Global Boiling Could Make Tropical Storms In California More Likely Or Something

So, of course with Hurricane Hilary hitting California you had to know the Cult Of Climastrology would do their thing

Tropical storms are rare in Southern California, but climate change may make them more frequent

Last year, the remnants of Hurricane Kay brought flooding rains to San Diego and left more than 90 dead, many of whom died at sea. But the last time a tropical storm actually made landfall in California was 1939.

Tropical systems are so rare in Southern California because a cold ocean current acts sort of like a shield, weakening storms as they approach. But, as the Pacific Ocean is warming — along with all of our oceans from the effects of human-caused climate change — that protection is weakening.

That’s why, for the first time this season, the National Weather Service in Los Angeles and San Diego will have the ability to issue alerts for tropical storms and hurricanes.

On Friday, the first-ever Tropical Storm Watch was issued for Southern California. (snip)

Another thing scientists know for sure is that as long as we keep burning fossil fuels, we can expect hurricanes everywhere to cause a lot more flooding.

In fact, there is a long history of tropical storms hitting California, usually the remnants, going all the way back to 1854. Prior to that, there weren’t many people in California to keep track of those kinds of things. These things happen, and warmer water, especially in an El Nino year, is nothing unusual during a typical Holocene warm period. However, I suggest that the government in the People’s Republik Of California immediately ban all fossil fueled vehicles, forcing owners to sell them. Hey, that would do wonders with bringing down the cost of used cars across the US, right? Or, if the PRC wants to go full Warmist, require that they be destroyed to Save The Planet

How climate scientists feel about seeing their dire predictions come true

You are correct. It is, in fact, extremely unusual to be on hurricane watch in Southern California.

If Hurricane Hilary continues on the trajectory forecasters are currently predicting, it will be the first tropical storm to make landfall in California since 1939, and only the second one to do so since the 19th century.

If this seems like a worrying development to you, one in a string of recent climate-related disasters that seem to portend the arrival of a deeply unpleasant future, you are right about that as well.

And the people who have spent careers thinking about climate change and its likely consequences, who have read the papers and reviewed the models and warned about these potential catastrophes for years — they’re worried too.

Except, none of them made a prediction of hurricanes hitting the PRC with regularity. Hawaii has long been fire prone, especially when people do something stupid and start a fire. Same with the wildfires in Canada, most of which are thought to be caused by people being stupid. Or intentionally starting them. But, the LA Times, through it’s scaremongering interviews, is counting on the overly-broad prognostications with timeframes out 50-100 years, so, if they get one sorta right, Victory!

Oh, and if the Atlantic hurricane season turns out mild, even though they are prognosticating a higher than average season now, after saying it would be an average season, the climate cult will blame that on you.

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