Who’s Up For Eating Jellyfish Due To Global Boiling?

There’s an old Washington Post article from back during the mid-George W. Bush years, during the rise of the Blogosphere, where they interviewed a bunch of hard-left with Bush Derangement Syndrome, and one was talking about how she got up, cracked a non-alcoholic beer, lit a smoke, and thought about what hatred she would spew at BushCo. This is similar to the climate cult, where they apparently look for ways to link anything and everything to ‘climate change’ then doom-monger it

Out With Shrimp, In With Jellyfish? Seafood Industry Facing Potential Overhaul Due To Climate Change

Record-breaking ocean warming, shifting currents and continued development in coastal communities are all contributing to a changing planet and concerning climate patterns that stand to dramatically impact the world’s seafood supply and could deliver a $10 billion hit to fisheries annually by 2050.

A steady rise in ocean temperatures over the last year has outpaced the decades-long average warming of the oceans, according to the Washington Post, and average global ocean temperatures in June were almost a full degree Celsius above the average recorded from 1982 to 2011—delivering a major blow to the habitats of the world’s most commonly consumed seafood species. (it’s a very weirdly written piece, if you click the link, so, snipping way down to the last paragraph)

Not all creatures are negatively impacted by warming waters. Biologists and fishers say squid, or calamari, are not only quickly evolving to survive the changing ocean temperatures—they’re thriving. A Current Biology study says the population of cephalopods, which also includes octopus, have increased globally over the last six decades. Another study, published in the Journal of Marine and Coastal Fisheries, says the population along the Pacific coast multiplied by as much as 39 times between 1998 and 2019, and Oregon has a squid fishing industry for the first time as the animals move further north. The downside? The squid most commonly eaten by humans, including longfin squid and Humboldt squid, are major predators of shrimp and have led to the collapse of some shrimp populations, particularly during extreme heat waves. Jellyfish also thrive in warm waters, according to Science Friday, suggesting jellyfish-based dishes most common in China and Vietnam now could be seen as a more sustainable seafood option. The Vietnamese eat a traditional salad called G?i s?a with jellyfish, onions and fried rice, and a similar cold salad is popular in China’s northeastern provinces.

So, I guess Warmists should save the planet and start eating jellyfish, right?

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15 Responses to “Who’s Up For Eating Jellyfish Due To Global Boiling?”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    It’s highly unlikely that anything we do today will change the outlook for 2050*. Like most human activities the seafood industry will have to adjust to global warming. Yes, adjusting to global warming will cost trillions, but that’s the decision the elites have made.

    * Actions we start today to limit global warming may not help in 2050 but will help a great deal for 2100. We, our kids and many of our grandkids will be gone by then. But their kids will have to deal with the global warming that we are calling a hoax.

  2. Jl says:

    Sorry J, no one is calling warming a hoax, it’s the cause, how much, and more Important the alleged effects. The alleged effects that are always pushed further into the future and the myriad of effects that haven’t come true. A main part of the hoax is believing wind anf solar can meet all our energy needs.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      LOL. “The alleged effects” are here now or haven’t you been paying attention? Migration of fauna including bacteria. Redistribution of flora. Droughts, floods, Texas freezes, wildfires, SoCal tropical storms…

      What changed your mind about warming? You used to deny it was even warming.

      • James Lewis says:

        Dear Elwood:

        “SoCal tropical storms…”

        You are truly dumber than dirt and a dedicated Leftie. 😉

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:


          You are a dedicated dick!

          Do you deny that a tropical storm making it’s way into Southern CA is unusual? Like a hurricane hitting New Jersey! A deep freeze in southern Texas!

          • James Lewis says:

            Dear Elwood:

            Unusual as compared to what?

            How many in how many years?

            And is that unusual?

            You’re just being the typical Leftie.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Yummmm… I’ll have a peanut butter and jellyfish sammich!!

    • JimS says:

      OMG…. I was just thinking the same. Now I’m questioning my sanity. 🙂

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        You should check your politics. Except for Jeff Foxworthy, Jerry Clower and Ron White conservatives have little sense of humor.

        • JimS says:

          Gotta disagree…. Greg Gutfeld, Tyrus even Cat Timpf are conservative (more or less) and hilarious. Steven Crowder… Dennis Miller… Norm McDonald…

        • James Lewis says:

          Dear Elwood:

          Your knowledge of current events is outstanding.

          Jerry Clower died 25 years ago tomorrow.

          • drowningpuppies says:


          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Why are you such a dick?

            What is the relevance of Jerry Clower’s death? Are you that desperate?

            “The first football game I saw, I played in.”

            “Knock ‘im out John!” “Just shoot up here among us! One of us has got to have some relief!”

            “Boogity, boogity, boogity! That monkey thumbcocked that pistol and shot ol’ June graveyard dead.”

            Uncle Versey Ledbetter, Ardel, Burnel, Raynel, Odel, Newgene, Clovis, Marcel.

            I was listening to Jerry Clower when I was in HS the 60s. Has his stuff gotten less funny since he died??

            What bit did you find best?

  4. Jl says:

    No,J- never denied warming. How much and why-yes. Sorry, all those things you listed have happened before with much less CO2. and none are out of the ordinary. Other than that, spot on…
    It really isn’t that hard for cult members to look up past weather events and see for them selves…

  5. Crotalus says:

    Elwood, tropical storms have happened in SoCal before, back in the 1930’s, and in the ‘60s. I’m sure New Jersey felt the Labor Day Hurricane of ‘38, though Long Island took the brunt of that one. (I won’t bring up Sandy, as it’s recent enough to be brought into this hoax.

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