Hotcoldwetdry, Natural Disasters, Racial Inequality, Argle Garble

When people ask why I say this is not about science, but, pure cult based politics, I ask if they’ve actually read articles about ‘climate change’. How many actually show the science? How many avoid mentioning actual data? How many do something like this?

Climate Change Worsens Natural Disasters Alongside Racial Inequality

Another summer, another stark reminder of the reality of climate change. Wildfires on Maui caused widespread destruction and the highest death toll in more than 140 years. The southern US buckled under a brutal and historic heat wave. Flash floods inundated Vermont and other northern states. And, hurricane season has only begun, potentially fueled by record high ocean temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico. Nature sends almost daily reminders that climate change is real and that it takes a severe toll on people, their livelihoods and their lives.

“almost daily reminders.” That’s something a cult would say. Oh, and hurricane season started in June. And it is truly despicable that the climate cult is using the deaths of 111 people (and sure to go much higher) to push your unhinged cult beliefs

The burden of climate change and the associated natural disasters that have become more common and more severe is unevenly felt. Black and Latino families, for example, are much more likely to be displaced by natural disasters – hurricanes, floods, fires, tornadoes and other events such as extreme cold or heat — than white families. And, when they have to leave their home, the impact from that displacement is much more severe for Black and Latino families as well as many families of other and multiple races than for white families. There is no doubt that climate change exacerbates existing racial and ethnic inequalities.

Good grief. There we have it, adding racial grievance, race baiting, into the mix. It’s an interesting take, because these race pimps are essentially saying that Blacks and Latinos are unable to take care of themselves, which seems a rather racist point of view, eh? And the screed writer, Christian Weller, is very, very white. But, this is what white Liberals do, create racial strife for their own nefarious purposes, and merge the climate cult with everything. It is purely cult-based politics, not science.

I wonder if the kiddies took fossil fueled trips to high-toned and fancy too-doo Martha’s Vineyard like Kamala last Saturday, fundraising as a tragedy occurred in Hawaii, while Biden was also taking the weekend off at the beach?

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4 Responses to “Hotcoldwetdry, Natural Disasters, Racial Inequality, Argle Garble”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach: race pimps are essentially saying that Blacks and Latinos are unable to take care of themselves

    So the recognition that in American society it’s tougher to be black or latino than white makes one a “race pimp” who are saying minorities are unable to care for themselves.

    It’s true that Blacks and Latinos are much more likely to be poor in America and conservatives blame them for that, so it’s natural cons look the other way when floods, tornados, droughts and hurricanes impact poor Black and Latino families.

    They should have been born rich or worked harder!!!

  2. James Lewis says:

    Dear Elwood:

    Wouldn’t defining what “poor” is need to be done before a claim is made.

    I mean my generation didn’t have air conditioning, TV… food and a whole basket of wonder drugs… and the safety net was far in the future.

    Now, blacks are about 13-14% of the population. Around 11% of blacks are poor that means that around 2% of the total population are poor blacks. How does that compare to whites???? What can we do make 100% of the black population not poor?

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