwaha! Lolgf
Our fossil-fueled-automobile-selling host quoted:
And much of that not mentioning it comes from Democrats, who are far more enthralled with fighting
global warmingclimate change than normal people, but who also realize that the ‘solutions’ they have proposed would make most Americans poorer.Trust us.
Vexxing indeed!

Bwaha! Lolgf
yup. give us lots of money and give up your rights and we, the elites, can control the weather and climate. yup. the folks who push are the only folks who benefit from this scam.
Yeah, sure!

Bwaha! Lolgf
A perfect description of the Warmist position. They say “Trust the Science!” without knowing any. What they’re doing is trusting (some) scientists, who get their grants from a government that has already decided its position. Do you think they’re going to find anything that tends to DISPROVE that position? If you do, PLEASE don’t vote or breed.
I note that all the asylum residents are screaming about heat waves, when the Pacific NW had unseasonably COOL weather for the late spring/early summer. By their “logic”, that “proves” that AGW doesn’t exist.
AZ has already turned purple. Will this record breaking 31 days of over 110F push them over to the blue side?
Mr Teach: let’s hypothetically agree that the current warming is in fact anthropogenic global warming, and it is mostly caused by Humanity, and CO2 is the control knob. Now what?
As was predicted, Mr Teach sets the stage for Stage 3 of global warming denialism. To recap:
Stage 1: It’s not warming.
Stage 2: We’ve always recognized warming, but it’s natural, not man-made.
Stage 3. We’ve always recognized CO2-dependent warming but it’s too late to do anything.
Mr Teach continues to shuck and jive about commies wanting all your money and control!!
But, Stage 3 Teach asks a questions of his brethren: If man-made global warming is real (and it is) – Then What?
Any good ideas?
Rimjob: Any good ideas?
Well maybe you could pull your head out if your ample ass and try to learn something.
Bwaha! Lolgf
admits he is out of ideas…
You and david seem obsessed with my ass, but that’s hardly surprising given your “interests”.
Go fizzuck yourself, shittybutt!
Are you really suggesting that a volcanic eruption in 2022 caused the Earth to warm from 1900 to 2021? Shittybutt believes in magic.
Trump’s lieutenant, Mr Teach, is tilling the soil preparing youse guys for Stage 3. What will you say then?
Didn’t suggest that at all, porkchop.

Again you’re conjuring up things that just aren’t there.
Bwaha! Lolgf
If Trump has a “chilling effect”, well, that’s a good thing. :-) Just the thing to counter warming with chilling. :-)
Then what? Well, one would wait to see if any dire effects, as we’re told, actually happen. So far, everything is within natural variability. But another question-what if it was shown that the warming was all natural? Then what? If the alarmist community was true to form, then then the sky is falling drama queen utterances would still be with us every day. After all, if warming is bad, then if wouldn’t matter if it was agw or natural and should elicit the same responses, right? Yah, right…I have a feeling the issue would quietly fade away…
They might want to go back and look at this little event: