Your Neighbor’s Fault: Global Boiling May End Ireland’s Fishing Industry

It’s always something with these cultists, and, if you had badgered your neighbor more perhaps they would have stopped using fossil fuels and harassed government officials to enact more taxes and citizen controls

Fears grow that climate change could put an end to fishing in Ireland

When he left school, Darragh McGuinness knew his vocation: to join a fishing crew. But with the Atlantic warming up, the 23-year-old Irishman now fears the job that has sustained his family for generations could disappear.

“It’s a huge problem,” McGuinness said from the cockpit of the Atlantic Challenge, moored in the port of Killybegs in north-west Ireland. “This could put an end to fishing, in Ireland at least”.

The sharp rise in temperatures in the North Atlantic this summer has increased the pressure on a sector already in difficulty.

It has heightened fears of a change in fish migrations, which would push certain species northwards towards colder waters. The blow could be fatal. (snip)

Climate change is having a “dramatic effect” on stocks of white fish, such as cod, which prefer cold waters, adds Sean O’Donoghue, director of the Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation.

He fears it is “a matter of time” before the so-called pelagic fish, such as mackerel, blue whiting and herring, move north: “If the water continues to warm up, we could end up with very few fish”.

Things happen during a Holocene warm period. And then the climate will flip and cool. That’s the nature of the Earth. Did fish only hang at the poles during the hot periods? Were they nowhere else? Things will be fine, people, chill.

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13 Responses to “Your Neighbor’s Fault: Global Boiling May End Ireland’s Fishing Industry”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Irish fishermen will have to adjust. They can learn new trades, for instance, coding.

    As Mr Teach always says, things change during a typical Holocene warm period. For example, didn’t the MWP cause the Irish fishing fleet to change course? What did the Irish fishing fleet do 8000 years ago during the so-called Holocene Climatic Optimum? Did they scuttle their trawlers? Hell no! They waited it out and it inspired them to invent the ‘potato’.

    Anyway, we humans will adjust to the warming Earth as we always have. In fact, this challenge will be GOOD for humanity.

  2. H says:

    Teach always says this is “normal” during a warming period.

    But he never tells the the actual reasons the the temps keep going up.
    In the past scientists have been able to give us an explanation of why the warming happened.
    Teach has never been able to give us an explanation of why he thinks it is warming. But if course denies that it could be caused by green house gasses

    • CarolAnn says:

      But if course denies that it could be caused by green house gasses

      why do you leftists always find it necessary to lie about the beliefs and the motivations of those who disagree with you? Teach does not deny that warming could be caused by greenhouse gases. If you read anything here you know that or else you’re deliberately lying about it. Teach does not think that greenhouse gases are caused primarily by men or that man has a major role in global warming. That’s a big difference.

      In the past scientists have been able to give us an explanation of why the warming happened.

      scientists have not been able to give us an explanation of why warming happened. They have given several theories but no explanations. Everything is a guess. Stop acting as if everything they say is fact. Especially modern scientists who say exactly what the people paying them want them to say. If tomorrow all the schools adopted a cooling policy and started paying professors and scientists to say it was cooling everybody would start saying it’s cooling and you know it.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Some facts:

        Greenhouse gases, e.g., water vapor and CO2, cause warming.
        The increase in CO2 is from burning fossil fuels.
        CO2 absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation.
        CO2 is steadily increasing.
        CO2 has a long effective residence time in the atmosphere. (Cutting CO2 emissions take a while to start reducing CO2).
        The Earth is warming but less steadily than CO2 (there are other inputs into warming than just CO2).

        CarolAnn typed: modern scientists who say exactly what the people paying them want them to say. If tomorrow all the schools adopted a cooling policy and started paying professors and scientists to say it was cooling everybody would start saying it’s cooling and you know it.

        Over a century ago Svante Arrhenius posited that CO2 would cause global warming. George Soros is old but not that old! Did the warmist conspiracy start then?

        Who is currently in charge of the global warming hoax? Rich elites? Commies? Trilateral Commission?

        Trump: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

        William M Gray: “…its purpose was to exercise political influence, to try to introduce world government, and to control people…”

        Climate skeptics suggest the well-publicized consensus is either manufactured or illusory and that some nefarious force — be it the United Nations, liberals, communists, or authoritarians — want to use climate change as a cover for exerting massive new controls over the populace.

        • Jl says:

          “Arrhenius posited that CO2 would cause global warming.” He also thought it to be beneficial: “we may hope to enjoy ages with more equitable and better climates..ages when the earth will bring forth much more abundant crops than at the present, for the benefit of rapidly propagating mankind”.
          “Some facts..” the missing “fact”, of course, is any kind of verifiable cause-effect evidence that man’s emissions are causing the warming. And more importantly, that the alleged effects are causing a crisis. What crisis?

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        CarolAnn: Teach does not think that greenhouse gases are caused primarily by men

        Are you certain that’s what Mr Teach thinks/feels/believes/understands?

        BTW, it’s a fact that the increase in CO2 comes from the burning of fossil fuels.

    • Jl says:

      Poor Johnny-you’ve been shown many time alternate explanations of the warming. Is this another situation of “Trumps trillions in permanent tax cuts for the elites”?

  3. Nolan Parker says:

    A volcano goes off underwater. Puts gazillions of gallons of water into the atmosphere as steam.
    Volcanoes spew CO2. The percentage of greenhouse gas Caused by American people is way down. China, OTOH, is pumping it out.
    Then there is the fact that Earth has More Green Stuff growing on it now than it did the last time Earth was supposed to have been destroyed by the runaway climate . The people who are pointing out a problem and demanding they be given authority to fix it also run the big blue cities. So, NO..

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Terrestrial volcanoes lead to cooling, regardless of any CO2 they “spew”. On the other hand undersea volcanoes can vaporize seawater, and water vapor is a greenhouse gas.

      The increase of atmospheric CO2 originates from fossil fuels.

      On the bright side, the global warming exacerbated wildfires generate gazillions of tons of dense smoke that block sunlight, leading to cooling! Soooo, the Earth is somewhat self-regulating. Global warming leads to more widespread wildfires which in turn reduce global warming!! On the other hand, burning the forests reduces the CO2 absorbing capacity of trees and rapidly converts the complex carbohydrates stored in trees as CO2.

  4. JimS says:

    I’m reminded of Reagan’s comment on Democrats… It’s not that AGW believers are ignorant, it’s that so much that they know ain’t so.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      I’m reminded of Reagan’s comment on Democrats…

      It’s not that nuCons are ignorant, it’s that so much that they “know” just ain’t so.

  5. Jl says:

    “Global warming exacerbated wildfires..” Have any evidence of that? I do.

  6. […] All is work calling out the Climate Cult- Here are some examples Teach does not suffer the Climate Panic Porn, no matter how ridiculous it is And it gets […]

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