Democratic Party Run Cities In A Nutshell

Another great line: “I don’t fee safe ever.” But, the same leftists will vote for the same hardcore leftist politicians and policies, and are fine until those policies hit their own lives. But, will end up voting the same way when the next elections come around.

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5 Responses to “Democratic Party Run Cities In A Nutshell”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    Are we sure they vote for democrats or is it a machine that cranks out democratic votes?

    Half of this country no longer trusts the voting system in place in America as we watch the DOJ weaponized against a single American. The FBI turned into the personal Spetznatz of the Democratic Machine and the CIA involved on American Soil…something totally forbidden in their charter.

    The deep state exists. The Ruling class is a thing that has always existed and the internet more than Donald J. Trump has shone a light on what no one wanted to believe about America.

    Your vote doesn’t count. What counts is what a few dozen billionaires want to see happen in this country and now a new ruling class that consists of Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the Military industrial Complex joined by the big PHARMA that now runs your lives. Dictates what you can and cant do and is ever scarier?

    They are impinging on every American’s freedoms including, Democrats, Republicans, and those that don’t give a shit about politics.

    Are you really sure THESE people keep getting voted into office over and over or is it the machine that cranks out the votes for them? No we all thought that the left would be destroyed in 2020 after the summer of love. A break away nation inside our borders in Seattle. Mass violence, and you all know the drill.

    Masks and a vaccine that only kept you from getting really sick instead of keeping you disease free,. shutting down our cities and schools. Oh it was gonna be a slaughter at the polls but instead it was the GOP who was slaughtered by 81 million voters that do not exist.

    Evidence of 15,000 voters all giving the same address of a vacant field in Arizona were summarily dismissed by the Judge. No evidence. Video of the same ballots being run all night long….No evidence. Routers found tied to Chinese Servers. No evidence. On and on it goes and yet…

    Each 2 years the GOP believes they are winning…..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

    Winning. We are winning the Darwin award every 2 years for being the dumbest people on the planet in believing the Democrats can lose elections in places that matter. No I don’t think they are cheating in Deadville, Wyoming. But are they cheating in those swing states that matter.

    Yes they are. The president is now imperial. He runs the country. Our government has ceeded their powers to him/her. That is why electing the president is the most important thing that any party can do and it is why Crime Family Biden sits in the White House…..those powers that be love it when one of their own criminals runs the show!!!!

  2. H says:

    Yet people, especially young people, still keep leaving small towns and move to the cities. They vote with their feet.
    Only 12% of Americans live in small towns, less than 2000 people, that number had been decreasing for 100 years.
    WV has is suffering the biggest percentage loss of population.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      West Virginia is one of seven states to lose a congressional seat, along with California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

  3. Jl says:

    Another Dem-run shit hole….

  4. […] of carrying a firearm? How about the other day when there was a women right across from Oakland who said that “I don’t feel safe […]

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