I wonder how much is coming back into Biden’s pockets?
President Joe Biden is expected to unveil his request for additional Ukraine aid on Thursday.
The Biden administration is expected to unveil its request for billions of dollars in additional funding for weapons and other aid to Ukraine on Thursday, according to two people with direct knowledge of the timing of the request.
That emergency funding ask is also expected to include aid to Taiwan and money to replenish rapidly dwindling disaster relief cash — although the final authority on specific money that’s requested lies with the White House Office of Management and Budget.
Neither of the people provided further details on the amount of the request or its specific targets. Both people were granted anonymity to speak about sensitive discussions.
How much will it be? Some are saying the supplemental could be around $25 billion, which would be used for many purposes, including shoveling more money to Ukraine. What’s the money being used for? No one truly knows. And Biden is being pressured to send more US weapons to Ukraine, this time Army Tactical Missile Systems, with long range capability.
(CNN) The White House on Wednesday downplayed CNN polling showing most Americans oppose Congress providing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia ahead of a reported administration request for more aid.
“We have we have seen throughout this war solid support from the American people, solid support from the Congress in a bipartisan and bicameral way for continuing to support Ukraine and we’re going to stay focused on that,” National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby told CNN on a call with reporters Wednesday. (snip)
“If some Americans don’t feel that or since that … I think it’s important to remember that if we just sit back and we let Putin win, we let him take Ukraine, where does it stop next?” Kirby said.
So, if you’re against send lots of money and weapons to Ukraine for a war that’s going nowhere and there’s zero accountability for that money, you’re obviously rooting for Putin.
Last week, a CNN poll showed that overall, 55% say Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more. A poll conducted in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February 2022 found 62% who felt the US should have been doing more.
The U.S. could do quite a bit to help our own people with that money.
Slow counteroffensive darkens mood in Ukraine
This nation is worn out.
For nearly 18 months, Ukraine has stood against its Russian invaders — rallying support for its troops by embracing last year’s battlefield victories in the Kyiv, Kharkiv and Kherson regions.
Throughout, Ukrainian officials and their western partners hyped up a coming counteroffensive — one that, buoyed by a flood of new weapons and training, they hoped would turn the tide of the war.
But two months after Ukraine went on the attack, with little visible progress on the front and a relentless, bloody summer across the country, the narrative of unity and endless perseverance has begun to fray.
It’s great that Zelenesky can run around the world, hobnobbing with the rich and powerful in his designer t-shirts, but, this war resembles the trench warfare of WWI, with the lines barely moving and not much happening. But, there are enough members of Congress, both R and D, to make the request for more money happen. They really do not give a damn about what the US citizens think.

Not one red cent. Biden is no longer trusted to have anything in his pockets. He is handed anything he needs and then it is collected back from him so he doesn’t swallow it. After all, as we are told often, he lives in Delaware and so it isn’t possible he was taking millions in bribes from foreign governments.
Now, if you move the apostrophe to after the s, then you have a valid statement. Those 22 LLCs pay for a lot of Biden relatives. Very kind of Biden to share the wealth among his family like that.
what? zelenskys wife need another shopping trip to paris? or does hunter need some extra cash to be kicked back for his upcoming legal defense?
The American far-right hates Ukraine, the Zelensky’s, the US military, the US Women’s National Futbol Team, the US government, the FBI AND democracy but love lies, Putin, Russia and autocracy.
Curiouser and curiouser!!
Is the “American” far-right more Patriotic Russian than Patriotic American??
What does Putin have on your Teflon leader, Fat Donnie, to instill such allegiance?
Squishy dummiecrats!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Rimjob: US National Womens Futbol(?) Team
Well okay, Jose.
Hotness Beats Wokeness

Bwaha! Lolgf
The American radical left IE communist and Nazis love the Ukraine and the Nazis Zalensky. But then he’s been shipping money to you guys for years. He’s been helping the Biden set up shell corporations so that the money never shows up in their own accounts.
You seem to know everybody we hate you need to explain that. Especially the fact that you’re wrong on every one of them. we don’t give a rats ass about the US woman’s National Football team. If it disappeared tomorrow we wouldn’t even notice. Besides aren’t any women left in it they’re all lesbians and transsexuals.
Unlike you communists we love the US military it’s the brass we can’t stand since they’ve been converted into over decorated snowflakes by the radical left in this country. Which explains why now you call me bastards who hated the military suddenly love it.
Can unlike you we do hate the US government because it’s full of grifters thieves communists and Nazis just like you and you put them there. You are not patriots you are fifth columnists we are patriots, we love our country not our government. And we don’t love democracy cause we’re not a democracy we’re a Republic and we do love our Republic.
It’s so laughably funny when you say we love Putin Russia and autocracy and yet you guys censor everybody try and throw everybody out of their jobs close down businesses arrest people murder people that go into the capitol building arrest hundreds of patriots. Projection anyone???
The people like you who I call the managerial elite, democracy gives you mob rule by ballot box stuffing and stealing votes. To the managerial elite, democracy means the process by which the majority or an assumed majority is convinced to support elite opinion. This is why they are inspired to redouble their efforts whenever they lose at the ballot box. Democracy requires them to work harder to get their desired result. Expediency may require them to go around this process using the courts or administrative fiat. The assumption is that enough people already agree so it is close enough to justify action.
This one word shows how the elite and the commoners do not share the same basis of understanding when it comes to politics. The elites see democracy as the process of working toward their desired end. The people assume it is the process by which elites discover the common will. These are two entirely different and incompatible views of the democratic process. Inevitably this leads to a large number of words and concepts lacking a shared understanding.
The managerial elite, however, violates the principle in order to trick the common people, but also to signal intent to the rest of the elite. It is why every new social fad comes with new insider jargon.
The regularized flouting of the principle of commonality in political discourse is not entirely due to deceit, even though it is often a happy accident. The managerial elite in particular, but the managerial class in general, lives in a different shared reality than the people over whom they rule. More important, the managerial class is increasingly aware of the class difference. Much of what defines the ruling class is the shared knowledge of the difference between them and the rest.
This is why political discourse is increasingly frustrating, but also pointless. The gap between how the media, for example, talks about the Trump indictments and how normal people talk about it is too large to cross. The shared reality of the media imagines Trump leading an armed rebellion against the system. The shared reality of the normal people is of a man being tormented by the ruling elite. There is no commonality here, so the communication is cognitively meaningless.
What this suggests is that the clash between the rulers and the ruled is much more than a clash of interests. It is not simply about one side wanting different ends than the other side or wanting more from the result than the other side. Those sorts of conflicts rest on a set of commonly accepted principles. This clash is due to the managerial class living in a different contextual reality from the people. The current conflict is not a clash of interests, but a clash of incompatible realities.
Fact is fat boy, you people want us dead and we wanna separate from you. You’re the leftist anything a leftist disagrees with he kills it’s their nature it’s in their DNA. Everyone Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Che, and all the rest of the left wing monsters hated they killed. You’re nothing but a party of murderers. and it doesn’t really matter to you thugs whether your victims are in the womb or out of the womb.
Fat Girl CarolAnn,
We DON’T want you dead but you are welcome to leave America and we’ll even help you pack.
Just read today how evangelical pastors are upset with evangelical MAGAt parishioners who now declare the teachings of Jesus are just too pussified and weak. Is that you?
From where did the copy the paragraphs starting with, “The people like you, who I call the managerial elite…” and ending with “The current conflict is not a clash of interests, but a clash of incompatible realities.”