I remember a time when we were told that illegal immigration was a minimal cost, that it was victimless, that it was no big deal. Funny how that changes when it is a northeast leftist city like the Sanctuary City Of New York that’s now paying the price
NYC mayor puts $12 billion cost on migrant crisis, blames ‘broken’ national immigration system
Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday sharpened his appeal for state and federal aid by presenting steep new cost projections for the tens of thousands of migrants in New York City’s care.
“If we don’t get the support we need, New Yorkers could be left with a $12 billion bill,” he said in a formal address to the public from City Hall.
That’s everyone along the border in Texas and Arizona right now. Seriously, they’re a declared sanctuary city. They overwhelmingly vote Democrat and support unfettered illegal immigration, and now they’re upset they have to pay for it? They should be thrilled and willing to pony up more tax money for this.
The $12 billion is the estimate by summer of 2025 if the flow of migrants continues apace with current numbers, Adams said. Administration officials had previously forecast that the cost would reach more than $4 billion by next summer. The new estimation of $4 billion annually for three years, is a significant portion of the city’s budget that is currently $107 billion. By comparison, the NYPD’s annual budget this year is $5.8 million.
So, SCNY has time to raise the tax rate for citizens.
“The immigration system in this nation is broken; it has been broken for decades,” Adams said, declaring: “Today, New York City has been left to pick up the pieces.”
See, it’s broken because citizens and government in SCNY have to deal with the illegals, who are mostly young males. Maybe they should be considering that it’s not the system that’s broken, just that the Democrats in government, with the help of a few idiot Republicans, who have messed it up. Anyone caught in the country illegally should be deported immediately. Period. Anyone who shows up at the border should not be let in. If they want to apply for asylum, do it outside the U.S. And said asylum should be made tougher, and anyone who qualifies should be able to work and support themselves, learn English, and assimilate.

Hard to tell if that is the actual cost or the rounded up, inflated for local payoffs to immigrant advocacy groups and democratic party politicians cost. 12 Billion seems like such a round number. I recall back when the princely sum of 2 billion for a Southern border wall was considered an astronomical cost that could not be afforded. The president at the time, I forget who, was laughed at when he said it would pay for itself.
We all know that everything that former president said was a lie. And if it wasn’t a lie it was a mistake because he made a lot of mistakes. The president we have now never lied has never lied and never makes a mistake. Being a member of the leftist class does that for a person. Oh, and he’s an expert in everything.
But as you pointed out 12 billion is a round number the actual cost is 113,700 bucks the rounding up as you stated is for democratic operatives bundlers and people who get paid to stuff ballot boxes’ the Democrats are gonna need 92 million votes this time around to steal the election so it’s gonna take a lot more stuffing.
I see where some nut case was killed by police when they attempted to serve a warrant for his arrest per threatening the murder the president. What a genius. He should know anybody that says anything like that’s gonna get whacked. I mean look at what they did to Ashley Babbitt for merely breaking a window. And the guy who murdered her was treated like a hero by the left. He was almost canonized like abortion doctors are.
The Nazis on the left really have a good thing going. While they’re busy murdering and mutilating babies and infants in the name of birth control and sex change they also get the opportunity to kill anybody who disagrees with the ruling Junta. As our nation slowly sinks into a cesspool of Nazis and socialists calling themselves Democrats taking control of everything we should look back and reflect on how lucky we were to have great presidents like Jimmy Carter. At least in Jimmy Carter’s time we knew they were politicians today they’re activists and activists doing their best to help us are dangerous.
Typical Democrat operatives like this guy: