In fairness, the original started under George W. Bush, but, Biden’s ban goes much, much further
Biden administration incandescent lightbulb ban takes effect
The Biden administration’s new lightbulb efficiency rule takes effect on Tuesday, effectively prohibiting the sale of all new incandescent bulbs in favor of more energy-friendly alternatives.
The new lightbulb efficiency regulations were announced last April by the Department of Energy and require all bulbs sold by retailers to produce a minimum of 45 lumens, the measure of light and brightness, per watt. (There are exceptions for certain appliances that utilize incandescent bulbs, however, such as microwaves.)
In turn, consumers will be limited to purchasing more efficient sources of lighting, such as LED bulbs, which have a higher upfront cost but last roughly 15 to 20 times as long as incandescent bulbs.
DOE estimates that over the next 30 years, the lightbulb efficiency standard will slash carbon emissions by 222 metric tons, the equivalent of emissions generated by 28 million homes in a year.
Sigh. It’s all about the climate scam. Will any reporter ask if the White House has replaced all their light bulbs with other than incandescent?
Consumers are also expected to save nearly $3 billion per year on their utility bills, officials said.
Yeah, but the bulbs cost more, at least if you buy a decent one, because there are lots of garbage ones that last the same as IBs, sometimes less. And it’s tough finding certain ones, like the anti-bug ones I use for the porch. The low watt ones in my little lamp next to my bed. The candelabra style for the lamp above my dining room table. 40 watt equivalent for the ceiling fan. I will use other than IBs in most other things by choice. Choice. That’s the issue. Government taking away choice for their cult beliefs.
Regulators have said the more than one year of notice gives retailers and manufacturers a sufficient runway to comply with the rule and sell out their existing supply of low-watt bulbs.
Regulating away products that harm no one. Will retailers continue to sell through? Because who’s going to check?

I find LED bulbs, even the cheap ones, to be very reliable. You can get them at the dollar store for $1.25 now, thanks Brandon.
On the down side, they put out a bit of RF noise, so I have to keep any AM radio a couple feet away.
I don’t care for the mandates though, that’s not the government’s job…
Picking and choosing lightbulb winners is not the job of our government. Time to slash department of energy’s budget by about 95% so they won’t have time, people, or money to waste on stuff like this.
Picking and choosing safe and effective drugs is not the job of our government. Time to slash the FDA’s budget 95% and let the markets decide!!
Textbook example of a strawman argument, porkchop.
You’re pretty good with your logical fallacies.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Boring, unoriginal and irrelevant. You’re disappearing before our eyes… Save yourself. There’s still time.
Unburdened by intellect, wisdom, and common sense is a pretty easy way for you to go through life, huh, Rimjob?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Going… going…
You can change! There’s time, but not much…
The extent of the government’s involvement should be doing unpolitical studies and offering recomendations.
We’ve been lighting our remodel/rehab house projects for years and have studied lights and lighting quite a bit. My photography addiction only added to the learning.
CFL’s were crap. Poor light color and somewhat unstable, not to mention the short life span in cold conditions. There is an issue with disposal that is problematic. Good riddance.
Incandescent bulbs have good color rendition, fair life, low price, and produce heat. The heat issue means they are using energy. If you live in a cold climate, consider it electric heat. Other places, that can be an issue. The light output/life/price are rather favorable.
LED bulbs do a lot well. The price can be a bit high for quality bulbs, but good color rendition and good life for quality bulbs. They are spendy but use less energy. We use a lot of them, but the life is not as advertised. A problem with LED’s is the great unwashed don’t generally understand lumen output and color temperature and they get rather confused.
In the end, keep the gummmint out and let people decide for themselves.