Strange: Queens Residents Are Upset Over Putting A Bunch Of Illegals In The Neighborhood

Why are they upset? This is what they consistently vote for, unfettered illegal immigration. Why are they not opening their own doors?

EXCLUSIVE: Migrants Transferred from Bronx Hotel to Queens Village Tents — Locals Protest Move

Migrant asylum seekers staying at a Bronx hotel in New York City were promptly evicted on Thursday and taken to a soft-sided shelter in Queens Village, according to one of those moved. Despite recent protests by local residents concerned about the arrival of an expected 1,000 single adult migrants, the transfers from the Bronx hotel began Thursday afternoon. Migrants were bused in, taken to an intake room, and processed into the facility by New York City homeless shelter staff members.

The shelter, near the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens, has been the site of protests carried out by residents near the shelter who are unhappy with the expected arrival of up to 1,000 single adult migrants being transferred from New York City hotels. According to Mayor Eric Adams, single adult migrants are moving from the hotels to make way for migrant family units. Breitbart Texas received photographs of the migrant transfer process from a Venezuelan migrant formerly residing at the Bronx hotel.

The government of the Sanctuary City of New York was nice enough to provide a letter to the illegals telling them they’re being shipped out. Interestingly

If you cannot move to Queens, and you have an alternative place to go, or if you wish to return to your country of origin, we beg that you notify us as soon as possible. We will do everything possible to help you during this transition.

Go home? How about just telling them to stay home? Oh, and the Democrat for NY’s 4th District, Gregory Meeks, won 75.1 to Paul King (R) at 24.8, so, yeah, most of those people complaining voted Democrat.

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22 Responses to “Strange: Queens Residents Are Upset Over Putting A Bunch Of Illegals In The Neighborhood”

  1. Dana says:


    Might I suggest that St Louis would be a more inviting place for the illegals?

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      By all means! The St. Louis area took in some 70,000 Bosnian refugees, to the benefit of all. Midwestern hospitality!

      Point of order. Do either Mr Teach or Mr Dana know how many of the current migrants are in the US of A, illegally or are just being lazy and slurring all? Thought so. Perhaps you guys need to come up with a more descriptive slur. I have suggestions. Miggers from Mexico. Viggers from Venezuela. Giggers from Guatemala. Piggers from Panama.

      Perhaps migrants should be sent to Lexington – but which of the literally dozens of towns named Lexington would they go? Lexington MO, Lexington IN, Lexington OH, Lexington VA, Lexington TN, Lexington IL etc? Anyway, Fayette County KY voted overwhelmingly for President Biden, so they’d likely welcome migrants. Would Mr Dana lead the protests?

      • James Lewis says:

        Dear Elwood:

        Please tell us the benefits that thousands of illegal unvetted aliens bring to any place?

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:


          Are “thousands of illegal unvetted aliens” showing up at places? Most of the those bussed illegally around the US are legal asylum seekers. You might want to read up on the process. Alternatively, lobby your congresspersons to change the US laws on asylum seekers.

          But you may be on to something. Ask the Native Americans, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans what benefits they derived from “thousands of illegal unvetted aliens”. Sure, sure the pilgrims arriving on the East coast of NA were seeking religious asylum, and in many cases Native Americans welcomed them.

          Most of us here are descendants of “illegal unvetted aliens”. Many of our Black brothers and sisters are descendants of aliens brought here against their will.

          • Dana says:

            Our mistaken Missourian wrote:

            Most of us here are descendants of “illegal unvetted aliens”.

            Actually, we are descendants of conquerors!

      • Rich Collins says:

        Perhaps the illegal invaders should be sent to Devil’s Island. No that would unfair to swamp critterrs. Far better to send them to the hell holes Lefturds create. They are sanctuaries as they have endless bellowed atr the civilized world. So send them to their lairs, Jackson Hole, Martha’s Vineyard, Nassau County, DC, Chicago, NY and above all California, Oregon, and Washington. These areas are in need of the skills these brave new Marxists have. In their own countries they were leeches when not aspiring to drug mule, gang banger or plan old Marxist.

        America would be much better off if our own Antifa?BLM idiots were replaced with a new strain of Marxism.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      St. Louis MO brought in a boatload of Bosnians or something. So now they’re homicide rate and crime rate have climbed up into the stratosphere like that of other major cities. Nothing like bringing in more trouble when your city is already a shithole.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Stay in your Florida shithole, please. We don’t need any more of your kind here.

      • Dana says:

        To be fair, most of the criminals and killers in St Louis are not the Bosnians, but natural born American citizens

      • Jane says:

        Stay in your welfare HQ. Since you’ve left your parent’s basement property values have soared. Indeed no one wants your kind anywhere near them unless you are a groomer.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach: most of those people complaining voted Democrat

    Mr Teach doesn’t know that. Queens, NY has a population of 2.2 million. How many protesters showed up?

    Over 200,000 Queens residents voted for Donald J Trump in 2020!

