…is a tree that looks like it’s dying from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post laughing at Megan Rapinoe.
It’s Asian ladies week.

…is a tree that looks like it’s dying from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post laughing at Megan Rapinoe.
It’s Asian ladies week.
Wouldn’t put it past them.
Pondering the big question

Bwaha! Lolgf
Welcome to The Fraud Squad

Bwaha! Lolgf
Via Kari Lake-Al Sharpton the other day on MSNBC..”Can you imagine if James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried overthrow the government?” Yes Al, yes I can. Because I passed 1st grade.
If they actually made that comment they should be thrown off at television. What the heck did they think Madison and Jefferson were doing?
If every “commontater” making a stupid comment was kicked off TV, we’d have no FOX, CNN, Newsmax, MSNBC, ONN etc!
In Big Al’s defense, he was ignoring the Revolution and thinking of the infant new government. But still tone deaf.
But do you really believe today’s American government is as oppressive as the Brits in the 1700s, and it’s time for the citizens to take up arms against the nation and the majority of citizens? Or do you have enough faith in our Republic to repair the problems with voting?
The Earth’s Temperature

Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
Joe Fizzucking Hoft? LOL.
The judge randomly selected for Mr Trump’s federal Stolen Classified Documents case is Judge Aileen Cannon, a conservative Trump appointee.
How did the corrupt justice system let that happen?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Fat Donnie can still criticize the election, the judge, the prosecutor, the nation, the jury system etc. The order of protection is to keep Fat Donnie from revealing the home addresses, habits, telephone numbers, email accts of the the principals and their families.
Not that Fat Donnie would consider that to stay out of prison. Yeah, right, LOL.
That said, Fat Donnie, as an ex-president and current candidate, is being treated with kid gloves.
As a “candidate”, Donnie has First Amendment rights to campaign as he sees fit. If this crosses over to judge, jury, witness, prosecutor intimidation he’ll be disciplined. The government must balance his First Amendment rights against his desire and ability to harm the nation.
More Rimjob made-up “logic” which means it doesn’t make any sense.
The stupid is strong with this one.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Now would you gotta stop calling trump fat Donnie. Fat people shouldn’t try and fat shame other people.
The managerial elites live on the artificial soil of an urban cosmopolis which they never leave. No matter where in the world they go, there are NY and DC waiting for them, and the hive-mind is always accessible via their smartphone.
Their world consists entirely in the manipulation of symbols. Everything about their life—the way they eat and consume, the way they relate, the way they think—it all takes place within this immense system of indices that we call the modern city. Any piece of reality that cannot be processed and adapted to the city symbolism is left outside and ignored. Any that is admitted is falsified until it satisfies the city’s exigencies. The result is a glittering world of pure artifice, sterile and without a future, but captivating to most people because it provides the illusion of control. The manger-types looks at the city as “his world,” and it reflects outwardly what his mind is inwardly.
Also in the city state we have the managerial drones that would be you elwood. You are the people who tacitly obey whatever the managerial elites tell you and repeat constantly the same crap they tell you day after day and media outlet by media outlet. You never think for yourselves, you never question your managers, you don’t regard anybody elses worthwhile or even salvageable and you constantly project everything that you feel and believe on everybody else. In reality you’re the nasty bastards not us. If you ever actually looked at yourself you’d know that.
Like all things, your city-world must draw in its nourishment from the Earth. It has a never-ending appetite for raw materials and for wave after wave of men which it draws in from all corners of the globe. But it wants nothing to do with these things in their natural state. They are only desired as units of economic utility to prop up the city and support the expanding hive. This lead to an implacable and irreconcilable hatred between city and country: the city imposes its false and stifling values upon the life of the country and the goods flowing up therefrom, which it sees as mere objects for its own consumption, neglecting the lives of the patriots who are bound up with the production of these goods. What is life to one is death to the other.
The fanaticism of the manager-class flows in part from its status as an obligate predator upon the landscape, and also in part from a deep fear that the land-based values of the country will one day overcome and shatter the urban artificialities. Knowing nothing except symbol manipulation, the managers will then find themselves with no world to inhabit, and be left to wander forever like cursed spirits with no flesh. The obsessive drive to spread urban life to every individual and nation, to destroy every race distinction and sex distinction and other types of real (and therefore uncontrollable) identity, is rooted in the terror of meeting with an other type of life than that which they themselves are. They need the country, but the country doesn’t need them. This asymmetry is at the heart of all their self-importance. And their fear.
The only tool that they really possess is money, i.e. the chief symbol by which all the other symbols are manipulated. However, they have pushed this too far and, in resorting to arbitrary and confiscatory piracy, have greatly lessened trust in the one place they can ill-afford to lose it. Once people have had it to the point that they are better off taking their chances outside the monetary system than in enduring the depredations of the elites as the price of participation, then there is nothing anyone can do to keep the society from falling apart. And we have almost arrived at that point.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Biden has had low approval from the get-go, so it’s hardly news. Biden received some 8 million more votes than Fat Donnie in 2020 and it’s difficult to imagine that Fat Donnie will fare better in 2024.