Washington Post Says Maui Fires Not Just Due To Hotcoldwetdry

In other words, they were not your fault

Maui fires not just due to climate change but a ‘compound disaster’

As scientists weigh the influence climate change may have had in fueling Hawaii’s wildfires, there isn’t one standout factor they point to. Rising temperatures likely contributed to the severity of the blaze in several ways. But global warming could not have driven the fires by itself.

Maui is facing a compound disaster, where many different agents acted together to make the fires so horrific. As human influences on the climate and environment grow, the risk of these disasters is escalating.


Hawaii is, on average, two degrees warmer than it was in 1950, according to state climate data. Scientists said that likely provides the strongest connection between humans’ fossil fuel consumption, which emits greenhouse gases that warm the planet, and the likelihood of fires in Hawaii and elsewhere.

It’s a Holocene warm period on islands that are volcanic.

But scientists have also prominently mentioned the role of non-climate influences in the intensity of the firestorm, such as the introduction of highly combustible nonnative plants, as well as weather patterns that happen naturally.

The hell you say!

But some immediate analyses of the winds observed in Hawaii have found (Hurricane) Dora’s presence may have only increased the gusts’ speed by about 5 mph, Masters said. The high pressure — aided by a flow of hot, dry air from the Southwestern U.S. into the Pacific — could have been enough to stir damaging winds on its own.

As for the drought conditions that covered more than a third of Maui County, where the most destructive fires burned, there is no direct sign that they are the product of climate change, said Abby Frazier, an affiliate faculty member at the University of Hawaii now based at Clark University in Massachusetts.

No one even knows what started the fire. That matters not to the cult, but, if you read between the lines, it has nothing to do with the massive amount of fossil fuels used to bring tourists and goods to the island that is thousands of miles away from the mainland.

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5 Responses to “Washington Post Says Maui Fires Not Just Due To Hotcoldwetdry”

  1. wildman says:

    care to place a wager they were set deliberately?

  2. Nolan Parker says:

    Like so many Other fires, probably set by a lefty trying to push the global warming scam.

  3. Jl says:

    “The White House National Climate task force reports global warming mysteriously spikes every year between June and August…”.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      “The Australia National Climate task force reports global warming mysteriously spikes every year between December and February…”.

  4. Jl says:

    “Disaster relief plane flies over Hawaii on way to Ukraine..”

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