Remember back in the day when Democrats recommended women use rape whistles to scare away rapists instead of carrying a firearm? How about the other day when there was a women right across from Oakland who said that “I don’t feel safe ever”?
Police in Democrat-Run Oakland Urge Residents to Use Airhorns if Targeted by Criminals
Police in Democrat-run Oakland, California, are urging residents to use airhorns as a way of sounding an alarm when criminals strike amid a surge in crime.
Crime has risen to a point where police are not only advising the purchase of airhorns but also the placement of “security bars to…doors and windows,” CNN noted.
Burglaries in the city are up 41 percent “and robberies by more than 20 percent.”
Oakland resident Toni Bird indicated that she followed the advice of police and now has three airhorns.
Bird said, “The types of crime that we’re seeing feel much more violent and the consequences feel much more severe. And it feels like the people that are being targeted are people who are vulnerable.”
Per Neighborhood Scout, Oakland is considered a 1, meaning it is safer than just 1% of US cities. Since there are no zeroes, it’s the worst. Violent crime is three times the California average. Property crime is double the California average, and you have a 1 in 17 chance of being a victim. Criminals in Oakland are now making property crimes more violent.
Flipping to that CNN article mentioned above
After 60-year-old retiree David Schneider was shot and killed here while trimming a tree in his yard, his neighbor, Toni Bird, said she retreated indoors.
“People aren’t feeling safe out of their house,” she said. “It makes sense that you would want to protect your house then, right? You would barricade it.”
Aren’t feeling safe. Strange how this so often seems to be the case in the Democratic Party run cities run by the hardcore leftists. Toni Bird mentioned above also has 5 security cameras.
Oakland residents say they are unnerved and considering fleeing the state because of the rise in violent crime that has community activists, including the local NAACP, demanding urgent action from city officials.
Why? You know they voted for all this. They’re getting what they asked for
In a letter released in late July, NAACP Oakland Branch President Cynthia Adams and Oakland pastor Bishop Bob Jackson demanded action from elected leaders to ensure public safety, especially in predominately Black neighborhoods.
“African Americans are disproportionately hit the hardest by crime in East Oakland and other parts of the city. But residents from all parts of the city report that they do not feel safe,” they said in the letter.
The statement went on to accuse “failed leadership” of creating “a heyday for Oakland criminals.”
Would this be the same NAACP and black Oakland residents who wanted to defund the police? Who continue to vote for the failed leadership? It’s not like Oakland hasn’t been synonymous with crime for decades. And “do not feel safe.”
That is why, [interim chief of police] said, his department is focusing on sustainable solutions for prevention, in addition to enforcing the laws.
They’re putting in more lights. In a place where criminals have zero problem committing crime in broad daylight. They’ll stroll into stores, loot, and casually walk out. Often with their faces uncovered. They do not care. It’s rare they’re arrested. And, if they are, they’re let go.

Is Teach going to pretend that the anti abortion vote in Ohio just never happened?
He used to say that abortion was THE most important conservative position.
This is the 3rd big win for the “baby killers”
“Oakland mayor asks residents to blow air horn once to announce stabbing, twice for shooting”.
Get your air horns now before the price goes up. There’s going to be a run on air horns when cops start using air horns to corral drive by shooters, gang members, and 7-11 robbers.