    • Dana says:

      So, there really are over 200,000, 212,665 to be precise people, in Queens who are smart people! Alas! there were 569,038 utter idiots in Queens who voted for the dummkopf from Delaware.

      • Jane says:

        Stay in your welfare HQ. Since you’ve left your parent’s basement property values have soared. Indeed no one wants your kind anywhere near them unless you are a groomer.

  3. Professor Hale says:

    Democrats always want their virtues paid for by other people.

  4. Kye says:

    I love migrants, legal illegal from 8 to 80 blind crippled or crazy I love them all. My company just signed a $48 million contract with the federal government to house and provide utilities for them.

    In 2022 I cleared over $12 million from the federal government housing illegals and migrants. This year I expected to do between 36 and 42 million. So I love the federal government being run by a nut case like Biden he’s making me and my partners very very rich.

    The left has as usual are making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Seems to be their modus operandi. The good news is one of my partners is an ex leftist so he knew all the tricks so now we conservatives are even making money thank you very much.

  5. James Lewis says:

    Do Elwood:

    You have no information as to the numbers of supposed asylum seekers and the other illegals.

    So knock off the BS.

    “. Ask the Native Americans, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans what benefits they derived from “thousands of illegal unvetted aliens”.

    Well, for starters they were no longer dinner for each other and the old ripping the hearts out sacrifices ended.

    The so-called Native Americans came across the Siberia-Alaska land bridge and filtered down and across the continents. Among the things they are noted for is human sacrifice, slavery and cannibalism. Their societies/cultures ranged from hunter gather tribes in the north to feudal kings and peasants groupings in the central and south.

    Everything was cool until the southern Europeans arrived. The southern Europeans were aggressive, had better weapons, including germs that the NA’s had never been around before. The result was conquest, settlement and a feudal society based on what they had in southern Europe resulting in land owners with peasants huddled around the Catholic Church. But the NA’s were better off. No cannibalism and no human sacrifice.

    Basically, nothing has changed to the south. They have gone from weekly revolutions to establishment of failed socialism experiments…Venezuela doesn’t have toilet paper or antibiotics and Honduras is the murder capital of the world. Their exports are bananas and people…..who have flooded into America to the tune of 20 million or so. When called out they riot and fly Mexico’s flag and demand the right to vote. They seem determined to establish what they, or their parents, fled from. Poverty, chaos, crime and dictatorship.

    Later the northern Europeans arrived to the north. They were no better to the NA’s than their peers to the south. But they did have one thing the southern Europeans didn’t have. Budding democracy. They had the Magna Carta. The powers of kings were finite and the people were to have a voice.
    “We the people….” Became real.

    None of this is pretty. The NA’s lost. What the Europeans found were people who couldn’t, or wouldn’t, defend the land that they had taken from the previous owners.

    We now find ourselves on the same page that was the Aztec’s. Do we want to defend and hold this land, this civilization, or do we want to surrender to the flood of people from the south and the flood of Muslims Obama and Hillary imported from the east?

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Do Lewis:

    You have no information as to the numbers of asylum seekers.

    So knock off the BS.

  7. James Lewis says:

    Dear Elwood:

    “Most of the those bussed illegally around the US are legal asylum seekers.”

    It’s your claim. Own it.

    And you don’t know jack.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      It’s against the law to transport undocumented aliens. Are you telling us that Governors Abbott and DeeSantis are illegally trafficking undocumented aliens around the US? Holy cow!!

      Teach and his minions (like you) insist on calling these people “illegals”.

      You might want to read up on the process of seeking asylum and refugees. If they show up at the border or are in the US and submit themselves to authorities, they are not “illegals”.

      Now, kiss my ass.

      • CarolAnn says:

        You might want to read up on the process of seeking asylum and refugees.

        no, it’s you needs to read up on the process of seeking asylum. The laws have been on the books for years unless as usual you’re changing the definitions because you’ve found you can’t live within the original definitions. You know like you did with vaccines and stuff.

        By your definition anybody that crosses the border and says good morning to a cop it’s not an illegal. You’re making stuff up again.

        And if it’s against the law to transport illegal aliens then all Abbott DeSantis are doing is continuing the fake pres. biden’s illegal transportation. It’s like getting a transfer on a bus.

        You left us constantly lie and obfuscate about everything because you can’t admit you’re wrong ever. That’s a sign of character weakness.

  8. Jl says:

    Good one-“Ask Native Americans…what benefits they derived from thousands of illegal unvetted aliens”. Yes, if you’re going to view it that way, look at the damage done by “illegal Europeans” invading the new world. Unwanted invasions are always bad….

    • James Lewis says:

      Dear J:

      Bad for who?

      Was the invasion of Europe by the Allies in ’44 bad for the Nazis? Yes. For the Jews? No.

      Was the invasion of the Confederacy bad for the slave owners? Yes. For the slaves? No.

      Was the invasion of the “New World” by the Spaniards bad for the Aztecs et al? Yes. For the common Aztec? No.

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