Considering how politicized the DOJ is, how left wing their leadership and so many agents are, this isn’t something to dismiss as “meh, it’ll never happen.” If it does, there should be some tough questions asking of the DOJ and all it’s different agencies have stopped using fossil fuels themselves.
Bernie Sanders leads lawmakers demanding DOJ prosecute fossil fuel companies for climate change
A group of left-wing senators led by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., are demanding that the Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecute the fossil fuel industry over its alleged climate disinformation campaign.
In a letter Monday to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Senate coalition — joined also by Sens. Ed Markey, D-Mass., Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. — argued fossil fuel companies have conducted a “longstanding and carefully coordinated campaign” to mislead Americans about the risks posed by global warming and “discredit climate science” in pursuit of profits. If the DOJ were to pursue such a case again the fossil fuel industry, it would mark the first time the federal government got involved in climate nuisance litigation.
“The actions of ExxonMobil, Shell, and potentially other fossil fuel companies represent a clear violation of federal racketeering laws, truth in advertising laws, consumer protection laws, and potentially other laws, and the Department must act swiftly to hold them accountable for their unlawful actions,” the four senators wrote to Garland on Monday.
First off, can any of these senators show that they take the train and drive around in EVs, versus lots and lots of fossil fueled flights, probably most weekend, and drive around in fancy pants fossil fueled vehicles? We know the answer, but, it’s just amazing to me that no Credentialed Media outlet ever asks this very simple and reasonable question.
Second, they are likening this to the Big Tobacco suits: what happens if the DOJ goes ahead with this and wins? Who gets hurt the most? The middle and working classes. The cost of energy will skyrocket, it will be difficult for the average American to travel anywhere. The cost of everything will skyrocket, because it will be so much more expensive to move food and goods, to build homes. And, remember, only half a barrel of petroleum goes to gas and oil. The rest goes to manufacturing clothes, coffee makers, refrigerators, shoes, smartphones, computers, tablets, TVs, their streaming devices, Internet routers/WiFi, makeup, and so much more. Like 6,000 products.
Those oil companies will just operate in other countries, and they will get the benefits. Be careful what you wish for: you just might get it.

I’ll bet there is a GREAT BIG propane tank out back of Bernie’s lakeside “cottage”.
ah did bernie give away 2 of his three homes? no one needs 3.
The energy companies should threaten to Go Galt if the gov pursues this. I’d like to see the auto companies join in about CAFE standards.
Oh, my-“ff companies..conducting a carefully coordinated campaign to mislead Americans about the risks of global warming and discredit climate science in pursuit of profits..”. To put that in normal, less drama queen language would be “a targeted industry defends itself”. How dare they? “Discredit climate science…”. That’s why one says when climate science isn’t “settled”. Science is a process, anyway, not a thing
If fossil fuels are so bad why do the politicians keep using it. Oh thats’ right its’ a scam.
Utitliy companies should go around the country a shut off all gas to the homes belonging to these politicians who claim it is killing the planet.