Foes of illegal immigration have long noted that the presence of illegal aliens in the U.S. deflates wages. The NY Times now confirms this…as the Times attempts to slam Florida and Ron DeSantis
New Florida Immigration Rules Start to Strain Some Businesses
After signing into law a raft of new measures aimed at undocumented immigrants in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis said the legislation gave the state “the most ambitious anti-illegal immigration laws in the country.”
It would, he said, keep Florida taxpayers from “footing the bill for illegal immigration.”
Critics of the law warned that it would come with a price of its own, and a costly one for a state that relies on hundreds of thousands of undocumented workers in agriculture, construction and hospitality.
Under the new law, which went into effect on July 1, hospitals are required to ask patients their immigration status and document the costs of caring for such patients. Many more employers are now required to use an electronic database to identify hires illegally in the country, or face fines. And undocumented immigrants can no longer be sure that drivers’ licenses from every other state will be considered valid in Florida.
So far, the state hasn’t undertaken any sort of sweeping crackdown, and it isn’t clear how aggressively the new law will be enforced. But its effects have begun to ripple through the state, stirring fear in some immigrant communities and frustration among some business owners.
Obviously, the entirety of the article is meant to be “this is so horrible, why did Ron DeSantis single-handedly implement all these restricts on illegal aliens!!!!!” Even this is meant to be a slap at Ron
Tim Conlan, president of Reliant, a roofing company in Jacksonville, said a subcontractor had recently turned down a project after his workers refused to travel to Florida, preferring to stay in Georgia and the Carolinas. He also said that hourly rates for jobs had increased about 10 percent since the bill was signed into law in May.
That’s because they have to hire Americans and people legally in the U.S. who are authorized to work, not illegal aliens. This will mostly effect the blue-collar industries and small shops who would otherwise hire illegals.
Immigration reform and migrant rights advocates are planning to walk more than 40 miles from the North and South Bay to San Francisco beginning this weekend to demand congressional action on a pathway to permanent residency for millions of migrants stuck in legal limbo nationwide.
Dozens of immigrant rights organizations in the Bay Area and elsewhere in Northern California are gearing up for the “All In for Registry” walk starting Saturday at 8 a.m. in Petaluma and San Jose. Participants will walk more than 40 miles over the weekend to meet at the Federal Building in San Francisco on Monday.
The walk aims to press Congress to pass H.R. 1511, also known as the “Registry Bill,” which would allow approximately 8 million undocumented people currently living in the U.S. to apply for legal permanent residency.
Sounds like a great place for Texas governor Greg Abbott to ship a couple hundred illegals. Of course, consider the vast numbers of homeless in San Francisco and the current high levels of crime, would they even notice?

If by some strange act of God Donald Trump should win the election in 2024 meaning the Democrats having come up with 100 million votes and they haven’t tried every trick in the book stop them and they haven’t had them assassinated do you think that they will allow Donald to take office?
I don’t think the demo commies would allow Donald Trump to take office if he won. They would probably cause a revolution or a civil war send in the army and arrest and or kill anybody that they could get their hands on that supported him. They’ve already done the kangaroo court thing and arrested anybody that supported him that they could get their hands on so now it’s time for the shooting to start.
Plus we all know Democrats can’t stand the word no. They believe their cause to be holy and righteous and anyone who disagrees with them is evil and deserves death. The good news is they’re in distinct minority in America. The bad news is they control all the levers that have firearms and all the military and police and now they even have armed Mr. Softy guys running around. Any government employee that they can get a firearm to they do.
If Donald Trump wins a free and fair election in 2024, he will take office in Jan 2025. The Dems will accept the loss and work to defend against Trump and the nuGOP’s worst instincts. Trump has been the only ex-president to try and steal an election.
The violence you describe your personal wish list for what you’d hope the nuCons would do if Trump loses.
Your final paragraph is just more of your typical projected nonsense.
CarolAnn: The good news is they’re (Dems) in distinct minority in America.
This is part of the far-right’s delusional world view. You believe that the far-right is the majority! Why? Because you only listen to media that confirms that, and everyone you know is far-right. There are more Dems than Republicans, which is why Dems always win the popular vote, duh. (We know, we know… the far-right claims it’s because of “rigged” elections) It’s not. It’s just another far-right delusion.
An electoral aside: The far-right sends individuals to prison for five years for illegal voting but excuses Fat Donnie for attempting to steal an entire election! Isn’t it ironic!
