…is beer which will be destroyed by ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Common Cents Blog, with a post on everything you need to know about the Devon Archer testimony against the Biden crime syndicate.

…is beer which will be destroyed by ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Common Cents Blog, with a post on everything you need to know about the Devon Archer testimony against the Biden crime syndicate.
Mr Trump was indicted today in DC for attempting to overturn the 2020 election won by President Biden. Also included were six co-conspirators that no doubt includes lawyers Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sid Powell, DOJ official Jeffrey Clark, and two others linked to the fake electors scheme.
The trial (unless the defendant pleads guilty) will include testimony from Trump aides, administration officials and VP Pence. Donald Trump cannot risk testifying.
Coincidence, Rimjob?
Nah… no way!

So Rimjob, just in case you were worried about Trump getting any unbiased evenhanded fair treatment in the Jack Smith J6 trial, worry no more, the judge has been “randomly” selected.
It’s Tanya Chutkan, Obama appointee, and noted among other things for having a serious hard-on for J6 defendants in general.
Trump’s lawyers might have some fun seeing how many reversible errors they can goad her into.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Is it any wonder why Rimjob supports Missouri Democrats and along with this bitch, Cori Bush?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Obsession! a new odor from smellybutt.
Like the Wicked Witch of the West… Going… going… gone.
Goodbye, smellybutt, we hardly knew ye…
We are amused that you accuse others of obsession when you spent the last six years obsessing about trump, his family, his businesses, his taxes, and everything else affiliated with the man.
You and your Communist Party I’ve created a situation where nobody trusts you or the party any longer for anything you are all themes and liars. You couldn’t give an honest answer to anything about trump if your life depended on it.
everything you guys have done regarding trump has been to censor everyone that speaks in his favor to censor everything that has to do with anything that supports trump. That’s the kind of crap Nazis and communist push. You are taking the United states down the road to ruin. And it’s not just stealing the elections. It’s the cover up that came afterwards that counts. You’re nothing but a bunch of liars and thieves.
Mr Trump was US president, elected in 2016, lost in 2020 (and illegally tried to overturn the election results) and is the likely GOP candidate in 2024! He’s a sexual predator and tax cheat, who now wants to use his candidacy to avoid prison. If you’re not obsessed with him, you’re not paying attention.
You’re crazy.
The fascist left rigged the election and when we started complaining about it they ignored us. Called us names. So we marched to the capital which is our right under the constitution. There is nothing in the constitution that says we have a right to demonstrate except at the capitol building. But for exercising that right we were called insurrectionists.
But, calling us insurrectionist wasn’t good enough for the fascist left. They had to run around and arrest everybody that was within a 20 mile radius of the capital that day and start persecuting them on an individual basis. Very similar to what the Soviets used to do. Now they’ve gotten down to Donald Trump
What they’re doing with trump is they’re gonna indict him in 42 different locations at the same time put as many laws against him as they can stretch out but basically he has the same rights to say what he wants about the election as any other American citizen. They just don’t like that. Trump never told anybody to riot and it’s on videotape if you don’t believe me. Of course stealing the election was on videotape and they ignored that so…
Now they selected hanging judges for trump’s trials to ensure the proper outcome for the state the Democrats and the communists and Nazis running our nation. Sound familiar? It’s like any other Banana Republic that ever existed. They’re making it a life and death decision to run against Democrats in an election. After all they are charging him with executionable offenses. I’m surprised they haven’t killed him yet.
We are watching the collapse of the American Republic. There is nothing these Democrats won’t do to maintain their own power because they hate us and want us dead. Remember their motto is by any means necessary.
If you have the courage listen to this Vivek Ramaswamy talk on Twitter. He points out the facts that we should all know and the facts that Elwood and H would ignore just like they did when they ignored the cheating going on when videotape during the election and just like they ignored the video of Biden threatening the Ukraine. They closed their eyes in the home because they are the oppressors they have turned into the very things they used to fight against the filthy animals.
There is no credible evidence that Mr Trump was cheated out of the election. None. None. And more none.
It is perfectly legal to demonstrate at the Capitol Building. Breaking down doors and windows to enter is illegal. To interfere with the proceedings of Congress is illegal.
We fully understand that the American far-right must delude themselves that Mr Trump won or their entire worldview will collapse. We fully understand that the American far-right is unhappy with America – the abortions, the gays, the Blacks, the immigrants, the Mexicans, the libs, the Dems. We fully understand that the American far-right is frightened by change – the acceptance of abortion, gays, Blacks, immigrants, Mexicans, libs and Dems.
You are correct about just one thing. The American Democratic Republic is under assault, but from the American far-right. Your standard bearer declared war on Democracy and tried to steal the Presidency. Your party is beholden to him at all costs. You are part of a cult.
Lather, rinse, repeat…

That TDS just won’t go away.
Bwaha! Lolgf
It’s actually laughable if it weren’t so critical. These idiots will keep repeating over and over again that there’s no evidence of this or evidence of that there’s plenty of evidence they just won’t look at it. They won’t even allow it in court even when they control the judge and they control the venue the court’s in. They won’t even allow you to say it, they censor you. And if you say it anyhow they accuse you of trying to overthrow the government and throw you in jail.
People like Dowd will deny it right up to the civil war that will occur and then when somebody puts a gun in his mouth and pulls the fuckin trigger he’ll be wondering why.
I have never run across an adult dowds age more determined to remain ignorant. The man supports the government and everything they do everything they do! He even supports them paying money for Children to get sex operations that’s how far to the left this guy has become and that Communist Party he’s part of. Anything to undermine and destroy America, Christianity and white people.
If dowd were sure his side was right he’d be for an investigation and an audit to prove it and rub our faces in it. The fact that he and the dems aren’t doing that is proof that they’re liars.
They’ve destroyed everything else in America and now they’ve destroyed justice.
You know where I live, L.G. Are you coming to my house when the shooting starts to put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger?
I’ll look out for you, L.G. 12g 3″ mag, 00 buck, to the chest, then the head.
If the far-right MAGAts had evidence we would have seen it by now. You’re all either liars or deluded. You are Trump’s slaves.
Do you think decent America would not fight back against the MAGAt plan to destroy the nation.
You want a civil war so you can kill people because you can’t win elections. America is fighting back in the courts. See the difference?
Rimjob: If the far-right MAGAts had evidence we would have seen it by now.
Funny thing is you have but you just deny it, chubby.
BTW, your Muslim neighbors will take you out long before any patriot can get to you, porkchop.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Bowers, the anti-immigrant militant who murdered 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue received the death penalty.
He was upset because the synagogue supported helping immigrants resettle.