How dare these Republicans care more about the economy!!!!!
Three-quarters of Republicans prioritize the economy over climate change
It’s hot. And some apparently don’t mind it that way.
The latest heat wave is fueled by human-caused climate change from burning fossil fuels, but despite the settled science, the overwhelming evidence and the billions of dollars in increases for disaster preparation and recovery that climate change is costing the country, Republicans have grown more skeptical of the need to prioritize fixing it, according to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.
The wide-ranging survey of 1,285 adults also found some of the most critical institutions in the country being held in low regard and that President Biden has some glaring vulnerabilities, especially when it comes to the economy, heading into the 2024 presidential election.
Overall, a majority of respondents – 53% – said addressing climate change should be given priority even at the risk of slowing the economy. That included 80% of Democrats and 54% of independents.
But almost three-quarters of Republicans (72%) said the economy should be given priority, even at the risk of ignoring climate change. That is up 13 points since 2018 – despite the increases in climate-change-related weather disasters.
All this tells me is that 80% of Democrats and 54% of Independents, and 28% of Republicans, are idiots, and should have their own economic activity curtailed. Because it’s easy to say you favor Doing Something over the economy in theory, but, once it starts impacting your own life things change quickly. Once they’re money is being sapped away, cannot afford to travel, energy, food, stream all their shows, watch all those TikTok vids, etc, well, reality will smack them in the face. Kinda like how Squad member Pramila Jayapal is totally against border wall, but, needs that wall at her house. Like how so many French citizens were great with Doing Something, and then learned that something was higher food costs and no longer allowed to take short haul flights (though the Elites are allowed on private jets).
Really, the Progressives see only 18% want to prioritize economic growth. How would that work out in practice?
And yet despite all the evidence, Trump has lied and called climate change a “hoax” and implied that it would only “may affect us in 300 years” and only see a sea level rise of 1/8 inch.
So, essentially, NPR is showing their stripes as a hardcore partisan outlet. Not that we didn’t know that.
Anyhow, the poll forgot to ask relevant questions like “how much are you willing to pay to deal with ‘climate change’?” and “what are you doing in your own life?”
The poll itself is here, since PBS didn’t bother linking it. I guess they didn’t want to show certain data, like that it was a D/R/I breakdown of 35/29/34, meaning Ds and Is were oversampled.

Translation: “Despite our attempts to convince people that “climate change” has caused more weather-related incidents.”
Mr Teach: this tells me is that 80% of Democrats and 54% of Independents, and 28% of Republicans, are idiots, and should have their own economic activity curtailed
If Teach or Trump were “king” they’d severely punish 56% of Americans for wrongthink. “Off with their economic activity!” “No jobs for you!” The soul of the American right is authoritarianism, and it has become a cult. To a nuCon cultist any of their thoughts could be true!
We have full employment, inflation dropping, wages rising, GDP increasing, stock market stable… but for partisan reasons alone the nuGOP cult continues to trash America and American institutions.
While if the left were able to do so, they’d punish all of us by making us poorer to support their cockamamie schemes!
Well, not all of us: those who are already fairly well off can stand the costs, but most Americans can’t. Remember how Mrs Douglas Emhoff told us that most Americans would go “bankrupt” over an unexpected $400 expense? Yeah, she got the numbers wrong, and missed what the statistic actually said, but at least the marvelous Mr Dowd ought to recognize that there really are poor people out there, and the proposals of the warmunists would make them poorer.
There will be poor always… and always will get the worst of it.
The meritorious Mr Dana ought to at least consider that the effects of global warming will affect the poor more than the rich. Of course the conservative cult supports policies that insulate the wealthy from the vagaries of American life – the poor be damned.
The Squire of St Louis wrote:
But when it comes to the concerns of the poor, the imperative to keep a roof over their heads, and food on the table will always be a more immediate concern than “the effects of global warming” at some date an unknown number of years in the future.
This is something our good, noble, and highly educated friends on the left just can’t seem to understand. The idea of long-term investing, of spending now to produce some projected good in the future, becomes meaningless when you can’t be certain that you’ll be able to feed the kids next week, or that your job might disappear next year.
The Legend of Lexington, who famously stated that the poor should die for not being able to afford health care, now shows concern for the poor!!
Although Mr Dana would prefer the poor never vote, they do, so they can express their preference at the ballot box and elect Republicans like Fat Donnie to stop the Dems from attempting to counter global warming!
Climate Change Is Trump!
Trump Is Climate Change!
— NPR —
Bwaha! Lolgf
Materialism and consumerism are the real religions of the USA
Acquisition is the primary force of life in the USA
if teach and trump working they would make 50% of 56% of Americans live up to what they promote to other people. Apparently you think it’s fine for 50% of the population to advocate something for everyone else that they’re not willing to to do themselves.
The soul of the American right is freedom it always has been the soul of the American left has become communism and naziism like you. And the only cults in America are the cult of COVID the cult of climate and the cult of stealing elections. You damn leftist wanna pass laws to respect everything everybody else can do but none of you ever do it. You’re hypocrites, liars, prevaricators, gas lighters and you steal elections.
You seem especially bothered. The truths being revealed about Fat Donnie has caused the right to invent new and more extreme ways to cover and explain his sins. It’s actually quite simple. A sitting President of these United States attempted to overturn the election he clearly lost. You, as a conservative, know full well that our legal court system bends over backwards to favor criminals, so Fat Donnie may get off, but the American people who voted him out of office will know what he did. Just because his clumsy attempt at a coup failed doesn’t excuse his efforts.
Fat Donnie is right! The commie/nazis stole the election! (You must believe this falsehood or your mind explodes)
Fat Donnie is right! “They” are not coming for him they’re coming for you, L’Roy! You will be indicted next!
Fat Donnie is right! What about Hunter???
In the “brains” of nuConservatives, fantasies are always colliding headlong with their parallel realities. It must hurt.
Less than 3% of NPRs budget comes from federal money. Their biggest source is from the deceased wife of the man who founded McDonalds and from their listeners.
Is VERY upset to today . He tends to become emotionally overwrought
Whenever he sees his cult leader, Trump, stressed by reality.
Calling other people hurtful names seems to give him some temporary relief.
You need something more in your life than what you have now.
Thanks, NPR.

(Oh, BTW Trump said, “Pussy”!)
Bwaha! Lolgf
yup 1285 people are concerned. really. now we have to adjust our economy and lives to ensure the 1285 are no longer concerned.
It’s assumed that a well-conducted survey is representative of the nation as a whole within the confines of the margin of error.
So 53% of 330 million is over 165,000,000 concerned Americans.
mark twain said it best: there are lies, damned lies and statistics.
Forget it, wildman.

It’s NPR and Rimjob.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Perfect-“Trump charged with questioning election results while not being a Democrat”. Who knew they were such hypocrites…?
Fat Donnie was actually charged with conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Fat Donnie’s defenders and attorneys are making stuff up, not to influence the court case, but to influence public opinion – perhaps to contaminate the jury pool.
The reasons he’s running is to raise money for his defense and to avoid convictions and prison.
They suggested changing venue to West Virginia for crimes alleged in DC, because negroes! LOL.
They suggested that Fat Donnie was too deluded to have actually committed a crime. LOL.
They suggested that Fat Donnie was just following the advice of his “good” attorneys, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sid Powell etc. LOL.
Great logic ya got there, porkchop!

You’re so smart.
Bwaha! Lolgf
“Conspiring to overturn the 2029 election…”. Yah, and they have about as much evidence as they did in the “Russian collusion” fiasco..