CarolAnn: They’ve already done the kangaroo court thing and arrested anybody that supported him that they could get their hands on so now it’s time for the shooting to start.
A tiny percentage of Fat Donnie‘s supporters were arrested, and then only the ones who committed violent crimes on Jan 6 at the US Capitol.
Will you take up arms against America “now (that) it’s time for the shooting to start”?
Why doesn’t Florida just secede from the Union? The state government there clearly has a better way!
If they won’t even accept the validity of another state’s drivers license’s aren’t they already pulling away from America?
You’ve already jumped into with typical leftist frivolity the idea that they’re not going to accept the validity of another states drivers license. That’s not true. And who says they should accept the validity of a drivers license from an illegal alien?
I know you hate the Republic you keep running around screaming democracy democracy democracy but when the states start to actually exercise their democracy you get all squeamish. It’s quite interesting that when a state or a group of people or anything disagrees with you democracy is the first thing that goes out the window.
Perhaps before jumping to conclusions you should wait and see what actually happens. Or is that asking too much from a hysterical hyperbolic leftist? I know with you guys everything is a calamity and a crisis. But some illegal not getting a drivers license in Florida isn’t the end of the world.
Do you agree that states should have a referendum on whether to permit abortion? That’s real democracy isn’t it?
Konservative Kansas rejected an Amendment to ban abortions 59% to 41%. Ohio Republicans are trying to require a 60% vote for any amendment or referendum.
In 2022:
In most red states, Repubs have gerrymandered the districts to favor the Repubs, even though they have a Dem majority. Nuconservatives prefer rigging the representation so that their rural, white minorities can “outrepresent” their urban majorities. Here in backward Missouri our House of Representatives has 51 Dems and 111 (68%) Republicans! Gallup found 45% of Missourians ID as Republican, 38% as Democrats, and the rest as Independents. ALL Dem representatives come from the St. Louis area, KC area, Columbia (Mizzou) or Springfield (MSU).
In Florida (2023), 37% of voters are Republicans and 33% Democrats.
Dearest Elwood:
The SC’s ruling tossed the question back to where it belongs. In the states. Some will go one way others another.
You know, what the Constitution allows.
Why does that bother you?
Secession, which should be legal, is impractical due to the federalization of so much of the economy, and Florida is particularly entangled. We’ve all been forced to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes all of our working lives, and that means that much of our retirement ‘savings’ are at the mercy of the federal government; if a state secedes, its people lose their retirement plans!
Maybe states like CA and NY should be forced to accept other states concealed carry permits. Same principle…
Mr Teach: Surprise: Florida’s Everify System Causing Wage Increases
At least in the roofing industry, or so it seems. It be that the paucity of roofers allows contractors to raise their rates, but only 10%.
Other industries may not have that option. Check on the orange, lemon, grapefruit, sugarcane, tomato, pepper, cotton, watermelon and peanut growers. It’s unlikely that union workers can fill the gap left by the lack of seasonal workers.
We understand that the far-right now prefers draconian measures. Making other humans miserable is not a bug, it’s a feature of the movement. First, kill all the “illegals”. Maybe a national “Squid Game”? FOX could carry it live.
Or maybe DeeSantis could allow illegals to harvest the crops, then capture and deport them to Massachusetts or Illinois!
At least J doesn’t use the term “far right” that much, so we have that to be thankful for…..
I know J, the horror-the governor is trying to get US citizens the jobs first. What a monster!
Sorry, but what’s driving Florida’s wages is the stupid $15/hr min wage bullscat (which required/requires mandatory yearly increases until said $15/hr is reached) that was voted in by the same people who voted in medical marijuana.
And the rise in labor rates is killing small businesses and hurting actual labor at supermarkets and other normal min-wage jobs.
The crackdown on illegals is just icing on the cake.
The Bible clearly states in
Leviticus 19:34
“The alien who resides with you shall be as the citizen among you; you shall love the aliens as yourself , for you were aliens in the land of Egypt:
I am the Lord thy God
Carol Ann is attempting to destroy my great country by moving it away from its Judeo Christian precepts
She is as wicked as a witch !!
H, the Old Testament was completed with the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ.
We are under the New Testament which says we should obey Caesar.
“Pearls before swine” also comes to mind.
The current minimum wage in FL is 11$
For most workers
Some can legally be paid less