…are mountains with missing glaciers due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on Biden indicting Trump for a speech on the national mall.

…are mountains with missing glaciers due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on Biden indicting Trump for a speech on the national mall.
Didn’t someone around here refer to this problem as a QAnon conspiracy theory?

Bwaha! Lolgf
QAnoners blamed the Dems, FBI and the Deep State for trafficking. But in this case the Dems, FBI and Deep State were the rescuers. Go figger.
Will happily defer to the porcine “expert” on the QAnon and their tactics along with those of the Dems, FBI, and the Deep State.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Surprised the creep Surber wasn’t picked up in the FBI sweep. Anyway, Surber is lying that Trump was indicted for urging others to commit violent acts. He should read the indictment.
Why would the FBI want to pick up Surber, porkchop?
Why would you be surprised?
You didn’t quite make that clear.
Rimjob: Anyway, Surber is lying that Trump was indicted for urging others to commit violent acts.
Again, porkchop, where do you see that in the Surber article?

Or did you just make that up?
Bwaha! Lolgf
And they say Trump is a serial liar.
Should play on a continuous loop

Bwaha! Lolgf
Thanks, Grandpa!
You’re the best!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Fat Donnie is SO lucky to live in the US of A where he is innocent until proven guilty. In other nations, staging a coup results in a hangiing! Here he’ll get to defend himself against the charges.
If Fat Donnie had been successful in stealing the election, his nuAmerika would be a dictatorship.
Where is Trump charged with “staging a coup”, porkchop?
Read the indictment.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Interesting take from Joe Rogan.
Believe it or not a lot of people are thinking this way.

Bwaha! Lolgf
No doubt, the American far-right would love to suspend the American Constitution and install Fat Donnie as President for As Long as Necessary because he made everything gooder! Fat Donnie, more than any leader ever, understands what “real” American patriots want and need.
They would “only” suspend rights until things got all straightened out, you know, abortion banned, Christianity put in its rightful place of dominance, all that LGBTQ nonsense quelled, build a real and effective wall to finally keep the diseased brown rapists and murderers out, eliminate the advantages given to Blacks, women, queers etc, quash the climate change cult once and for all, stop all the restrictions on the 2nd Amendment…
Sure, sure, Fat Donnie lost the last election bigly, but that just exposes the basic flaws in the system, that is, the “great unwashed” would grant themselves rights, privileges and even money, at the expense of the patriots who built America! Fat Donnie tried to fix that but “the system” rejected him – and now is intent on destroying him!
Many view Fat Donnie as the Great White Hope, but he’s much, much more than that. He is the nuMessiah sent to deliver us from the amoral evil that is the global left’s child abuse, trafficking, endless wars, slavery, anti-white, debauchery, perversion, wickedness, envy, corruption, unholiness, greed, blasphemous and Satanic ways.
The Left is trying to crucify your King.
Potential bad news for Fat Donnie…
If Mr Trump (aka Fat Donnie) is convicted of a felony, would you still vote for him?
Mr Teach is concerned that Fat Donnie would lose the general election. He is likely correct. Although Trump’s multiple indictments endear him to far-right reactionaries, few conservative independents or moderate Dems would crossover to vote for Fat Donnie.