The irony detector just exploded
The United States strongly condemns Russia’s conviction of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny on politically motivated charges. The Kremlin cannot silence the truth. Navalny should be released.
— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) August 4, 2023
No, really
(AP) A Russian court convicted imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny on charges of extremism and sentenced him to 19 years in prison on Friday. Navalny is already serving a nine-year term on a variety of charges that he says were politically motivated.
The new charges are related to the activities of Navalny’s anti-corruption foundation and statements by his top associates. It was his fifth criminal conviction and his third and longest prison term — all of which his supporters see as a deliberate Kremlin strategy to silence its most ardent opponent. (snip)
It took the judge less than 10 minutes to announce the verdict and the sentence — something that in Russia usually takes hours and even days. The hearing was broadcast to reporters in a separate room, but the judge’s speech was barely audible.
Navalny commented on the sentence in a social media post, presumably relayed through his team, saying that “the number doesn’t matter.”
“I understand perfectly that, as many political prisoners, I’m serving a life sentence, which is measured by the length of my life or the length of life of this regime,” Navalny said, urging his supporters “not to lose the will to resist” in the wake of his sentence.
I wonder how Democrats will respond when Biden is out of office and a Republican prosecutor, or a DOJ run by a Republican president, comes after him? I really would like them to not go after Biden, no matter how shady and criminal he’s been, but, Democrats have set the stage.

But, but, but, the distinguished Mr Dowd will sputter, what Donald Trump did is different!
Mr Teach: how Democrats will respond when Biden is out of office and a Republican prosecutor, or a DOJ run by a Republican president, comes after him? I really would like them to not go after Biden, no matter how shady and criminal he’s been
If President Biden has committed significant criminal acts then Republican prosecutors or the DOJ SHOULD investigate and indict him if indicated! This is America where even the elites should not be above the law.
The Republican House should open their investigation of Joe Biden to air out all the charges and evidence against Biden for the American people to see. They can impeach him as Clinton and Trump were.
Ex-President Trump has been accused of serious crimes against the people of America, the most serious being attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential election – and will get his days in court.
Teach is being disingenuous comparing the American legal system to Russia’s and comparing Navalny’s case to Trump’s, but we understand to what audience propagandists such as Mr Teach appeals.
Pull your head out, porkchop.
Johnnie boy’s, too.
Nothing to see here!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Joe Biden’s corruption??
Show me the money !
Biden has zero
After 74years he had enough money to buy a beach house for 2.4 million
He rides a mountain bike for fun
He vacations on NANTUCKET but only in the off season in a rented house.
Heine the Clintons has chosen NOT to live a luxury life style.
The Clintons each command a 250 to 500000$ speaking fees. Yet they have chosen not to upgrade their lifestyle. It just isn’t that important to them
Their first house that they bought 23 years ago in NY cost 2.5 million. Their 2nd house in Dyc cost 4.5 million.
Hillary has “admitted” to over paying for the pantsuits that she wears.
Hunter Biden? Charge him. I don’t see Dems lining up to defend him for his charges. Only about 3000 Americans are indicted for tax evasion each year. Only about 600 receive prison terms, usually if they refuse to pay. Hunter Biden has paid, but if you think because he is the son of our president, and deserves to be made an example of, I would say you have a valid point. As far as lying on his gun purchase form concerning drug use, I will let Teach speak of that.
the money is in numbered accounts in places like Togo, Cayman islands, the Fiji, Cuba, Venezuela and any other corrupt area from the Ukraine to Syria.
You really are a dancing monkey for the leftists. You believe everything they tell you from COVID came from gay bats to the earth is gonna burn up if we don’t get rid of our cars. It’s amazing help perfectly reasonable people buy this BS that you buy.
The other day we had to show him that the warming of the !930’s was global and not just in the U.S.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Yeah, let’s go with that.
Just the weather

Bwaha! Lolgf
“Democrats clarify that no one is above the law that they selectively enforce…”
Jack Smith is not a Democrat.
Do you feel that trying to overturn an election and preventing the peaceful transfer of power is not a crime?
Jack Smith worked for Lois Lerner.

That’s pretty much all one needs to know about Jack Smith.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Jack Smith? The fact that he is so deeply involved in Democrat politics makes him unsuitable for anything that you would necessarily have to be honest. To have Jack Smith involved in the prosecution of Donald Trump is like having Adolf Hitler involved in the prosecution of a Jew. The Democrats inability to be fair about anything is just revolting.
They have made it so that the system is the problem the system is the corruption and the system is what needs to be wholly changed.
Do you feel that trying to overturn an election and preventing the peaceful transfer of power is not a crime?
Jack Smith is neither judge nor jury.
Never happen. Conservative prosecutors don’t go after political opponents. Only democratic party activists do that.
Bullshit. See Clinton, William Jefferson. See Edwards, Johnny.
While it’s true more Republicans are prosecuted than Dems, there may be a reason for that. Anyway, Repugs tend to break laws when they’re in the Executive Branch, Dems when they are legislators or judges.
For example, all either found guilty or pleaded guilty:
John N. Mitchell (R) Attorney General,
Richard Kleindienst (R) Attorney General,
H. R. Haldeman (R) White House Chief of Staff,
John Ehrlichman (R) former White House Counsel,
Egil Krogh (R) Undersecretary of Transportation,
John Dean (R) White House Counsel,
Dwight Chapin (R) Secretary to the President,
Herbert W. Kalmbach (R) Nixon’s Personal Attorney,
Charles Colson (R) Special Counsel to the President,
Spiro Agnew (R) Vice President,
Maurice Stans (R) Secretary of Commerce
Earl Butz (R) Secretary of Agriculture
Elliott Abrams (R) Assistant Secretary of State,
James G. Watt (R) Secretary of the Interior,
Michael Deaver (R) White House Deputy Chief of Staff,
Catalina Vasquez Villalpando, (R) Treasurer,
Darleen Druyun (D) Principal Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force,
Wade Sanders (D) Deputy Assistant United States Secretary of the Navy,
Webster Hubbell (D) United States Associate Attorney General,
John Korsmo (R) Chairman of the Federal Housing Finance Board, pleaded guilty to lying to congress (2005).[126]
Claude Allen (R) Director of the Domestic Policy Council,
Lester Crawford (R) Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration,
Scooter Libby (R) Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney (R)
David Safavian (R) Administrator for the Office of Management and Budget,
Robert E. Coughlin (R) Deputy Chief of Staff for the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice,
Felipe Sixto (R) Special Assistant for Intergovernmental Affairs,
Scott Bloch (R) United States Special Counsel,
General David Petraeus (I) Director of the Central Intelligence Agency,
Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, National Security Advisor (R),
Steve Bannon (R) White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to the President,
Several (R) members of Trump campaign,
Donald J Trump (R) former President (only indicted).